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Reel 297
Designation FIAT Reel K-30) PB L73587
Table of Contents
Documents taken
from Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten
Treatment of gasoline with Fuller's earth. By Velde. October 12, 1938. 3
Boiling analyses of different cracked products. By Velde, October 7, 1938. 4
pages. Two graphs attached.
Examining products of a cracking plant. By Velde May 7, 1938. 19 pages. Six
graphs and nine tables attached.
Iron catalyst tests in Fischer-Tropsch gasoline production. By Hagemann.
February 2, 1946. 2 pages.
Normal pressure Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of gasoline with iron catalysts. By
Hagemann. November 12, 1945. 3 pages.
Reduction of water consumption in industrial plants. By Johswich. March 23,
1944. 8 pages. Four diagrams attached.
Improvement in the operation of Fischer-Tropsch gasoline synthesis plants.
Report of conference in 2 sections/reports. By Lopmann and Feisst. March 26,
1943. 28 pages.
7438-7440 Desulfurization
of synthesis gas. July 8, 1941. 3 pages.
Operation of two-stage Fischer-Tropsch gasoline synthesis. By Schuff. January
15, 1940. 3 pages.
Dry regeneration of Fischer-Tropsch gasoline synthesis catalysts. By Roelen.
July 15, 1939. 4 pages.
Thorium-magnesium catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch gasoline synthesis. By Schuff.
No date. 6 pages - incomplete report.
Content of cobalt and diatomaceous earth in Fischer-Tropsch gasoline synthesis
catalyst - Kölbel Report No. 68. By Kölbel. March 9, 1938, Treibstoffwerk
Reinpreussen. 14 pages. (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 308, Frames 1014-1031.)
Efficiency and life of the Fischer-Tropsch gasoline synthesis catalyst. 2
separate reports by Steinbrecher and Weingaertner, Braunkohle Benzin A.G.,
Ruhland. January 4 and 5, 1938. 15 pages. (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel
292, Frames 3782-3796 and T.O.M. Reel 308 (?), Frames 999-1013.)
Aromatization tests. Second report on the aromatization tests in the LT
experimental plant. By Kolling. February 8, 1941. 34 pages. One table, two
diagrams and six graphs attached.
Allotment of raw materials for a gasoline and nitrogen plant. By Gottlob.
November 16, 1940. 1 page.
Plant for drying of hydrogen. By Stuhlpfarrer. July 19, 1940. 8 pages. One
diagram and four graphs attached.
Flow resistance in the aromatization catalyst. By Kolling. July 2,
1940. 11 pages. Report appears on Frames 7526-7530 and is duplicated on Frames
7531-7535 with one diagram appearing on Frame 7536. (Complete report which
includes seven diagrams is reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 290, Frames 2458-2460 and
T.O.M. Reel 291, Frames 2461-2469, these two sets of frames making up the
complete report.)
Results obtained in the LT plant. Production of pure C7
compounds, aromatization and production of pure toluene - test of report. By
Kolling. April 30, 1940. 26 pages – no tables, figures, or diagrams.
(Complete report which includes tables, diagrams, and figures is reproduced on
T.O.M. Reel 289, Frames 1666-1736 and two reproductions of the text of the
report appear on T.O.M. Reel 291, Frames 2532-2603.)
Processing of aluminum oxide into aromatization catalysts. By Spiske. January
26, 1940. 3 pages. (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 291, Frames
Trial nitration of synthetic toluene. Note from the Oberkommando des Heeres,
dated January 15, 1940. 1 page.
Toluene testing installation. Report dated August 31, 1939. 1 page.
Production of pure toluene from "active carbon gasoline". By Petri. July 14,
1939. 3 pages. (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 289, Frames and T.O.M. Reel
290, Frames 2077-2079.)
Production of toluene by aromatization. By Rottig. May 26, 1939. 4 pages.
(Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 290, Frames 2095-2098.)
Production of aromatic hydrocarbons from acetylene. by Velde. October 21,
1937. 6 pages. One table attached. Figures referred to missing.
7582-7592 Calculations
of an ethylene plant. By Tramm. August 20, 1943. 11 pages.
Synthesis of light hydrocarbons. By Dahm. February 15, 1939. 3 pages. One
diagram attached. (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 290, Frames
German Patent application R 640. Separation of sodium carbonate soaps from soap
mixtures containing hydrocarbons. November 4, 1942. 4 pages.
