Back To TOM Reel
T. O. M. Microfilm Reel 107
(Original Identification AD1(K) 48C-C67-Part II)
Table of Contents
Continued from TOM reel
I 92
Report on the test of light fuels 1938. (Compares the years collection of
individual test reports). Report no. 367. By Ing. Linger. January 25, 1939.
21 pages.
I 93
Reports on oil film breaking tests on vehicle engine low temperature starting.
Report no. 369. By Dipl.-Ing. Galflein. February 1, 1939. 13 pages.
I 94
Report on the test of combustion process in the Hesselman-engine by means of
I.G. Pienzo-Quartz cathode ray indicator. Report no. 370. By Dipl.-Ing.
Witschakowski. February 2, 1939. 18 pages.
I 95
Report on the testing of an ante-chamber additive for Diesel fuels of low cetane
number. Report no. 371. By Dipl.-Ing. Witschakowski. February 5, 1939. 15
I 96
Report on the consuctivity of multi-layer tubes. Report no. 373. By Dr.-Ing.
Kling. Feburary 20, 1939. 12 pages.
I 97
Investigation on the cause of the scatter of the indicator-diagram on an
otto-engine. Report no. 375. By Dr. Weinhard. February 23, 1939. 19 pages.
I 98
Report on tests with RCH (Ruhrchemie Fischer-Tropsch synthesis) Diesel oil.
Report no. 376. By Dipl.-Ing. Kohler. March 31, 1939. 16 pages.
I 99
Report on the influence on the flow resistance of fluids of higher viscosities.
Report no. 377. By Dr.-Ing. Kling. March 17, 1939. 13 pages.
I 100
Investigation of three fuel mixtures. Report no. 378. By Dipl.-Ing. Lauer.
March 28, 1939. 7 pages.
I 101
Report on investigation of three TTH – Diesel fuels. Report no. 379. By
Dipl.-Ing. Kohler. March 31, 1939. 10 pages.
I 102
Comparative tests on I.G. standard test Diesels. Report no. 381.
Author illegible. May 15, 1939. 12 pages.
I 103
Test with aviation oils in the BMW – motor test series VIIa . Report no. 382.
By Halder. June 1, 1939. 26 pages.
I 104
The testing of Olefin-rich gasolines, in particular on their aromatic content.
Report no. 383. Authors illegible. June 7, 1939. 24 pages, text and tables
pretty rough though generally legible.
I 105
Measurement of the Heat of polymerization of gasol. Report no. 384. By
Dr.-Ing. Kling. May 22, 1939. 20 pages,
I 106
The meaning of Cetane number. (Combustion process in Cetane number testing).
Report no. 385. By Dipl.-Ing. Kohler. June 3, 1939. 20 pages.
I 107
The influence of quanity of injected fuel, coolant temperature, rpm, and
condition of induced air on the combustion process in the diesel engine. Report
no. 386. By Dipl.-Ing. Kohler. June 5, 1939. 30 pages.
I 108
Comparative tests on Knock testing engines. (V.V.65). Report no. 387. By Ing.
Linger. May 12, 1939. 20 pages.
I 109
Apparatus for testing lubricating properties of oil. Report no. 388. By
Halder. June 15, 1939. 8 pages.
I 110
Measurement of heat conductivity coefficient of two insulation wraps. Tubes No.
10r and No. 508b. Report no. 391. By Dr.-Ing. Kling. June 26, 1939. 13 pages
(page 6 missing).
I 111
Running tests on a 6 cylinder Hesselman motor. Report no. 392. By Dipl.-Ing.
Witschakowski. July 6, 1939. 22 pages.
I 112
Test of a synthetic gasoline by Dr. Michael. Report no. 393. By Dipl.-Ing.
Lauer. July 20, 1939. 12 pages.
I 113
Knock properties of light fuels of low octane number in the Hesselmann motor.
(Hesselmann motor has unique ignition and compression stroke injection). Report
no. 395. August 16, 1939. 9 pages.
