TITLE: Report to Congress: Coal refineries: A definition and example concepts. INST. AUTHOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Office of Fossil Energy. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Jul 91, 269p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE91017915INW ABSTRACT: A definition of the term ''coal refinery'' is offered and twenty-seven coal refinery concepts are identified and described. These concepts were selected as being representative of the many possible variations of coal refinery concepts that are possible. The status of development of the different coal refinery descriptions ranges from conceptualized processes in the laboratory stage to integrated processes which are being demonstrated at near commercial scale. The extent of the descriptions ranges from a short summary of the basic processes involved and products produced to more detailed discussions of the processes, coal feeds, environmental aspects, status of development, and research needs. The concepts are grouped into one of four categories and a summary discussion of status and research and development needs for each category is provided. Comments pertinent to the research and development needs for coal refineries in general are also provided. 11 refs., 4 tabs. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/FE-0240P |