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Table of
Contents - T.O.M. Reel 296
Designation FIAT Reel K-29)
PB L70218
A.G., Oberhausen-Holten
These frames plus T.O.M. Reel 295, Frames 6524-6528 make up complete
report concerning the after-treatment of synthetic oil with granosil, aluminum
chloride and catalyst oil and the transformation of the residues to granular
form. Report signed by Clar, dated July 21, 1939. 4 pages.
Tests on the preparation of residue oil with maximum viscosity from
unrefined cracked gasoline - AlCl3 used as catalyst. Report signed
by Tramm and Clar, May 28, 1938. (Five tables attached.) 9 pages.
Two reports on the working up of used catalyst oil. Reports signed by
Tramm and Clar, dated April 22, 1940 and Feb. 17, 1940. Complete report by
Tramm and Clar, dated April 22, 1940, is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 291,
Frames 2713-2719; 2820-2821 (Frames 2720-2819 are omitted from T.O.M. Reel
291.) 22 pages.
The influence of catalyst oil on the viscosity of lubricating oils curing
production. Aluminum chloride used as catalyst. Report signed by Clar, dated
June 22, 1938. (Three tables attached.) (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M.
Reel 290, Frames 1930-1934.) 5 pages.
After-treatment of synthetic oil by catalyst oil and a small quantity of
aluminum chloride. Report signed by Tramm and Clar, dated March 28, 1938. (Two
tables attached.)
Preparation of shock-absorber fluid from cracked gasoline. Report signed
by Clar, dated June 3, 1938. (Five tables attached.) 7 pages.
Distillation of lubricating oils in high vacuum. (Molecular
distillation.) Report dated March 3, 1943. (Recognition for work is given to
Dietsch and Kühnel. Literature references, three pages of diagrs., and four
pages of curves attached.) (Note of transmittal, signed by Dr. Tramm, dated
July 20, 1943, attached to beginning of report.) 23 pages.
Comparison of the catalytic cracking of gasol from the Fischer-Tropsch
synthesis and from petroleum. Report signed by Kolling, dated may 12, 1943.
(German Patent applications I 64,792 and I 58,775 referred to. Three tables and
five pages of curves attached.) 13 pages.
Artificial aging of oils by compressed air and research with various
methods of stabilization. Report signed by Tramm and Clar, dated Feb. 17,
1943. (Six tables and one diagram attached.) 14 pages.
Density of synthetic oil depending on the nature of the primary gasoline
and the viscosity of the oil. Report signed by Clar, dated April 13, 1942.
(One curve attached.) 4 pages.
Preparation of oils from primary products of the gasoline pressure
(Fischer-Tropsch) synthesis. Series of four reports signed by Tramm and Clar,
dated Jan. 10, 1941. (Twenty-six tables and 3 graphs attached.) 68 pages.
Stabilization of fuel oils by inhibitors. Report signed by Clar, dated
Jan. 3, 1941. (Eight tables attached.) 14 pages.
Refining of circulated gasoline before the oil synthesis by means of a
cold zinc chloride solution. Report signed by Clar, dated Feb. 17, 1945. (Six
tables attached.) 12 pages.
Transformation of cracked gasoline in serial syntheses to residue oils
containing 50% "50 Brightstock." Report signed by Clar, dated Jan. 9, 1945.
(Three tables attached.) 7 pages.
Experiences with the artificial aging of synthetic oils. Report signed by
Clar, dated March 14, 1944. (Six tables and two diagrams attached.) 12 pages.
Influence of cracked gasoline on the preparation of lubricating oil.
Report signed by Gottschall, dated March 10, 1944. (Nine pages of tables and
nine pages of curves attached.) 22 pages.
Preparation of highly viscous residue oils from prepurified cracked
gasoline by synthesis in series with AlCl3 as catalyst. Report
signed by Clar, dated Dec. 20, 1943. (Seven tables attached.) 12 pages.