Separation of soaps from
reaction mixtures which contain hydrocarbons by a high excess of alcohol and
Addition German Patent Application T 57,756 IXb/42 1. Apparatus for determining
the viscosity of liquids. By Heinrich Tramm. October 21, 1942. 4 pages. One
diagram attached. A viscometer with tubes so small that a drop is sufficient
for filling.
German Patent Application R 638. Level indication for liquids in containers.
October 21, 1942. 2 pages. Liquid level measurement by electrical resistance
German Patent Application R 636. Production of unsaturated hydrocarbons by
catalytic hydrogenation of carbon monoxide. September 26, 1942. 4 pages.
Olefin production by reduced catalyst load.
German Patent application R 635. Process for carrying out exothermic
reactions. September 21, 1942. 7 pages. Operation of a catalyst oven with
two heat exchangers.
Additional application for patent J 63,879 IVd/12 o. Process for producing
solid hydrocarbons by reacting carbon monoxide with hydrogen at ordinary
temperatures. By Kotzschmar and Others. February 20, 1939. 3 pages.
Additional application for patent J 63,778 IVd/12 o. Production of low-boiling
liquid hydrocarbons. February 11, 1932. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 633. Production of ammonium nitrate which will not
harden during transportation or storage. September 14, 1942. 4 pages.
Pre-cooling ammonium nitrate to about 80°-90° C on a cooling drum and final
cooling and granulation.
German Patent Application R 632. Adjustment of uniform packing heights in
catalytic processes. August 31, 1942. 3 pages. Catalyst suction apparatus for
obtaining catalyst tubes not fully packed.
German Patent Application R 631. Preliminary treatment of coal gases which are
to be highly compressed. August 28, 1942. 2 pages. Catalytic methanization of
coal gases with regard to hindering corrosion.
German Patent Application R 629. Increasing the yield of
oxygen-containing products in the catalytic hydrogenation of carbon monoxide.
August 25, 1942. 2 pages. Catalytic hydrogenation of carbon monoxide below
excess pressure and with addition of acetylene and ethylene. Addition to German
Patent Application R 109,774 IVd/12 o.
German Patent Application R 628. Stabilization of synthetic lubricating oils.
August 20, 1942. 3 pages. Stabilization with sulfur and amino compounds which
can form thiodiphenyl amines.
German Patent Application R 627. Dehydrogenation of saturated aliphatic
hydrocarbons. August 20, 1942. 3 pages. In the dehydrogenation resulting from
chlorine addition and removal, high catalyst charges are used to avoid diolefin
formation. Addition to German Patent Application R 109,613 IVd/12 o.
German Patent Application R 626. Reduction of the size of thread-like products,
especially in the production of catalysts. August 7, 1942. 4 pages.
Disintegration of thread-like shaped catalysts by centrifugal action.
German Patent Application R 625. Lubricant containing carboxylic acids or their
derivatives. August 4, 1942. 3 pages.
German Patent Application R 624. Comparison viscometer for the determination of
the degree of viscosity or dilution of lubricants. By H. Tramm. July. 23,
1942. 3 pages.
German Patent Application R 623. Production of ammonium nitrate-mixed
fertilizers. July 22, 1942. 2 pages.
German Patent Application R 622. Packing of catalysts into catalytic furnaces.
June 24, 1942. 3 pages. Catalyst packing by insertion of a paraffin layer
floating on water.
German Patent Application R 621. Packing of catalysts into catalytic furnaces.
June 8, 1942. 7 pages. Catalyst packing by introducing a paraffin layer.
German Patent Application R 620. The operation of exothermic catalytic
furnaces. June 6, 1942. 5 pages. One diagram attached. Catalyst furnace with
vertical tubes not fully packed.
German Patent Application R 619. Catalyst furnace for exothermic gas reactions,
especially carbon monoxide hydrogenation. June 6, 1942. 5 pages. Furnace with
vertical tubes and upper ring chamber. Two diagrams attached.
German Patent Application R 618. The production of uniformly granulated calcium
ammonium nitrate. June 5, 1942. 5 pages. Spraying ammonium nitrate on calcium
carbonate moving in a rotating drum with simultaneous heating.
German Patent Application R 617. Uniform heating of coal dust furnaces. May
28, 1942. 5 pages. Three diagrams attached.
German Patent Application R 615. The dehydration of gases. May 26, 1942. 3
German Patent Application R 614. The separation of branched fatty acids from
mixtures of isomeric and homologous fatty acids. May 14, 1942. 4 pages.
Separation of branched fatty acids from isomeric and homologous mixtures by
partial saponification.
