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T. O. M.
Microfilm Reel 274
reel BM-47)
Table of
TOM reel 274 consists of Bureau of Mines English
translations T-361 to T-459 (translations T-404 and T-444 are omitted). Also
included are Sinclair Refining Company translations S-1 to S-121. TOM reel
references showing where the document appear in the original German are given
wherever possible.
Hydrogenation (coal liquefaction), Low Temperature
Carbonization, and related processes.
Briquette Binder from hydrogenation residue. By Dr. Bahr. Ludwigshafen,
November 9, 1942 (see also BOM translations T-360 and T-330). Frames 926-937.
12 pages.
Preheater outlet temperatures (report to Scholven, Gelsenkirchen - Buer).
Ludwigshafen, May 20, 1941. Frames 938-939. 2 pages.
Aromatization of bituminous coal liquefaction middle oil, its acid constituents
and the residual oil over alumina-terrana catalyst type 8688. By Trofimow.
Ludwigshafen, March 4, 1943. Frames 940-942. 3 pages.
Production of phenols from low
temperature carbonization tars. Conference in Ludwigshafen, February 5, 1943
(from TOM reel 162, frames 427-430). By Rank. February 8, 1943. Frames
943-945. 3 pages.
Liquid phase (coal hydrogenation)
operating difficulties at Rheinbraun, 1942. By Becker. Ludwigshafen, June 5,
1942. Frames 946-948. 3 pages.
Comparison of pitches and asphalts. By
Schiffmann. Ludwigshafen. November 6, 1942. Frame 949. 1 page.
700 or 300 atmosphere in the vapor phase
at Gladbeck. By Dr. Urban. Buer-Scholven. February 26, 1942. Frames
950-953. 4 pages.
Vapor pressure and pentane content for
mixtures of light and aromatic gasolines. By Donath and Hirschberger.
Ludwigshafen, January 31, 1941. Frames 954-956. 3 pages.
Physical properties of Wolfram sufide,
WS2. Ludwigshafen, April 12, 1943 (see also BOM translations T-359
and T-236). Frames 957-958. 2 pages.
Aromatics-naphthene equilibrium. By Dr.
Peters. Ludwigshafen, May 22, 1943. Frames 959-962. 4 pages.
Screen analyses of coal and coal paste. Ludwigshafen, February 1, 1943 (letter
to Gelsenberg Benzin, A. G.). Frame 963. 1 page.
Comparative production of aviation
gasoline and fuel oil by hydrogenation and by low temperature carbonization and
hydrogenation. Ludwigshafen, November 18, 1941 (see also BOM translations
T-156). Frames 964-965. 2 pages.
Corrosion by cold catch pot products of
bituminous coal hydrogenation. Leuna, October 14, 1941. Frame 966. 1 page.
Comparison of hydrogenation and cracking
gasolines from petroleum middle oils. Luwidshafen, April 23, 1942. Frames
967-976. 10 pages.
Pressure distillation experiments (state
of research in 1942). By Rank and Orth. Ludwigshafen, January 6, 1942. Frame
977. 1 page.
Discussion of knock limit curves according to the injection process with divided
injection. By Fromherz and Von Muffling. Ludwigshafen, April 7, 1941 (from Dr.
Pier’s files marked “Geheim”). (See also BOM translations T-377 and T-378).
Frames 978-979. 2 pages.
Using aromatic high test fuels in place of B4. Ludwigshafen, January 19, 1942
(see also BOM translations T-376 and T-378). Frames 980-981. 2 pages.
Comparison of isopropylbenzol with other mixture components, particularly
triptane, for high test fuel mixtures. By Dr. Bahr. Ludwigshafen, June 28,
1944 (from Dr. Pier’s private files marked “Geheim”). (See also BOM
translations T-376 and T-377). Frames 982-983. 2 pages.
Experiments for improving paraffin production in Zeitz. Ludwigshafen, November
9, 1942. Frames 984-986. 3 pages.
