Department of Energy
"D" Table of Contents
Engineering development of slurry bubble column reactor (SBCR) technology. Quarterly report, October 1--December 31, 1997.
Abstract and research accomplishments of University Coal Research Projects.
Coal liquefaction and gas conversion contractors review conference- Proceedings.
Baseline design-economics for advanced Fischer-Tropsch technology. Quarterly report, October--December 1994.
Baseline design-economics for advanced Fischer-Tropsch technology. Quarterly report, January--March 1994.
Baseline design-economics for advanced Fischer-Tropsch technology. Quarterly report, October--December 1994.
Baseline design-economics for advanced Fischer-Tropsch technology. Quarterly report, July--September 1993.
Baseline design-economics for advanced Fischer-Tropic technology. Quarterly report, April--June 1993.
Coal liquefaction and gas conversion- Proceedings. Volume 1.
Coal liquefaction and gas conversion- Proceedings. Volume 2.
Liquefaction contractors' review conference- Abstracts.
Report to Congress- Coal refineries- A definition and example concepts.
Liquefaction contractors' review meeting. Abstracts.
Clean-Burning Diesel Fuel From Natural Gas.
Indirect liquefaction.
Indirect Liquefaction Contractors' Review Meeting- Proceedings.
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center Quarterly Technical Progress
Catalyst for Hydrogenation of CO- An improved catalyst reduces the costs of separating olefins from paraffins.
Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting on Basic Heterogeneous Catalysis Surface Science Research.
Converting Coal to Liquid Fuels.
Proceedings of the DOE Contractors' Conference on Indirect Liquefaction.
Proceedings of the DOE Contractors' Conference on Indirect Liquefaction.
Proceedings of the DOE Contractors' Conference on Indirect Liquefaction.
Clean Energy from Coal.