TITLE: Baseline design/economics for advanced Fischer-Tropsch technology. Quarterly report, October--December 1994. INST. AUTHOR: Department of Energy, Pittsburgh, PA. Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center; Bechtel National, Inc., Richland, WA; Amoco Research Center, Naperville, IL. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1994, 11p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE95011380INW ABSTRACT: All major tasks associated with the contract study have essentially been completed. Our activities during this quarter comprise mainly of project documentation, management and administration. Topical reports which document the accomplishments of the various tasks were issued. As a result of the current contract study, DOE/PETC is contemplating to modify the subject contract to include: replacing hydrocracking with FCC as an scheme for F-T wax upgrading; enhancing the ZSM-5 reactor ASPEN modeling algorithm; incorporating the ZSM-5 reaction scheme to the Western Coal Case, and considering F-T synthesis using natural gas as feedstock. A detailed scope of work for the above tasks with a formal cost proposal was submitted to DOE/PETC for consideration. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/90027-T13 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-91PC90027 |