Comparative costs of CV2b and DHD. Ludwigshafen, December 10, 1941, and January
19, 1942. Frames 987-991. 5 pages.
Results of hydrogenation of upper Silesian coal samples in a revolving
autoclave. By Grasse. Ludwigshafen, March 2, 1942. Frames 992-993. 2 pages.
Experiments with fewer plates in the Laval centrifuge. By Ruschmann. Scholven,
April 5, 1941. Frames 994-996. 3 pages.
Hydrogenation and low temperature carbonization properties of Ruhr coals. By Gieg. Ludwigshafen, March 12, 1942. Frames 997-998. 2 pages.
Benzination of B-products from hydrogenation works. By Gunther. Ludwigshafen,
June 20, 1944. Frames 999-1009. 11 pages.
Synthetic fuel mixtures as standard fuel for overload motor tests. By Fromherz,
Ludwigshafen, February 18, 1942 and April 10, 1943. Frames 1010-1018. 9 pages.
Gas hydrates in circulating lines. By Nonnenmacher, Ludwigshafen, June 20,
1942. Frames 1019-1025. 7 pages.
Hydrogenation of bituminous coal to aviation gasoline with hydrogenation of the
tar obtained. Ludwigshafen, May 10, 1943. Frames 1026-1039. 14 pages.
Quality of gasoline from various raw materials. Ludwigshafen, November 14,
1939. Frames 1040-1043. 4 pages.
Problems in the field of macromolecular
chemistry. Report on a lecture by Prof. Staudinger, Freiburg 1, Br., on
February 28, 1941. Signed by Henkel. From Dr. Pier’s private files. Frames
1044-1045. 2 pages.
Equilibrium during reduction of NH4HSO4 or CaSO4
under hydrogenation conditions in the liquid phase converter. By Muffling.
High pressure experimental laboratory, Lu 558, November 17, 1942. Dr. Pier’s
files. Frames 1046-1047. 2 pages.
Theory of formation of higher hydrocarbons from methane in the presence of
sulfur or sulfur compounds. By Reitz. High pressure studies, P/Lu 558. April
2, 1941. From Dr. Pier’s private files. Frames 1048-1052. 5 pages.
Summary of measuring and regulating instruments in hydrogenation, DHD and the
methanol synthesis. Ludwigshafen, February 17, 1943. From Dr. Pier’s files.
Frames 1053-1056. 4 pages.
Chemical-physical conception of overload properties of fuels (from a lecture by
Dr. H. Fromherz at DVL). Ludwigshafen, July 8, 1941. From Dr. Pier’s files.
Frames 1057-1061. 5 pages.
DHD Gasoline quality and yield. By Donath. Ludwigshafen, February 18, 1942.
Frames 1062-1065. 4 pages.
Industrial development of the DHD process. A. Large apparatus and DHD plant.
By Simon. January 6, 1942. B. Present position. By Simon. Ludwigshafen,
July 14, 1942. C. Further development of the DHD process. By Locker.
Ludwigshafen, October 28, 1942. Frames 1066-1074. 9 pages.
Processing DHD residues. By Pier and Simon. Ludwigshafen, December 21, 1943.
Letter to Dr. Kranepuhl of the Reichsamt for Industrial Expansion. Frames
1075-1076. 2 pages.
Chemistry of the asphalts (review of literature). By Henkels. Lu 558.
November 6, 1942. From Dr. Pier’s files. Frame 1077-1084. 8 pages.
Abstract on operating procedure for the characterization and decomposition of
asphalts. By Suida and Motz, Petroleum, volume 35, number 30, 1939, with
information of the methods used in Leuna. By Lemme. Lu 558, July 8, 1942.
Originally from TOM reel 163, frames 94-100. Frames 1085-1091. 7 pages.
Gasification and related processes
Powdered fuel gasification installation at Zeitz. By Linder. Essen, December
19, 1941. Originally from TOM reel 43, frames 237-240. Frames 1092-1094. 3
The Winkler method of gasification. Bamag-Meguin Aktiengesellschaft.