Model experiment for the preparation of oil with the addition of mixtures
of cracked and circulated gasoline. Report signed by Clar, dated Dec. 16,
1943. (Eight tables attached.) 17 pages.
Stabilization of synthetic oils by addition of inhibitors before the
synthesis. Report signed by Clar, dated Oct. 12, 1943. (Seven tables
attached.) 11 pages.
Preparation of residue oils with a maximum viscosity from prepurified
cracked gasoline by separate synthesis (Einzelsynthese.) Report signed by Clar,
dated Sept. 16, 1943. 13 pages.
Use of "TVP" gasoline in the lubricating oil installation. Report dated
Oct. 3, 1938, unsigned. (Two pages of tables and one graph attached.) 4
Catalytic dehydrogenation of propane. Report signed by Tramm and
Speitmann, dated April 25, 1939. (Tables and curves included.) 35 pages.
Tests on the refining of "Ruhrgasol" by active carbon. Report signed by
Schubert, dated 1938. (Two tables attached.) 4 pages.
Olefin content of gasol and gasoline from magnesium-thorium catalysts.
Report dated May 28, 1938. Signature illegible. (Two tables attached.) 4
Determination of gasol in cracked gas and in unstabilized cracked
gasoline. Report dated March 18, 1938. (Three tables attached.) 5 pages.
Plant analyses of the plant laboratory of the Ruhrchemie A.G. gasol
determination. Analyses. Reports dated Feb. and March 1938. 8 pages.
Preparation of alcohols from the C3 and C4
fractions of gasol and the preparation of isopropyl ether from isopropyl from
isopropyl alcohol. Report signed by Spiske, dated Jan. 6, 1938. (Nine tables
included). 33 pages.
Iron catalysts in the gasoline synthesis. Four reports signed by Roelen
(Dec. 20, 1939), Bahr (Oct. 14, 1939, Roelen (Sept. 20, 1939) and Landgraf (Aug.
3, 1939). (Landgraf report has 7 pages of diagrams attached.) 14 pages.
Preparation of iron oxide for iron catalysts. Report signed by Blase,
dated May 17, 1939. (One diagram attached.) 4 pages.
Determination of iron in catalysts. Report signed by Roelen, dated April
6, 1939. 2 pages.
Lurgi iron catalysts. Two conference reports signed by Bahr, (March 4,
1939) and Alberts (June 28, 1938). 4 pages.
New method of cooling catalyst furnaces for the synthesis of
hydrocarbons. Report on a patent specification signed by Roelen, dated Dec. 22,
1939. 5 pages.
Paraffin synthesis with a new cobalt catalyst. Report on a patent
specification signed by Roelen, dated Dec. 19, 1939. (Report is also reproduced
on T.O.M. Reel 286, Frames 997-1000.) 4 pages.
Influence of the iron content of kieselguhr on the properties of catalysts
for the hydrocarbon syntheses, particularly with regard to the reduction in
methane formation. Report signed by Dahm, dated Oct. 23, 1939. (Two pages of
curves attached.) 4 pages.
Preparation of a phosphoric acid polymerization catalyst. Report signed
by Tramm, dated Sept. 19, 1939. (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 289,
Frames 1565-1567 and T.O.M. Reel 290, Frames 2021-2023.) 3 pages.
6952-6957 Dilute catalysts for the aromatization of hydrocarbons. (Heat
control during catalyst regeneration.) Confidential report signed by Rottig,
dated Sept. 7, 1939. (Complete report, which includes graphs, curves, diagrams
and tables, appears on T.O.M. Reel 290, Frames 2024-2064.) 6 pages.
Catalysts for an increased production of paraffin. Report dated
Aug. 24, 1939. (This frame is supplement to Frames 6941-6944 which concerns
cobalt catalysts used in paraffin production.) 1 page.
