TITLE: Liquid-Phase Methanol (LPMeOH) Process Development Unit (PDU) - 40-Day Run at LaPorte, Texas (1984). Final Report. INST. AUTHOR: Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Trexlertown, PA. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Jan 86, 114p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE86006782/INW ABSTRACT: Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. and Chem Systems Inc. have completed a 40-day run in the LaPorte LPMeOH PDU with R71/0F12-26 catalyst. The primary purpose of this test was to demonstrate short-term activity maintenance with CO-rich synthesis gas at the five metric ton per day scale of operation. The catalyst was reduced and then brought on stream in the liquid-fluidized mode with balanced synthesis gas on April 11, 1984. Within 30 hours the liquid-fluidized catalyst had attrited to form the expected 29 wt % slurry. The first 102.5 hours of operation were dedicated to process variable scans with space velocities ranging from 2400 to 14,400 liters per hour per kilogram of catalyst. For the remaining 862 hours on stream, the following relatively constant conditions were maintained with CO-rich synthesis gas: reactor temperature, deg C, 250; reactor pressure, kPa, 5400; catalyst concentration, wt %, 27.5 to 23.3; and space velocity, liters/hr-kg catalyst, 10,000 to 12,500. During this period, CO conversion declined slowly from about 10 to 4.8% and methanol productivity decreased slowly from about 23 to 14.3 g mol/hr-kg catalyst. Trace poisons were at least partly responsible for this activity decline. The run was voluntarily terminated on May 21, 1984 after accumulating 964.5 hours on synthesis gas. A major achievement of this test was the demonstration of sustained PDU operation in the liquid-entrained mode with relatively high slurry concentrations. The run produced 151 metric tons of crude methanol. 7 refs., 24 figs., 32 tabs. (ERA citation 11:015828) REPORT NUMBER: EPRI-AP-4430 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-81PC30019 |