Originally from TOM reel 118, pp. 181-195. Frames 1095-1100. 6 pages.
Operation balance of the Koppers powdered coal producers. Essen, June 4, 1945.
From TOM reel 188, Item 36U, frames 20951-20960. Frames 1101-1112. 12 pages,
poor quality, very light.
Thyssen-Gallocsy (T.-G.) process. Applying oxygen for total gasification of
solid fuel or reduction of ore in a blast furnace. Thyssensche Gas- und
Wasserwerke G.m.b.H., Duisburg-Hamborn, May 1945. From TOM reel 65, Target
30/opportunity, Bag 1481A, frames 1-4. Frames 1113-1115. 3 pages.
Direction for assembling and issuing “spot” outfits and “spot” acids. Gelsenkirchen-Horst, September 28, 1938. From TOM reel 6, item 1. Frames
1116-1117. 2 pages.
Powdered coal gasification plant, Brabag-Zeitz. Essen, March 24, 1942. A
condensation. From TOM reel 43, frames 227. Frames 1118. 1 page.
Pulverized fuel gasification installation for Brabag-Zeitz (abstract). Essen,
February 24, 1942. From TOM reel 43, frames 228-231. Frame 1119. 1 page.
Powdered coal gasification, Brabag-Schwarzheide. Essen, April 13, 1942. From
TOM reel 32, Target 30/6.12, Bag 2719, item 2, frames 215-218. Frames
1120-1122. 3 pages.
Discussion in Ruhland on the gasification of powdered coal for the production of
industrial gas and of synthesis gas. Essen, May 17, 1943. From TOM reel 43,
target 30/6.12, Bag 2719, item 1, frames 210-214. Frames 1123-1125. 3 pages.
Power requirements of decomposition of air (Linde-Frankl). Leuna Werke,
February 2, 1944. TOM reel 117, V 14. Frames 1126-1129. 4 pages.
Dust removal. By Dr. Geister, December 12, 1936. TOM reel 132, item 1. Frames
1130-1138. 9 pages, a few very light, nearly illegible.
Removal of carbon dioxide by refrigeration. Linde Eismaschinen A. G., Division
of Liquefaction of Gases, Hollriegelskreuth near Munich, September 9, 1936.
From TOM reel 44, frames 1140-1142. Frames 1139-1140. 2 pages.
Elimination of carbon dioxide by low temperature cooling. Linde Eismaschinen A.
G., Division of Liquefaction of Gases, Hollriegelskreuth, July 22, 1936. From
TOM reel 44, frames 1143-1146. Frames 1141-1143. 3 pages.
(Fischer-Tropsch) Synthesis and related processes
Calculation of the theoretical yield from analyses of synthesis and residual
gas. Ruhrbenzin A. G. From TOM reel 44, frames 1085-1089. Frames 1144-1150.
7 pages.
General problems of synthesis. Meeting at the Schaffgotsch Benzin G.m.b.H, May
15-17, 1941. From TOM reel 44, frames 1099-1101. Frames 1151-1152. 2 pages.
Connecting the (medium) pressure and low pressure syntheses in series based on
65,000 m3 water gas. Holten, December 14, 1941. Appendix 1.
Connecting the medium and the low pressure syntheses in series, on a basis of
60,000 m3 water gas. Holten, May 3, 1941. Appendix II. Connecting
the medium pressure and the low pressure synthesis in series. 65,600 m3
water gas intake. From TOM reel 44, frames 1116-1126. Frames 1153-1164. 12
Preparation of catalyst 6434. By Burian. May 24, 1943. From Dr. Pier’s
private files. Frames 1165-1166. 2 pages.
Carbon Monoxide-Hydrogen Synthesis. Discussion in Berlin, July 1, 1941.