Development of catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Report signed
by Roelen, dated Aug. 18, 1939. (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 287,
Frames 340-348.) 9 pages.
Preparation of catalysts with a high cobalt density precipitated on
purified kieselguhr: 100 Co, 15 ThO2, 12.5 kieselguhr. Report dated
Aug. 7, 1939. (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 287, Frames 40-43 and
349-353.) 5 pages.
Activity of aromatization catalysts using alumina as carrier substance.
(Investigation is made of calcination temperature of Al2O3
and influence of alkali content of Al2O3 on activity.)
(Three tables in the form of graphs are attached.) Report signed by Rottig,
dated July 11, 1939. (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 289, Frames
1780-1787 and T.O.M. Reel 290, Frames 2069-2076.) 8 pages.
The causes of cobalt losses in synthesis installations. Report dated June
16, 1939. 6 pages.
Sulfur content in solutions for the preparation of cobalt catalysts.
Report signed by Roelen, dated May 25, 1939. 2 pages,
Modification of the grain solidity of cobalt catalysts. Report signed by
Heckel dated April 28, 1939. (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 288,
Frames 928-929.) 2 pages.
Tests on the precipitation of cobalt synthesis catalysts with carbon
dioxide-ammonia gas mixtures. Report by the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für
Kohlenforschung, Mülheim, 1938. 4 pages.
Regeneration of thorium from thorium catalyst sludge at Brabag,
Schwarzheide. Two reports signed by Büchner, dated Dec. 19, 1938 and Jan. 24,
1939. (Note of transmittal signed by Roelen precedes reports and note signed by
Schuff, concerning the Brabag thorium catalyst, follows reports.) Reports and
note of transmittal are also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 288, Frames 811-819.)
10 pages.
The Harnes catalyst plant and synthesis installation. Report signed by
Gehrke and Schuff, dated Dec. 5, 1938, Courrieres-Kuhlmann, Harnes. 24 pages.
Examination of kieselguhr. Report
signed by Heckel, Nov. 28, 1938. 1 page.
The longevity of catalysts. Report signed by Roelen, dated Nov. 24,
1938. 2 pages.
Recovery of thorium from the thorium catalyst sludge. Improved sulfate
process. Report signed by Büchner and Roelen, dated Oct. 22,1938. (One flow
diagram and one curve attached.) (Two reproductions of the report appear on
T.O.M. Reel 298, Frames 841-850.) 5 pages.
The thorium content of mixed catalysts. Report signed by Heckel, dated
Oct. 6, 938. (Two pages of curves attached.) 3 pages.
Influence of the kieselguhr type and of the reduction on the activity of
catalysts. Report signed by Heckel, dated Sept. 8, 1938. (Five graphs
attached.) (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 287, 377-384). 8 pages.
Japanese kieselguhrs as carrier substances for catalysts. Report signed
by Heckel, dated Sept. 7, 1938. (Three tables and three pages of graphs
attached.) (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 287, Frames 368-376.) 9
Two reports on aromatization catalysts: Report on catalysts K1-K87 and
review on the method of action of catalysts K1-K87. Reports signed by Rottig,
dated Aug. 30, 1938. (First report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 290,
Frames 1885-1898, second (review) is not reproduced.) 20 pages.
Tests on a new catalyst carrier "Eirichkorn." Report signed by Heckel,
dated Aug. 24, 1938. (Two graphs attached.) 5 pages.
Determination of grit in kieselguhr and quality of kieselguhr 120. Two
reports signed by Roelen (1st) and Martin (2nd), both
dated Aug. 3, 1938. (Page of rules included with these reports is also
reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 288, Frame 1040.) 5 pages.
Solubility and alkali resistance of kieselguhr. Report signed by Roelen,
dated Aug. 3, 1938. (One table and one graph attached.) (Table and graph also
appear on T.O.M. Reel 287, 1041-1044.) 5 pages.
