TITLE: Baseline design/economics for advanced Fischer-Tropsch technology. Quarterly report, July--September 1993. INST. AUTHOR: Department of Energy, Pittsburgh, PA. Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center; Bechtel National, Inc., Richland, WA; Amoco Research Center, Naperville, IL. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1993, 62p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE95011375INW ABSTRACT: The objectives of this study are to: Develop a baseline design and two alternative designs for indirect liquefaction using advanced F-T technology. The baseline design uses Illinois No. 6 Eastern Coal and conventional refining. There is an alternative refining case using ZSM-5 treatment of the vapor stream from the slurry F-T reactor and an alternative coal case using Western coal from the Powder River Basin. Prepare the capital and operating costs for the baseline design and the alternatives. Individual plant costs for the alternative cases will be prorated on capacity, wherever possible, from the baseline case. Develop a process flowsheet simulation (PFS) model. During the period of this report, a Topical Report summarizing the Baseline Case design was drafted and issued to DOE/PETC for review and release approval. Major effort was spent on the Alternate Upgrading and Refining Case. Its design specifications were finalized, and material and utility balances completed. Initial capital cost estimates were developed. A Topical Report, summarizing the Alternative (ZSM-5) Upgrading and Refining Case design, is being drafted. Under Task 4, some of the individual plant models were expanded and enhanced. An overall ASPEN/SP process simulation model was developed for the Baseline Design Case by combining the individual models of Areas 100, 200 and 300. In addition, a separate model for the simplified product refining area, Area 300, of the Alternate Upgrading and Refining case was developed. Under Task 7, cost and schedule control was the primary activity. A technical paper entitled ''Baseline Design/Economics for Advanced Fischer-Tropsch Technology'' was presented in the DOE/PETC's Annual Contractors Review Conference, held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on September 27-29, 1993. A contract amendment submitted to include the Kerr McGee ROSE unit in the Baseline design case and to convert the PFS models from the ASPEN/SP to ASPEN/Plus software code. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/90027-T8 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-91PC90027 |