Reports by research directors include: Gas circulation and the foam process. By
Dr. Michael, Leuna; Oil circulation process. By Dr. Duftschmidt, Oppau;
Paraffin synthesis. By Dr. Scheuermann, Ammonia Laboratory, Oppau; Paraffin
and synol synthesis. By Dr. Wenzel, Merseburg. From Dr. Pier’s files. Frames
1167-1179. 13 pages, one fairly light and illegible.
Synthesis operations in Schwarzheide – report of plant trip and discussion. By
Dr. Feisst (Ruhrchemie A. G.). March 23, 1944. From TOM reel 44, Bag 3440,
item 18. Frames 1180-1191. 12 pages.
Energy input into the synthesis (May 1944). Ruhrchemie A. G., Oberhausen-Holten,
June 22, 1944. From TOM reel 43, item 89, frames 4-15. Frames 1192-1204. 13
Calculations of gas utilization and the course of synthesis during the
hydrogenation of carbon monoxide. By Otto Roelen. Ruhrchemie A. G.,
Oberhausen-Holten, July 1944. From TOM reel 49, frames 470-523. Frames
1205-1270. 66 pages.
Calculations of yields in the modern start of the synthesis of higher
hydrocarbons. August 1944. Calculation of yields using the chemically combined
oxygen as such. August, 1944. Both by Roelen. Ruhrchemie A. G.,
Oberhausen-Holten. From TOM reel 49, frames 524-532. Frames 1271-1282. 12
Vacuum or pressure recorder. June 10, 1942. Ruhrchemie A. G.,
Oberhausen-Holten. From TOM reel 50, frames 353-354. Frames 1283-1285. 3
Brief report of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Investigations of Coal, Mulheim-Ruhr,
in the field of middle pressure synthesis with iron catalysts. By Prof.
Fischer. July 13, 1943. From TOM reel 49, frames 533-540. Frames 1286-1293.
8 pages.
Middle pressure synthesis with iron catalysts. Report on the work of the middle
pressure synthesis. By H. Pichler, Kaiser Wilhelm Institut fur Kohlenforschung,
Mulheim, Ruhr. June 1940. From TOM reel 49, frames 541-662. See also
translation of this report from TOM reel 101, PG-21-559-NID, which appears on
TOM reel 144. Frames 1294-1391. 98 pages – many extremely light, basically
illegible. Reel 144 translation is much better.
Hydrogenation (coal liquefaction) processes
Influencing the rate of filtration of bituminous hydrogenation products. By
Pfirrman, with Dr. Lemme. High pressure experimental laboratory, Lu 558. July
5, 1941. From Dr. Pier’s files. Frames 1392-1397. 6 pages.
Paste heat exchangers. I. G. Farbenindustrie, Ludwigshafen. July 30, 1943.
From Dr. Pier’s files. Frames 1398-1401. 4 pages.
Comparative tests of samples of coal
HOLD produced at different works. Samples taken middle of January, 1942.
Study of hot letdown oils and benzol-containing filtrates of HOLD for their
asphalt contents. From Dr. Pier’s private files. Frames 1402-1403 2 pages
Preparation of slightly hydrogenated coal (addition to the table on experiments
for preparation of slightly hydrogenated coal, April 21, 1943, no. 213, 811).
By Rank. High pressure experimental laboratory, Lu 558. May 3, 1943. From Dr.
Pier’s files.Frames 1404 -1412 9 pages.
New method for the manufacture of high pressure hollow vessels (from the report
of meeting in Leuna, April 12, 1940). By Schierenbeck. From TOM reel 54,
target 30/4.17, bag 3413, item 4. Frames 1413-1424. 12 pages.
Estimation of the costs of aviation gasoline (type O.Z. 87) from Upper Silesian
bituminous coal. Politz, October 4, 1941. From Dr. Pier’s files. Frames
1425-1436. 12 pages. Pretty light but mainly legible.