I 113a
Evaluation of the knock resistance of Otto fuels (Automobile and aero) by the
ignition delay method. Report no. 395. By Kohler. January 25, 1941. 10
I 114
The “Time-seeker” as an auxiliary for the I.G. test Diesel. Report no. 397. By
Ing. Linger. September 7, 1939. 7 pages.
I 116
Tests with Leuna-gasoline as Diesel fuel. Report no. 399. By Dipl.-Ing.
Kohler. September 21, 1939. 4 pages.
I 117
Tests with the Dumanois graduated piston. Report no. 102. By Dipl.-Ing. Wahl.
February 7, 1927. 3 pages.
I 118
Tests with the “Gractzin” double carburetor and “Catalex” carburetor on the
Hanomag tractor. Report no. 161. By Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilke. March 11, 1929. 5
I 119
Ignition delay and knock properties of fuels (Rough draft with notes and
correspondence). Report no. 564. By Dipl.-Ing. Witschakowski. February 25,
1944. 86 pages.
I 121
Tests on BMW 132 . Report no. 451. April 25, 1941. 11 pages. Text begins on
page 5 (1-4 missing).
I 122
Necessary and Optimum R – material amount by “Ring” process of the Juno Cylinder
211. Report no. 460. Dipl.-Ing. Leib. May 1, 1941. 15 pages.
I 123
Tests using the “Ping” method with various compression ratios. Report no. 493.
By Dipl.-Ing. F. Pennzig. February 13, 1942. 23 pages.
I 124
Comparison of the ring sticking behaviour with three aviation fuels. Report no.
309. By Dipl.-Ing. Lauer. August 4, 1941. 3 pages.
I 125
Ring sticking runs with a gasoline-benzine aviation fuel mixture. Report no.
310. By Dipl.-Ing. Lauer. August 4, 1941. 2 pages.
I 126
Short report on the viscosity of some types of gasoline at low temperatures.
Report no. 328. Dy. Dr. Seidel. August 7, 1942. 10 pages.
I 127
The use of the I.G. test engine for lubricant test. Report no. 504. June 1,
I 134
Collection of various short reports, figures, and tables. 47 pages.
1. Graph (two copies) Specific heat of aromatic Amines. 2 pages.
2. Test of aviation fuel MAI for
knocking properties in single cylinder engine SCI (C = 7. 2.). Report 59/45. Feburary 2, 1945. 10 pages.
3. Knock test on BMW 801 E. with fuel B 4. Report 1116/44. January
12, 1945. 11 pages.
4. Casing temperatures (2 copies) graph. 2 pages.
5. Standard atmosphere. Data sheets. Din 5450. 3 pages,
6. Angular momentum – Balanca pressure box. (Drawing). 1 page.
7. Knock boundry curves – supercharge method. Two pages.
8. Fuel test in “Vollmetor”. (Refer summarized report No. 388). 3
9. Heat release etc., of fuels 85 GTC2 and 15 GT R2. 6 pages.
10. Graphs (2) Effect of iron carbides on various hydrocarbons. 2
11. Gasoline with aniline additive. (Effect on Octane value). 3
12. Diesel fuel with additive for reducing stalling speed. 2 pages.
I 135
Reports on the inaugural meeting of the research circle. 19 pages.
1. On measuring instruments. By Birmelin. May 30, 1944. 10 pages.
2. On test arrangements. Author illegible. May 30 1944. 9 pages.
I 136
Select committee for the standardixation of automotive testing of Diesel fuels
of the DVM. (German society for testing materials). Author illegible. October
19, 1942. 27 pages.
I 137
Reports on the BWM supercharge engine. 43 pages.
1. Knocking properties of leaded and
unleaded hydro-carbons mixtures in the BMW supercharge engine. Report no. 498.
By Dipl.-Ing Witschakowski. May 2, 1942. 29 pages.
2. Lead sensitivity (of hydrocarbons) under supercharge conditions.
(9 graphs)
Knock boundry cures by the supercharge method. (9 graphs)
End of reel 107.