German Patent Application R 612. High pressure distillations. May 11, 1942. 3
pages. Pressure distillation with re-introduction of the top products into the
bottom products.
German Patent Application R 611. Dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons. May 6,
1942. 5 pages. Olefin formation (dehydrogenation) with aromatization catalysts
by addition of compounds which form water in the hydrocarbon mixture.
German Patent Application R 610. The regulation of temperature in relation to
other temperatures. May 6, 1942. 4 pages. Temperature regulation of
distillation columns and similar apparatus by air thermometers connected
opposite each other.
German Patent Application R 609. Process for separating isomeric fatty acid
mixtures. May 1, 1942. 5 pages. Separation of isomeric fatty acids by
partial saponification and extraction.
German Patent Application R 607. Double walled protective hood for gasoline
tanks, etc. March 11, 1942. 3 pages.
7710-7714 Cellular
encasing of liquid motor fuels. February 19, 1942. 5 pages.
German Patent Application R 604. Production of methane for mixtures of oxides
of carbon with hydrogen. February 2, 1942. 4 pages. Methanization with nickel
catalysts which contain MgO as activator.
German Patent Application R 603. Conversion of sulfur, bound organically
in technical gases (i.e. coke-oven gases), into an easily absorbable form.
February 2, 1942. 6 pages. Splitting-off of organic S compounds with catalysts
which contain additions of calcium, magnesium or aluminum.
German Patent Application R 602. Conversion of sulfur, bound organically
in technical gases, like coke-oven gas, in an easily absorbable form. February
2, 1942. 4 pages. Splitting-off of organic S compounds with catalysts which
contain copper as the catalytically active constituent.
German Patent Application R 601. Production of pure alcohols. January 27,
1942. 4 pages. Separation of olefin-containing oils in alcohol production by
addition of water gas. Addition to German Patent Application R 106,852 IVd/12
German Patent Application R 600. Production of ethers used as solvents or
softening agents. January 26, 1942. 4 pages. Ethers from OXO compounds used
as solvents or softening agents.
German Patent Application R 728. Dehydrogenation of higher molecular
hydrocarbons. September 30, 1944. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 727. Production of mono-and dinitro derivatives of
the naphthene series. September 29, 1944. 2 pages.
German Patent Application R 726. Process for nitrating toluene. September 29,
1944. 3 pages.
German Patent Application R 725. Regeneration of thorium for catalyst
production. September 15, 1944. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 724. Reaction furnace with recuperative preheating,
especially for the continuous combustion of H2S in an excess of CO2--containing
gases to form Sulfur. August 31, 1944. 6 pages.
German Patent Application R 723. Dechlorination of condensation and
polymerization products of olefins obtained by the splitting of carbon monoxide
hydrogenation products. August 3, 1944. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 722. Production of high molecular hydrocarbon oils
by condensation and polymerization of hydrocarbons. August 1, 1944. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 721. Starting gasoline engines at low
temperatures. July 24, 1944. 10 pages. Addition to German Patent Application
R 115,636 Ia/46 a 7. Two diagrams attached.
German Patent Application R 720. Catalytic cracking of carbon monoxide
hydrogenation products into olefinic, low-boiling hydrocarbons. July 20, 1944.
9 pages. Two graphs attached. 2 copies on entire application.
German Patent Application R 719. Fuel injection for starting injection engines.
July 12, 1944. 6 pages. Addition to German Patent Application R 115,636. One
diagram attached.
German Patent Application R 718. Use of fuel vapors that form in fuel tanks and
pipes. June 16, 1944. 4 pages. Addition to German Patent Application R
110,972 Ia/46 c 2.
German Patent Application R 717. Improvement of synthetic lubricating oils.
June 8, 1944. 4 pages. Addition to German Patent Application R 108,370 IVd/23
German Patent Application R 716. Testing the oxygen stability of lubricating
oils. May 18, 1944. 5 pages.
German Patent Application R 715. Improving the efficiency of existing cracking
plants. May, 15, 1944. 2 pages.
7812-7815 German
Patent Application R 714. Production of resins. May 15, 1944. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 713. Production of high molecular compounds from
lower molecular olefins. April 28, 1944. 2 pages.
German Patent Application R 712. Automatic sampling at low pressures. April
24, 1944. 4 pages. One diagram attached.
German Patent Application R 711. Automatic dosing of exactly measured liquid
volumes at greatly reduced pressures. April 4, 1944. 4 pages. One diagram
German Patent Application R 710. Process for dehydrogenating hydrocarbons with
formation of aromatic substances. March 29, 1944. 10 pages. Two graphs and
one diagram attached.