(Fischer-Tropsch) Synthesis processes
Principal data on the foaming (slurry phase) process for the hydrocarbon
synthesis. By Michael. High pressure experimental laboratory, Ludwigshafen
558. February 27, 1943. From Dr. Pier’s files. Frames 1437-1438. 2 pages.
Difficulties encountered in the foaming (slurry phase) method of synthesis of
hydrocarbons, and their overcoming. By Michael and Ehrmann. High pressure
experimental laboratory, Ludwigshafen 558, February 18, 1943. From Dr. Pier’s
files. Frames 1439-1445. 7 pages.
Synthesis in the liquid (slurry) phase. By Goring, high pressure experimental
laboratory, Ludwigshafen 558. March 11, 1943. From Dr. Pier’s files. Frames
1446-1452. 7 pages.
Experience with the synthesis reactor stall 506 (discussion of gas circulation
versus foaming – slurry - process). By Dr. Michael, high pressure experimental
laboratory, Lu 558. June 28, 1941. From Dr. Pier’s files. Frames 1453-1457.
5 pages.
gas circulation of foaming reactors best suited for the synol method ? By Dr.
Michael, high pressure experimental laboratory, Lu 558. June 29, 1941. From
Dr. Pier’s files. Frames 1458-1460. 3 pages.
Comparison of the products of vapor phase and foam (slurry) phase synthesis at
different temperatures. High pressure experimental laboratory, Lu 558. August
27, 1941. From Dr. Pier’s files. Frames 1461-1473. 13 pages.
Hydrocarbon synthesis with iron catalysts. By Wietzel. I. G. Farbenindustrie,
Ludwigshafen. Junly 28, 1941. From Dr. Pier’s files. Frames 1474-1477. 4
The deposition of the finely divided catalyst on the reactor wall in the foam
process (hydrocarbon synthesis). By Michael and Ehrmann. High pressure
experimental laboratory, Leuna. January 5, 1944. From Dr. Pier’s files.
Frames 1478-1492. 15 pages, several extremely light, basically illegible.
The present stand of the synthetic oil experiments (foam/slurry process). By
Dr. Michael. High pressure experimental laboratory, Ludwigshafen 558. January
6, 1942. From Dr. Pier’s files. Frames 1493-1498. 6 pages.
Hydrogenation (coal liquefaction) and DHD Gasoline processes
Comparative cost estimate of motor gasoline, L gasoline (aviation gasoline), and
–170oC gasoline cut as starting gasoline for DHD. High pressure
experimental laboratory. Ludwigshafen 558. October 28, 1941. Frames
1499-1505. 7 pages, fairly poor (but legible) quality.
Production costs of DHD gasoline. By Huhn and Schunck. Leuna Works. September
18, 1941. From Dr. M. Pier’s files. Frames 1506-1507. 2 pages, second
Comparison of installation costs, iron requirements and quality of finished
products from coal and tart. By Hubner, Oettinger, and Becker. High pressure
experimental laboratory, Lu 558. November 15, 1941. From Dr. Pier’s files.
Frames 1508-1510. 3 pages.
Estimation of costs: Politz-DHD, October 23, 1941. Appendix I. Comparison of
Oppau and Politz calculations. November 5, 1941. Appendix II. DHD
calculations starting with gasoline from mineral oil. From Dr. Pier’s files.
Frames 1511-1581. 8 pages.
Abridged operating journal, Wesseling hydrogenation works, from March 1942 to
July 1944. From TOM reel 57, frames 00681-00771. Frames 1519-1542. 23 pages,
shaky but generally legible.
Economic data on hydrogenation. May 18, 1948. Frames 1542-1546. 5 pages.
Iron for repairs in hydrogenation plants. By von Hochstetter. January 1944.
High pressure experimental laboratory. Ludwigshafen. Frames 1547-1550. 4
Economy of bituminous coal hydrogenation. By von Hochstetter. May 11, 1944.
High pressure experimental laboratory. Ludwigshafen 1. Frames 1551-1553. 3
German patent 746,747. Water gas producer of H. Koppers. By A. Weissenborn.
