Air Products
"A" Table of Contents
Developement of Ceramic Membrane Reactor Systems for Converting Natural
Gas to Hydrogen and Synthesis Gas for Liquid Transportation Fuel -
Proceedings of the 2001 DOE Hydrogen Program Review |
Engineering Development
of Ceramic Membrane Reactor Systems for Converting Natural Gas to Hydrogen
and Synthesis Gas for Liquid Transportation Fuel - Proceedings of the 2000
DOE Hydrogen Program Review |
Commercial-scale demonstration of the Liquid Phase Methanol (LPMEOH(trademark)) process. Technical progress report No. 1, October 1, 1993--June 30, 1994. |
Commercial-scale demonstration of the Liquid Phase Methanol
(LPMEOH(trademark)) process. Technical progress report number 11, January 1--March 31, 1997. |
Commercial-scale demonstration of the Liquid Phase Methanol (LPMEOH(trademark)) process. Technical progress report number 9, July 1--September 30, 1996. |
Commercial-scale demonstration of the Liquid Phase Methanol process. Technical progress report number 8, April 1--June 30, 1996. |
Commercial-scale demonstration of the Liquid Phase Methanol (LPMEOH(trademark)) process. Technical progress report number 6, October 1--December 31, 1995. |
Development of alternative fuels from coal-derived synthesis gas- Final topical report, demonstration of one-step slurry-phase process for the co-production of methanol and isobutanol. |
Commercial-scale demonstration of the Liquid Phase Methanol (LPMEOH(trademark)) process. Technical progress report number 5, July 1--September 30, 1995. |
Commercial-scale demonstration of the Liquid Phase Methanol (LPMEOH(trademark)) process. Technical progress report number 2, July 1--September 30, 1994. |
Synthesis of dimethyl ether and alternative fuels in the liquid phase from coal-derived synthesis gas. Final technical report. |
Development of alternative fuels from coal derived syngas. Topical report- Task 2.2, Demonstration of a one-step slurry-phase process for the production of dimethyl ether-methanol mixtures at the LaPorte Alternative Fuels Development Unit. |
Liquid phase methanol LaPorte process development unit- Modification, operation, and support studies. Task 2.0, Run E-5, gas hold-up and equipment evaluation studies. |
Liquid phase methanol LaPorte process development unit- Modification operation, and support studies. Task 3.6-3.7- Alternative catalyst-life run. |
Liquid phase methanol LaPorte Process Development Unit- Modification, operation, and support studies. Task 2.2- Process variable Scan Run E-8 and in-situ activation with syngas Run E-9. |
Liquid phase methanol LaPorte process development unit- Modification, operation, and support studies. Task 3.5- Development of fundamental rate models for methanol synthesis in a slurry reactor. |
Development of alternative fuels from coal-derived syngas. Quarterly technical progress report No. 1, October 1, 1990--December 30, 1990. |
Liquid phase methanol LaPorte process development unit- Modification, operation, and support studies. Quarterly technical progress report No. 8, April 1-June 30, 1989. |
Liquid Phase Methanol LaPorte Process Development Unit- Modification, operation, and support studies. Task 2.3, Tracer studies in the LaPorte LPMEOH PDU- Topical report, Revision No. 1. |
Liquid phase methanol LaPorte PDU- Modification, operation, and support studies. Task 3.4, Adsorbent evaluation for removal of catalyst poisons from synthesis gas. |
Liquid phase methanol LaPorte process development unit- Modification, operation, and support studies. Quarterly technical progress report No. 12, 1 April-30 June 1990. |
Liquid phase methanol LaPorte process development unit- Modification, operation, and support studies. Task 3.2, CO(sub 2) effects on methanol productivity in the LPMEOH process. |
Catalyst and Reactor Development for a Liquid Phase Fischer-Tropsch Process- Final Report for Task 2. |
Catalyst and Reactor Development for a Liquid Phase Fischer-Tropsch Process- Final Report for Task 4. |
Liquid-Entrained Catalyst Operations at LaPorte Pilot Plant for Liquid-Phase Methanol Process, 1984-1985- Final Report. |
LaPorte Liquid-Phase Methanol Process Development Unit- Continued Operation in Liquid-Entrained Catalyst Mode- Final Report. |
Liquid Phase Methanol LaPorte PDU- Modification, Operation, and Support Studies- Quarterly Technical Progress Report No. 1, 9 April-30 September 1987. |
Liquid Phase Methanol Process Development Unit- Installation, Operation, and Support Studies. Task 10. Liquid-Entrained Operations in LaPorte LPMEOH PDU. |
Liquid Phase Methanol Process Development Unit- Installation, Operation, and Support Studies. Task 5. LaPorte LPMEOH PDU Renovation, Installation, and Shakedown (Run F-1) |
Liquid Phase Methanol Process Development Unit- Installation, Operation, and Support Studies. Technical Progress Report No. 9, 1 October-31 December 1983. |
Liquid Phase Methanol Process Development Unit- Installation, Operation, and Support Studies. Topical Report. Experimental Catalyst Preparation Program. |
Liquid-Phase Methanol (LPMeOH) Process Development Unit (PDU) - 40-Day Run at LaPorte, Texas (1984). Final Report. |
Liquid Phase Methanol Process Development Unit- Installation, Operation, and Support Studies. Technical Progress Report No. 10, 1 January-31 March 1984. |
Liquid-Phase Methanol Process-Development Unit- Installation, Operation, and Support Studies. Technical Progress Report No. 6, 1 January 1983-31 March 1983. |
Liquid-Phase-Methanol Process-Development Unit- Installation, Operation, and Support Studies. Technical Progress Report No. 7, 1 April 1983-30 June 1983. |
Liquid Phase Methanol Process Development Unit- Installation, Operation, and Support Studies, Draft Annual Report. Technical Progress Report No. 8, October 1, 1982-September 30, 1983. |
Liquid-Phase Methanol Process Development Unit- Installation, Operation, and Support Studies. Technical Progress Report No. 1, 28 September 1981-31 December 1981. |
Liquid Phase Methanol Process Development Unit- Installation, Operation, and Support Studies. Technical Progress Report No. 3, 1 April 1982-30 June 1982. |
Liqiud Phase Methanol Process Development Unit- Installation, Operation, and Support Studies. Annual Technical Progress Report No. 4, 28 September 1981-30 September 1982. |