Large scale tests on the recovery of thorium by the sulfate method in the
preparation catalysts. Report signed by Büchner, dated July 27, 1938. (Flow
diagram attached.) 4 pages.
Oxidizability of cobalt catalysts and determination of tri-valent cobalt
in cobalt catalysts. Report signed by Büchner, dated July 4, 1938. (Report
contains twelve attachments which consist of report by Roelen, dated July 2,
1938, one diagram, eight pages of graphs and two tables.) (Attachments, with an
additional table included, are also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 288, Frames
934-946C.) 15 pages.
Experiences with thorium and magnesium catalysts by licensees at
Rheinpreussen, Gewerkschaft Viktor, Brabag-Schwarzheide and Ruhrbenzin. Report
signed by Schuff, dated June 15, 1938. 7 pages.
Tests on the methanization of carbonic acid. Report signed by Roelen,
dated may 24, 1938. 2 pages.
Determination of the content of free metal in catalysts. (Acid-vacuum
method.) Working instruction signed by Roelen, dated Jan. 5, 1938. (One sketch
attached.) (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 287, Frames 32-37.) 6
Regeneration of cobalt solutions in catalyst manufacture by evaporation
and crystallization. Report signed by Schenk, dated May 17, 1938. (Two tables
attached.) 5 pages.
Recovery of thorium from the thorium catalyst sludge by the sulfate
process. Report signed by Büchner, dated 14, 1938. (One flow diagram and table
attached.) (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 287, Frames 74-79.) 5
Reducibility of cobalt catalysts with reference to the kieselguhr
content. Report signed by Schenk, dated May 12, 1938. (Curve sheet attached.)
(Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 288, Frames 699-700.) 2 pages.
Influence of reduction conditions on the activity of thorium and
thorium-magnesium catalysts. Report signed by Schuff, dated May11, 1938. 3
The most favorable cobalt-kieselguhr proportion in cobalt catalysts.
Report signed by Roelen and Heckel, dated May 2, 1938. (Report incorporates
work of Dr. Kolbel and has eight graphs and seven tables attached.) (Report is
also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 292, Frames 3457-3781.) 26 pages.
Influence of the reduction and the granular form on the cobalt density in
cobalt catalysts. Report signed by Schenk, dated April 23, 1938. (One table
attached.) 2 pages.
Thermal conductivity of catalysts. Report signed by Roelen, dated April
21, 1938. (One diagram and two tables attached.) 6 pages.
Influence of an increased rate of flow of the synthesis gas on the olefin
content of synthetic gasoline. Report signed by Landgraf, dated March 28,
1938. (One diagram, three graphs and two tables attached. Note by Roelen,
dated March 21, 1938, precedes report.) 12 pages.
Carbon dioxide content of thorium and magnesium catalysts.
Report signed by Schenk, dated Feb. 15, 1938. (One table included.) (Report is
also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 288, Frame 703 and Frame 704 (duplicate). 1
Preparation of cobalt catalysts by compression. Report signed by Heckel,
dated Jan. 28, 1938. (Two graphs attached.) (Report is also reproduced on
T.O.M. Reel 288, Frames 954-957.) 4 pages.
Report on the preparation of thorium-free cobalt magnesium catalysts by
Ruhrchemie A.G. Report signed by Roelen, dated Aug. 13, 1937. (One flow
diagram attached.) (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 287, Frames 53-57
and Frames 171-175B.) 5 pages.
Results of synthesis with various catalysts. Tests made by Ruhrchemie
during 1944. (Two tables and note signed by Roelen, dated Aug. 22, 1944,
attached.) 7 pages.
The calculation of the yield in the synthesis of higher hydrocarbons.
Report signed by Roelen, dated Aug. 1944. 9 pages.
Iron catalysts. Conference report signed
by Roelen, dated Jan. 7, 1944. 4 pages.
Alcohol-forming iron catalysts. Report signed by Büchner, dated Sept. 21,
1945. 2 pages.