August 21, 1944. From TOM reel 67, frames 1124-1125. Frames 1554-1557. 4
(Fischer-Tropsch) and Synol Syntheses
Two short papers on Dr. Duftschmidt’s oil circulation process. I. Discussion of
carbon monoxide-hydrogen synthesis in Berlin, July 1, 1941. From TOM reel 1,
section 65, pages 7 and 8 of discussion. II. Discussion of July 1942. From TOM
reel 13, target 30/4.02, bag 3043, item 2, frame 150. Frames 1558-1560. 3
pages, marginal quality.
Problems of synthetic oil production, discussion in Ruhrchemie, 1939. I. Gas
circulation process. II. The circulation process – manuscript by Duftschmidt.
III. Discussion of the paraffin synthesis. IV. Gasification of solid fuels.
Discussions also on: water gas shift reactions and sulfur purification. From
TOM reel 170, Frames 241-262. Frames 1561-1577. 17 pages, very shaky quality;
some pages illegible.
Enlarging and improving the heat reduction installation for fused iron catalysts
for the Synol synthesis. Leuna, March 6, 1943. From TOM reel 13, target
30/4.02, bag 3043, item 2, frames 437-442. Frames 1578-1586. 9 pages, rather
poor but legible.
Reduction of fused iron catalyst for a 10,000 ton/year installation. Luena,
July 15, 1943. From TOM reel 13, target 30/4.02, bag 3043, item 3, frames
459-462. Frames 1587-1592. 6 pages, rather poor but legible.
Two papers on the oil circulation process. I. By Duftschmidt. Oppau, January
5, 1942. From TOM reel 27, target 30/4.03, bag 2169, item 32, frames 169-170.
II. December 1942. From TOM reel 27, target 30/4.03, bag 2169, item 33, frames
171-173. Frames 1593-1599. 7 pages, rather poor but generally legible.
DHD Gasoline Production
T-455 Cost of DHD gasoline from Rumanian gasoline. By Mair. Bookkeeping
Department, Ludwigshafen 558. June 24, 1942. Frames 1600-1602. 3 pages.
Operating costs and total production costs for the production of a less than 165oC
DHD gasoline in plants of different capacities. By Sussenguth and Simon.
February 3, 1941. From Dr. Pier’s files. Frames 1603-1606. 4 pages.
(Fischer-Tropsch) Synthesis and Synthesis Gas Purification
Recent experience in final gas
purification (from symposium of the synthesis works in Essen, October 3, 1941).
By Dr. Pranschke, Brabag, Schwarzheide. From TOM reel 72, item 27. Frames
1607-1615. 9 pages.
Report to Mr. Alberts on the effect of
addition of oxygen during the final purification of gas (from laboratory study,
November 2018, 1937). Ruhrbenzin A. G., Oberhausen-Holten. Frames 1616-1619.
4 pages.
Wet synthesis. By Schenk. Ruhrchemie A. G., Oberhausen-Holten. January 20,
1942. Frames 1620-1631. 12 pages.
Refining Company Translations
Spherical chromium-alumina catalyst. From TOM reel 13, bag 3043,
item 2, pages 7-11. Frames 1632-1633. 2 pages, extremely poor quality.
Basically illegible.
Alkylation of n-butylene with isobutane, Oppau experiments. From
Reel 13, bag 3043, item 2, part 3. Frames 1634-1636. 3 pages.
Building license for erecting a pilot plant for reacting CO+H2
gas mixtures. From TOM reel 26, bag 2463, item 8, frames 800000229-231. Frames
1637-1638. 2 pages.
Conference of group leaders re: precipitated iron catalyst for
paraffin synthesis. March 13, 1943. From TOM reel 26, bag 2463, item 9, frames
900000282-287. Frames 1639-1645. 7 pages.
Letter re: preparation of precipitated iron catalyst. Fluorine
catalyst information. 1943. From TOM reel 26, bag 2463, item 9, frames
900000297-301. Frames 1645-1649. 5 pages.
Report on conference at Oppau, April 20, 1943 on Cobalt supply.
