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Index of Documents
Reel 259
Studium der Eisen-Katalisatoren bei der Fischer-Tropsch Synthese (with
index/table of contents). By Heinrich Merkel. Pages 2-5, 12 missing. 125
Chemical and thermomagnetic studies on iron catalysts for the synthesis of
hydrocarbons. By H. Pichler and H. Merkel. Translation by U.S. Bureau of Mines
(with index/table of contents). 200 pages.
- Material obtained form Dr.
Ing. Habil. G. Spengler of the Institut fur Kohleforschung, laboratorium fur
Mineralole und Teere at the Deutschen Technische Hochschule at Prague:
Data for synthesized olefin-hydrocarbons. 14 pages.
Pentadecen-1 and 3,6-Diemthylhepten-1. 4 pages.
Report on Hydrocarbons. 9 pages.
Production costs of CO+H2 mixtures for different methods of
gasification with oxygen and various fuels. By Otto Hubmann. Translation. 40
Experiments concerning the thickening process of benzol wash oil. By W.H.
Oppelt. Translation. 20 pages.
Problems of dephenolization of waste liquors. By W.H. Oppelt. Translation.
36 pages.
Refining of light oil from coal gas. By W.H. Oppelt. Translation. 19 pages.
Synthesis of hydrocarbons from carbon monoxide and hydrogen (with index/table
of contents). By Helmut Pichler. Translation. 189 pages.
Identification and constitution of the branched chain acids from the
Fischer-Tropsch fatty acids. Translation. 10 pages.
- Translation from T.O.M. Reel
Dust removal. Report presented by Dr. Geister, December 3, 1936. Translation
from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 1. 12 pages.
The removal of carbon black and dust from gases with the Oppauer
shaft-filter. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 2. 26 pages.
Flow sheet of a unit of the Alkazid plant. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132,
Item 3. 1 page.
Report by Dr. Jeltsch, Sommer and Bunger of visit made to the Alkazid plant
in Lutzkendorf, in regard to corrosion. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132,
Item 4. 3 pages.
Experience gained from the operation of Alkazid-desulphurization plants.
Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 5-a. 10 pages.
Directions for the operation and supervision of Alkazid plants. Translation
from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 5-b. 4 pages.
Flow sheet of an Alkazid scrubbing plant. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132,
Item 5-c. 1 page.
Detailed flow sheet of the Alkazid process. Translation from T.O.M. Reel
132, Item 6. 1 page.
Flow sheet of Claus kiln and final combustion unit. Translation from T.O.M.
Reel 132, Item 7.
Claus kiln. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 8. 1 page.
Final combustion furnace. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 9. 1 page.
Claus oven operation.
Translation data covering operation of Leuna plant. Translation from T.O.M.
Reel 132, Item 10. 1 page.
Flow Sheet for the
removal of hydrogen sulfide. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 11. 2
Iron ore-hydrogen sulfide
extraction process. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 12.
Several short reports
from September 30, 1942 to May 25, 1943 on the subject of dust removal in
multi-cyclone units. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 14. 2 pages.
Reports by Mr. Kenike,
dated December 29, 1931, on “The Combustion of H2S to S by means
of a Claus kiln” and by Dr. Hanisch, dated January 11, 1933 on “Experiments
Carried Out with the Aim to Recover Elementary Sulfur from Gases with a Low
Content of Hydrogen Sulfide”. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 15. 7
Computation of combustion
temperatures of mixtures consisting of H2S and CO2.
Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 16. 3 pages.
Tables of data November
1933, on requirements of Alkazid process for utilities, equipment,
solutions, operating personnel, etc. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item
17. 7 pages.
Analytical results and
methods for gas purification catalysts. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132,
Item 18. 7 pages.
Memorandum concerning the
future development of the Alkazid and Claus-kiln process. Translation from
T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 19. 2 pages.
Calculations and
experiments on the chemical equilibrium of the Claus process. Translation
from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 20. 8 pages.
CO removal by means of an
ammoniacal copper solution – 2 flow sheets and legend. Translation from
T.O.M. Rell 132, Item 20. 5 pages.
Translation of folder
containing numerous short reports and drawings on the Alkazid process.
Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 22. 44 pages.
Four curves on CO-CO2
wash costs. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 23. 2 pages.
Drawing S IV 3, flow
sheets of a pressure water wash process. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132,
Item 24. 2 pages.
Report and several
drawings concerning the removal of carbon oxysulfide (COS) from gases.
Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 25. 8 pages.
Investigations on the
reaction velocity over “brown oxide” catalyst for the shift reaction.
Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 26. 16 pages.
Description of various
processes for H2S extraction from gases or for recovery of S from gases
containing H2S. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 27. 2 pages.
Sulfur-extracting process
of the Sachtleben A.G. Szombathy-process, German Patent Application S117,
702. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 28. 4 pages.
Report on a meeting to
exchange information on the operation of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis plants.
Preliminary purification of the synthesis gas (H2S removal).
Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 29. 7 pages.
Layout plan for a Claus
unit. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 30. 1 page.
A new process for
separation of NH3-CO2-H2S mixture.
Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 31. 18 pages.
German Patent Number 513,
288, dated November 25, 1930, to Edward Theisen in Munich entitles “Process
for the purification of gases, air, vapors, etc.” Translation from T.O.M.
Reel 132, Item 32. 12 pages.
German Patent Number
388,857, dated January 21, 1924, to Edward Theisen in Munich entitled
“Multistage gas scrubbing”. Translation from T.O.M. Reel 132, Item 33. 3
Memorandum I. Ref.: Transport
problems of the dust that is withdrawn from the multicyclone units; waste
water disposal installation 46/56. 1 page.
Memorandum II. Ref.: Removal
of the last traces of the phenols, which are present in the wastewater. 1
- Memorandum III. Ref.: Oxygen
Memorandum IV. Ref.: Steam
supply of the producers. 1 page.
Memorandum V. Ref.:
Difficulties encountered in the gas production since August 1942. 2 pages.
Dust extraction by means of
multiclones. 2 pages.
Translations of German
documents on mathematical expressions for thermodynamic relationships and the
calculation of yields in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Translated by U.S.
Bureau Mines from T.O.M. Reel 134, Navy 5811, Items Ib-1 to Ib-4. With
index/table of contents. 95 pages.
Report on the Synol
synthesis. By Dr. Reisinger. Dated May 2, 1941. Translated by U.S. Bureau
Mines from T.O.M. Reel 134, Section II, Number 9. With index/table of
contents. 26 pages.
The state of the Synol
problem. By Dr. Wenzel, dated April 10, 1942. Translation by U.S. Bureau Mines
form T.O.M. Reel 134, Section II, Number 10. With Index/table of contents.
40 pages.
Procedure for the catalytic
conversion of carbon monoxide and hydrogen to hydrocarbons. Dated December 18,
1942. Translated by U.S. Bureau Mines from T.O.M. Reel 134, Section IV, Number
1. 7 pages.
Report on the progress of the
research commission on “Continued development of the gasoline synthesis from
CO and H2, especially in the direction of a direct synthesis of
isoparaffins (SS 6132-9798/42)”. Dated December 1942. Translation by U.S.
Bureau Mines from T.O.M. Reel 134, Section IV, Number 3. 17 pages.
Process for the production of
antiknock hydrocarbons. Dated October 2, 1943. Translation by U.S. Bureau
Mines from T.O.M. Reel 134, Section IV, Number 4. 4 pages.
List of publications received
in the library of the Foreign Documents Group of the Office of Synthetic
Liquid Fuels, U.S. Bureau Mines. List Number 5. 49 pages.