German Patent Application R 709. Exhaling valve for gas-protection equipment.
March 15, 1944. 3 pages. Five diagrams attached.
German Patent Application R 707. Separating mixtures of sulfuric esters of
higher molecular hydrocarbons on the one hand and paraffin hydrocarbons on the
other hand. March 10, 1944. 3 pages. Addition to German Patent Application R
116,698 IVd/12 p.
German Patent Application R 706. Removal of ashes from gas producers with
moving grates. March 9, 1944. 3 pages. One diagram attached.
German Patent Application R 705. Manufacture of high-grade gas producers with
moving grates. February 9, 1944. 3 pages.
German Patent Application R 704. Manufacture of synthetic soaps. February 8,
1944. 2 pages.
German Patent Application R 703. Manufacture of aliphatic carboxylic acids
solidifying at low temperatures. February 4, 1944. 5 pages.
German Patent Application R 700. Manufacture of active dehydrogenation
catalysts. January 15, 1944. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 697. Polymerization of carbon monoxide
hydrogenation products containing oxygen. December 31, 1943. 2 pages.
German Patent Application R 695. Manufacture of high-grade aviation gasoline
from natural gasolines. December 20, 1943. 12 pages. Three graphs and one
flow diagram attached.
German Patent Application R 694. Automatic permanent gas-sampling apparatus
with adjustable volume. October 30, 1943. 5 pages. One diagram attached.
German Patent Application R 693. Manufacture of condensation products.
September 15, 1943. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 692. Manufacture of organic acids by oxidation of
coal. September 15, 1943. 2 pages.
German Patent Application R 691. The increase of the resistance to aging of
lubricating oils. September 9, 1943. 3 pages.
German Patent Application R 690. Removal of compounds containing oxygen from
hydrocarbon mixtures. September 9, 1943. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 689. Treatment of waste gases containing acid,
especially nitrous gases. September 7, 1943. 2 pages. Addition to German
Patent Application R 115,001 IVb/12 e.
German Patent Application R 688. Separating mixtures of sulfuric esters of
higher molecular hydrocarbons on the one hand and paraffin hydrocarbons on the
other hand. August 25, 1943. 3 pages. Addition to German Patent Application R
116,698 IVd/12 o.
German Patent Application R 687. Aromatization and dehydrogenation catalysts.
August 20, 1943. 7 pages. Addition to German Patent Application R 114,653
IVd/23 b.
German Patent Application R 686. Activation of carbon monoxide hydrogenation
catalysts. July 30, 1943. 5 pages.
Note with regard to release of patent applications. November 4, 1943. 1 page.
German Patent Application R 685. Starting of fuel injection engines. August 9,
1943. 6 pages. Four diagrams attached.
German Patent Application R 684. Manufacture of carboxylic acids or their salts
from esters with out formation of alcohols as by -products. July 23, 1943. 3
German Patent Application R 683. Processing residues of catalyst oil resulting
from olefin polymerization to lubricating oil by means of aluminum chloride.
July 21, 1943. 3 pages.
German Patent Application R 682. Olefin polymerization by means of metal
halides. July 19, 1943. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 681. Manufacture of carboxylic acids or their
derivatives resulting from treatment with alkalis. July 15, 1943. 2 pages.
German Patent Application R 680. Manufacture of carboxylic acids of their
derivatives resulting from treatment with alkalis. July 14, 1943. 2 pages.
Addition to German Patent Application R 115,996 IVa/23 d.
German Patent Application R 679. Dechlorination of hydrocarbons. July 12,
1943. 3 pages.
German Patent Application R 678. Automatic apparatus for conveying small and
very small amounts of liquids. July 10, 1943. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 677. Separating mixtures of sulfuric esters of
higher molecular hydrocarbons on the one hand and paraffin hydrocarbons on the
other hand. July 9, 1943. 5 pages.
German Patent Application R 676. Manufacture of mono-nitrotoluene from
toluene. July 6, 1943. 3 pages.
German Patent Application R 675. Manufacture of pure chromium nitrate. July 5,
1943. 3 pages.
German Patent Application R 674. Manufacture of ammonium nitrate by
neutralization of ammonia and nitric acid. July 16, 1943. 5 pages.
German Patent Application R 673. The removal of alcohol from
hydrocarbon-alcohol-mixtures. June 29, 1943. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 672. Removal of chromium from industrial products.
June 21, 1943. 3 pages.
