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T. O. M. Microfilm Reel 115
(Original Identification Reel BM-2A - Leuna)
Table of Contents
Section II 9. Ammoniakwerke
Merseburg yearly reports. Continued from reel 114.
12. Ammoniakwerke
Merseburg Yearly Report (“Jahresbericht”) for 1941.
Cover, table of contents, and short summary/overview. 14 pages.
Low pressure - Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, brown coal gasification, alkacid,
Claus, and sulfuric acid plants, coke production, coal drying, and low pressure
research. 26 pages.
High pressure – ammonia, hydrogen purification, gas compression, nitrogen,
oxygen and krypton production, phenol, cyclohexanol, and high pressure research
laboratory. 14 pages.
Salt enterprises – nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, adipic acid, etc. 15 pages.
Organic department – methanol, isobutanol, catalyst research,
amyl-alcohol, aldehydes and cyclohexanone, high pressure experimental lab,
ethylene chloride, amines, iso-octane, carboxylic acids, aldol and tri-methanol
ethane, white oils, lubricants, acetylene, and ethylene, luran, mersol and
mepasin, catalyst research and manufacture, etc. 49 pages.
Hydrogenation (coal liquefaction) - High pressure operations, Low pressure
operations, and Distillation operations. 35 pages.
G. Energy department and Operating efficiency. 12 pages.
Experimental Laboratory (inclusive of Technical School) and Analytical
Laboratory. 19 pages.
I. Technical department. 15 pages.
J. Air protection, raw material management, patent office, social department, and
legal department. 10 pages.
13. Ammoniakwerke
Merseburg Yearly Report (“Jahresbericht”) for 1942.
Cover and short summary/overview. 9 pages. Missing page one of
Low pressure - Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, brown coal gasification, alkacid,
Claus, and sulfuric acid plants, gas clean-up/purification, ammonium bisulfate,
coke production, coal drying, and low pressure research. 29 pages.
High pressure – ammonia, hydrogen purification, gas compression, nitrogen,
oxygen and krypton production, phenol, cyclohexanol, and high pressure research
laboratory. 12 pages.
D. Salt enterprises – nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, adipic acid, etc. 15 pages.
E. Organic department – methanol, isobutanol, catalyst research,
amyl-alcohol, aldehydes and cyclohexanone, high pressure experimental lab,
ethylene chloride, amines, iso-octane, carboxylic acids, aldol and tri-methanol
ethane, white oils, lubricants, acetylene, and ethylene, luran, mersol and
mepasin, catalyst research and manufacture, etc. 61 pages.
F. Hydrogenation (coal liquefaction) - High pressure operations, Low pressure
operations, and Distillation operations. 28 pages.
Energy department and Operating efficiency. 8 pages.
Main Laboratory. 11 pages,
I. Technical department. 12 pages.
J. Air protection, raw material management, patent office, social department, and
legal department. 7 pages.
Section II 13. Manufacture
of isobutyl oil and working up to individual products.
Isobutyl Oil – a computational study. A.N. no. 8748. December 17, 194?. 37
Section II 15. Flowsheets
on gas manufacture including Winkler.
Miscellaneous gas production flow sheets, handwritten reports and calculations,
correspondence, and production figures. 1933-1944. 59 pages.
Miscellaneous flow sheets, calculation, reports, and meeting reports for Gas
Plants Me 1, 135, 136, 224, 240, 241, and 336. Gas distribution. 1928-1937.
88 pages.
Section II 17e.
Ammoniakwerke Merseburg Yearly Report (“Jahresbericht”) for 1944.
Ammoniakwerke Merseburg Yearly Report (“Jahresbericht”) for 1944. Handwritten
production figures in tables only – no reports or figures. January through
April, 1944. 84 pages.
Section II 17g.
Ammoniakwerke Merseburg Yearly Report (“Jahresbericht”) for 1944.
Ammoniakwerke Merseburg Yearly Report (“Jahresbericht”) for 1944. Handwritten
production figures in tables only – no reports or figures. January through
April, 1944. Virtually identical to item 18 except for some limited summary
data. 78 pages.
Ammoniakwerke Merseburg Monthly Report (“Monatsbericht”) for January 1944.
Detailed production/operation values – handwritten in tables. 144 pages.
Section II 37. Production
of Organic Chemicals 1939-1941.
Reports and tables documenting organic chemical (methanol, isobutanol, amines,
phenol oils, ethylene, synthetic lubricants, etc.) production at I. G. Farben,
Leuna Werke, and Oppau. 1938-1941. 44 pages.
Section II 41a. Production
of Phenol derivatives 1943-1944.
Tables and figure documenting production of phenol, phenol oil, carbonic acid,
creosol, xylenol, carbolic acid, etc.at Leuna and incomparison and in total with
other production sites. 1937-1944. 11 pages.
Section II 42a. Organic
products 1939-1942.
Production tables for fuels, methanol, other alcohols, sulfochlorinated
compounds, amines, phenol, lubricating oils, ammonia, gas separation,
inorganics, etc. at Leuna. 1939-1943. 27 pages.
Section II 43. Production
Curves 1943. Missing from reel.
End of reel 115.