Report on the preparation of aromatizing catalysts on a laboratory scale.
Report signed by Rottig, dated March 10, 1944. (Report is also reproduced on
T.O.M. Reel 289, Frames 1755-1759.) Text is very light – 1 page illegible. 4
7220 This frame is missing.
Preparation of various polymerization catalysts. Report signed by Spiske,
dated June 10, 1943. (German Patent Appl. V 12,617 IVd/12 o referred to)
(Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 289, Frames 1539-1543.) 5 pages.
Catalysts for the hydrogenation of carbon monoxide. Report signed by
Roelen, dated May 24, 1943. 14 pages.
These two sets of frames (with 7250-7276) make up complete report on
synthesis of hydrocarbons with iron catalysts. Included are: Report by
Pflegling, dated Sept. 11, 1940, (Frames 7271-7276 - one table attached.)
Report by Roelen, dated Sept. 12, 1940 (Frames 7261-7270) and 13 tables, dated
Sept. 13, 1940 (Frames 7240-7241, 7250-7260.) 2 pages.
Report on the investigation of the reaction water from the synthesis over
iron catalysts. Report by Büchner, dated July 22, 1941. (Five tables
attached.) 8 pages.
These two sets of frames (with 7240-7241) make up complete report on
synthesis of hydrocarbons with iron catalysts. Included are: Report by
Pflegling, dated Sept. 11, 1940, (Frames 7271-7276 - one table attached.)
Report by Roelen, dated Sept. 12, 1940 (Frames 7261-7270) and 13 tables, dated
Sept. 13, 1940 (Frames 7240-7241, 7250-7260.) 27 pages.
Preparation of highly active polymerization catalysts. Report dated April
22, 1943. (Six graphs attached.) 8 pages.
Technical preparation of polymerization catalysts. Report signed by
Spiske, dated March 10, 1942. (One flow diagram attached.) 9 pages.
Apparatus for testing the durability of catalysts. Report signed by
Schreiber, dated Oct. 27, 1941. (One sketch attached.) 2 pages.
Concentrated cobalt-thorium catalysts. Report by Heckel and Roelen, dated
Oct. 20, 1941. (Two tables attached.) 6 pages.
Two reports on cobalt-nickel catalysts. Reports signed by Roelen, dated
Sept. 24, 1941, and Schenk, dated July 22, 1941. (Report is also reproduced on
T.O.M. Reel 288, Frames 1119-1121.) 6 pages.
Preparation of aluminum silicate catalysts for hydrocarbon cracking.
Report signed by Stuhlpfarrer, dated April 16, 1941. (Five tables included.)
8 pages.
Use of nickel and cobalt-nickel catalysts in the gasoline synthesis.
Report signed by Heckel, dated April 4, 1941. (One table attached.) (Report is
also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 288, Frames 914-917.) 4 pages.
Production of highly active aromatization catalysts with alumina and
chromium oxide as the chief constituents. Report signed by Petri, dated Nov. 5,
1940. (Six tables, eight pages of curves and one photo attached.) (Report is
also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 291, Frames 2252-2276, but photo is missing.)
26 pages.
Laboratory experiments concerning the detrimental influence of steam on
aromatizing catalysts. Report signed by Kolling, dated Nov. 18, 1940. (Two
pages of curves attached.) (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 289,
Frames 1619-1627 and T.O.M. Reel 290, Frames 2161-2169.) 9 pages.
Testing of catalyst under pressure, with special considerations for
conditions of synthesis on a large technical scale. Tests carried out by
Klassen, report dated June 11, 1940. (Two diagrams attached.) 9 pages.
Cracking of petroleum. Conference report by Knöllinger, dated Oct. 6,
1945. (One flow diagram attached.) 2 pages.
Catalytic cracking. Two conference reports signed by Tramm, dated June 21
and June 23, 1939. 5 pages.