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T. O. M. Microfilm Reel 241
(Original designation BM-28)
Manual of the gas industry
(“Handbuch der Gasindustrie”).
Volume I.
Introduction and Table of
Contents. 11 pages.
Part I. Bases of
degassing and coke formation (“Grundlagen der Entgasung und Koksbildung”).
By. Dr.-Ing. Horst Bruckner. 23 pages.
Part II. Char (“Die
Kohlen”). By Operations Director Franz Reichard. 61 pages.
Part III. Horizontal
chamber furnaces (“Horizontalkammerofen”). Bt Prof. Heinrich Hock. 97 pages.
Part IV. The diagonal
chamber furnaces (“Der Scragkammerofen”). By Dr.-Ing. E. h. Bernhard Ludwig.
83 pages.
Part V. Gas production
vertical chamber furnaces (“Gaserzeugungsofen Vertikalofen”). By Dr.-Ing.
Fritz Wehrmann. 104 pages.
Part VI. Small space
furnaces (“Kleinraumofen”). By Senior Engineer Ludwig Rodde. 135 pages.
Part VII. Coke cooling
and processing (“Kokskuhlung, Koksaufbereitung”). By. Dr.-Ing. Fritz
Wehrmann. 45 pages.
Part VIII. Regulations
for achievements and proof there-of at gas production furnaces (“Regeln fur
Gewahrleistungen und deren Nachweis an Gaserzeugungsofen”). Anonymous. 11
Index (“Sachverzeichnis”).
6 pages.
Volume II.
Introduction and Table
of Contents. 6 pages.
Part I. Generators for
air and water gas (“Generatoren fur Luft- und Wassergas”). By Dr.-Ing. Fritz
Wehrmann. 183 pages.
Part II. Synthesis,
brown coal, and peat gases (“Synthese-, Braunkohlen- und Torfgase”). By
Dr.-Ing. habil. Horst Bruckner. 87 pages.
Part III. Double gas
generator (“Doppelgaserzeuger”). By Dr.-Ing. Fritz Wehrmann. 21 pages.
Index (“Sachverzeichnis”).
3 pages.
Volume III. Gas cleanup
and by-product production (“Gasreinigung und Nebenproduktengedwinnung”).
Introduction and Table
of Contents. 12 pages.
Part I. Gas production,
gas cooling, and tar separation (“Gasforderung, Gaskuhlung und
Teerscheidung”). By Dr.-Ing. Fritz Wehrmann. 115 pages.
- Part II. Gas cleanup
and by-product production (“Gasreinigung und Nebenproduktengewinnung”). By
Dr. phil. Theo Payer and Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm Braun.
Washing ammonia and
its processing (“Auswaschung des Ammoniaks und seine Verarbeitung. 79
Separation of
hydrogencyanide and its processing. (“Abscheidung des Cyanwasserstoffs auf
seine Verarbeitung”). 28 pages.
Benzine recovery
and processing (“Benzolgewinnung und Benzolaufarbeitung”). 120 pages.
purification and production (“Schwefelreinigung und Schwefelgewinnung”). 75
Tar processing
(“Teeraufarbeitung”). 14 pages.
Guidelines for the
guarantees and proof there-of for gas cleanup and by-product plants
(“Richtlinien fur die Gewahrleistungen und deren Nachweis as Gasreinigungs-
und Nebenproduktenanlagen”). 8 pages.
(“Schrifttum”). 9 pages.
Part III. Fine cleaning
(purification) of town gas (“Feinreinigung von Stadtgas”). By Dr.-Ing. Horst
Bruckner. 71 pages.
Part IV. Decontamination
of town gas (carbon monoxide removal (?)) (“Entgiftung des Stadtgas
(Kohlenoxydentfernung)”). By Dr. techn. Dipl.-Ing. Fritz Schuster. 49 pages.
Part V. Waste water
purification (phenol removal ?) (“Abwasserreinigung (Entphenolung)”). By
Dr.-Ing. habil. Horst Bruckner. 46 pages.
Index (“Sachverzeichnis”).
4 pages.
Volume VI. Technical gases
and their characteristics (“Technische Gase und deren Eigenschaften”).
Introduction and Table
of Contents. 10 pages.
- Part I. Gas Tables -
physical, thermodynamic and fuel-technical characteristics of gases and other
fuels (“Gastafeln – physikalische, thermodynamische und brenntechnische
Eigenschaften der Gase und sonstigen Brennstoffe”). By Dr.-Ing. Horst
characteristics (“Physikalische Eigenschaften”). 39 pages.
characteristics (“Thermodynamische Eigenschaften”). 52 pages.
characteristics (“Brenntechnische Eigenschaften”). 41 pages.
Auxiliary tables
(“Hilfstafeln”). 15 pages.
Part II. Other technical gases (“Sonstige Technische Gase”). By Dr.-Ing. Horst Bruckner.
126 pages. Section is incomplete – section is described as at least 197 pages
in internal table of contents. This document is also not continued on the
next T.O.M. reel in this series – reel 242, which was originally reel BM-29.