From reel 26, bag 2463, item 9, frames 900000310-313. Frames 1650-1651. 2
Evaluation of the Reichsamt tests concerning precipitated iron
catalysts. Note dated August 29, 1944 from Pichler of Kaiser Wilhelm Institut
fur Kohlenforschung to Ruhrchemie A. G., Overhausen-Holten. From TOM reel 33,
bag 3440, document 30 Frame 1652 1 page.
Catalyst reduction. Ruhrchemie A. G., October 25, 1940. From reel
34, bag 3440, item 56. Frame 1653. 1 page.
The hard and soft parattin fraction in the medium pressure product.
Note to Dr. Velde from Wiuff. May 6, 1942. From TOM reel 35, bag 3440, item
88. Frame 1654. 1 page.
Correspondence on experiments with iron catalysts. Oberhausen-Holten, 1944.
From TOM reel 42, bag 3439, item 22, pages 343-425. Frames 1655-1722. 68
Cobalt regeneration. Ruhrbenzin A. G., Oberhausen-Holten, 1944. From TOM reel
42, bag 3439, item 23, pages 433-436. Frame 1723. 1 page.
Note concerning a conference with Hoesch-Benzin G.m.b.H, Dortmund, October 10,
1942. From TOM reel 42, bag 3439, item 23, pages 433-436. Frames 1724-1725. 2
Soluble iron contents in the Kieselguhrs after various periods of ignition.
Letter from K. Loos to Dr. Buchner. Munster, July 15, 1939. From TOM reel 42,
bag 3439, item 24, pages 475-476. Frame 1726. 1 page.
Correlation of ignition losses and acid solubility with various roasting
temperatures (of Gur catalysts). Letter to Dr. Roelen, Ruhrbenzin A. G.,
Munster (Lager), June 1, 1939. From TOM reel 42, bag 3439, item 24, pages
481-483. Frame 1727.
Letters from Roelen to Dr. Landgraf concerning various phases of the OXO
process. 1938-1939. From TOM reel 42, bag 3439, item 28, pages 650-691.
Frames 1728-1751. 24 pages.
Letter from Roelen to Dr. Hansen on preparation of drying oils. Ruhrchemie A.
G., Oberhausen-Holten. January 25, 1943. From TOM reel 42, bag 3439, item 42.
pages 960-961. Frames 1752-1753. 2 pages.
Letter to Dr. Hansen on drying oils. November 12, 1941. From TOM reel 42, bag
3439, item 42, page 962. Frame 1754. 1 page.
Outline of a letter to the licensees on Kieselguhr supply. Oberhausen-Holten,
May 7, 1940. From TOM reel 42, bag 3439, item 24. Frames 1755-1757. 3 pages.
Two notes from Roelen to Dr. Landgraf on OXO compounds from petroleum
hydrocarbons and olefin condensation. Both dated January 30, 1939. From TOM
reel 42, bag 3439, item 28. Frame 1758. 1 page.
Changes in the quality of the last Kieselguhr #120 shipments. Oberhausen-Holten,
August 14, 1939. From TOM reel 42, bag 3439, item 24. Frames 1759-1760. 2
Summary of information concerning perparation of Kieselguhr for Ruhrchemie.
From TOM reel 42, bag 3439, item 24. Frames 1761-1762. 2 pages.
Utilization of the waste gases of a roasting furnace for a Kieselguhr
purification. By Kurt Loos. Munster, May 13, 1939. From TOM reel 42, bag
3439, item 24. Frame 1763. 1 page.
Avoiding wax formation. August 19, 1936. From TOM reel 45, bag 3441, item 91,
frame 00206. Frames 1764. 1 page.
Wax from medium pressure CO reduction. By BAK. January 12, 1939. From TOM
reel 45, bag 3446, item 4, frames 743-744. Frames 1765. 1 page.
Analysis of paraffins and benzines produced at the pressure pilot plant (DVA).
September 19, 1939. From TOM reel 67, bag 3445, item 79, frames 1139-1162.
Frames 1766-1774. 9 pages. Very poor quality/legibility.
Yield of wax from medium pressure CO reduction. From TOM reel 68, bag 3445,
item 102. Frame 1775. 1 page.
Testing of polyglycol ethers of multivalent alcohols and lubricants. By
Holder. Oppau technical testing station, April 23, 1941. From TOM reel 109,
frames 8352-8369. Frames 1776-1779. 4 pages.
Portland cement work, Dotternhausen. From TOM reel 123, frames 23-30. Frames
1780-1782. 3 pages.
Low temperature distillation of oil shale by the process of Dr. A. Schweitzer.
June 6, 1945. From TOM reel 123, frames 139-145. Frames 1783-1786. 4 pages.
A coal extraction procedure. From TOM Reel 150, frames 345-350. Frames
1787-1788. 2 pages.
Description of a plant processing naphthalene (system still). From TOM reel
150, frames 453-455. Frame 1789. 1 page.
Estimate of plant for the processing of 100,000 m3/hr ideal synthesis
gas (CO+H2) according to the Duftschmidt process. From TOM reel 166,
frames 761-768. Frames 1790-1792. 3 pages.
Processing of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products to alcohols, fatty acids, and sulfonates. By Michael. June 19, 1942. From TOM reel 166, frames 814-815.
Frames 1793-1794. 2 pages.
The preparation of catalytically active tungsten sulfide. May 22, 1943. From
TOM reel 181, part 24, section 3, frames 6429-6430. Frames 1795-1796. 2 pages.
The basic investigation of catalysts. By V. Friner and Peters. June 2, 1943.
From TOM 181, part 24, section 4, frames 6431-6432. Frames 1797-1798. 2 pages.
Adsorption of hydrogen on tungsten sulfide. By Meier. October 25, 1943. From
TOM reel 181, part 24, section 4, frame 6433. Frame 1799. 1 page.
Production of catalyst 6434. August 5, 1942. From TOM reel 181, part 24,
section 4, frames 6434-6435. Frames 1800-1801. 1 pages.
Tungsten requirements for benzination catalyst. Meeting at Berlin, July 21,
1943. From TOM reel 181, part 24, item 7, frames 6446-6452. Frame 1802. 1
Underground refining of fuels, in particular of oil shale. By Erich Sarapuu.
July 10, 1944. Abstract from TOM reel 184, frames 32-139. Frames 1803-1819.
17 pages.
Breaking of oil-water emulsions when working with the pile system for
carbonization of oil shale. By various authors and dates. From TOM reel 186,
frames 2420-2474. Frames 1820-1838. 19 pages.
Report on the carbonization operations carried out on Pile M 1/II, Feburary 23,
1940 9:00 to Feburary 25, 1940 17:00. From TOM reel 186, frames 2499-2506. 6
Oil shale carbonization at the Wuste plant. Letter from Dr. Kurt Sennewald to
Mr. Rudolf Rohrbach, manager of a Portland cement plant. November 24, 1944.
From TOM reel 186, frames 2791-2795. Frames 1845-1846. 2 pages.
Process for the carbonization of shale in its own bed. From TOM reel 224,
frames 10002-10. A survey in English appears on TOM reel 224, frames 20001-2.
Frames 1847-1850. 4 pages.
Process which is suitable for underground carbonization. From TOM reel 224,
frames 10323-6. Frames 1851-1852. 2 pages.
Method of carbonizing oil shale and equipment for it. From TOM reel 224, frames
10412-15. Frames 1853-1855. 3 pages.
Process which is suitable for the carbonization of oil shale rock. From TOM
reel 224, frames 10428-30. Frames 1855-1856. 2 pages.
Underground carbonization of oil shale. From TOM reel 224, frames 10438-40.
Frame 1857. 1 page.
Method of producing oil shale carbonization products by underground
carbonization of shale. August 3, 1943. From TOM reel 224, frames 10442-6.
Frames 1858-1860. 3 pages.