German Patent Application R 671. Valve with rubber jacketed gate. June 19,
1943. 3 pages.
German Patent Application R 670. Manufacture of iron catalysts for low
temperatures. May 20, 1943. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 669. Manufacture of carboxylic acids or their
derivatives from concentrated soap solutions. April 19, 1943. 4 pages.
German Patent Application R 667. Iron catalysts for producing primarily olefinic and oxygen-containing hydrocarbons during carbon monoxide
hydrogenation. March 17, 1943. 4 pages. Iron catalyst with cerium, vanadium
or manganese addition for obtaining higher olefin content.
German Patent Application R 666. Starting gasoline engines at very low
temperatures. March 11, 1943. 3 pages. Starting gasoline motors by spraying
fuel directly into the cylinder.
7977-7978 Incompletely
reduced catalyst material. By Roelen. March 11, 1943. 2 pages.
German Patent Application R 664. Suppression of foam formation during the
washing of gas components. February 6, 1943. 2 pages. The foam formation of
alkacid plants in the washing of gas is suppressed by high molecular alcohols.
German Patent Application R 662. Production of hydrocarbons by catalytic carbon
monoxide hydrogenation. January 30, 1943. 4 pages. The desulfurization of
synthesis gas is carried out with the used synthesis catalyst.
German Patent Application R 662. Manufacture of calcium ammonium nitrate.
January 28, 1943. 4 pages. Calcium nitrate solutions are treated with ammonia
gas and then evaporated. One flow diagram attached.
German Patent Application R 660. Deliming of magnesium oxide. January 23,
1943. 3 pages. Purification of magnesium catalyst carrier with magnesium
nitrate solution for removal of lime compounds.
German Patent Application R 659. Testing apparatus for carrying out chemical
reactions, especially high pressure reactions. January. 21, 1943. 4 pages.
Block furnace with shaking autoclave.
German Patent Application R 658. Preparation of fatty acid concentrates capable
of forming soaps. January 14, 1943. 3 pages. The synthesis products are washed
with a circulating concentrated caustic soda solution until soap separation
German Patent Application R 657. Enrichment of the olefin content of
hydrocarbon mixtures. January 14, 1943. 5 pages. 1 graph illegible. The
hydrocarbon mixture is separated into fractions and those fractions containing a
high olefin content are mixed together, making a rich olefin mixture.
German Patent Application R 656. Dehydrogenation of cyclic hydrocarbons.
January 13, 1943. 3 pages. Cyclic hydrocarbons are dehydrogenated by using
chlorine or bromine and aluminum oxide or silicic acid catalysts.
German Patent Application R 655. Catalytic addition of water gas to olefins.
January 9, 1943. 4 pages. The catalysts used for the water gas addition are
suspended in media which are not soluble in the reaction mixture.
German Patent Application R 654. Preparation of carbon compounds
containing oxygen by catalytic addition of water gas on olefins. January 8,
1943. 3 pages. Carrying out the OXO water gas addition at temperatures below
200°C and in the presence of steam.
German Patent Application R 651. Simplified and improved measurement of dusty
and fine-grained products. December 24, 1942. 3 pages. Two diagrams attached.
German Patent Application R 650. Treatment of waste gases containing acid,
especially nitrous gases. December 25, 1942. 2 pages. Nitrous gases are mixed
with ammonia and then precipitated in an electro-filter.
German Patent Application R 649. Purification of synthetic fatty acids.
December 22, 1942. 5 pages. Extraction of fatty acids in the form of acid
soaps prepared from them.
German Patent Application R 648. Decomposition of mixtures consisting of fatty
acids or fatty acid salts and neutral oils. December 18, 1942. 4 pages.
Working up fatty acid mixtures by extraction at certain pH values.
German Patent Application R 645. Valve for tanks, especially for catalyst
material. November 28, 1942. 5 pages. Valves for catalyst containers with
sliding rods which have an adequate distance from the walls. Three diagrams
German Patent Application R 643. Aromatization and dehydrogenation of
hydrocarbons. November 17, 1942. 2 pages. Alkalized chromium oxide-aluminum
oxide catalysts contain an addition of manganese oxide.
German Patent Application R 642. Aromatization or dehydrogenation of
hydrocarbons. November 14, 1942. 4 pages. Chromium oxide-aluminum oxide
catalysts with addition of alkali.
German Patent Application R 641. Production of pure magnesium oxide
suitable for the production of catalysts. November 11, 1942. 3 pages.
Purification of magnesium oxide to be used for catalysts by treatment with the
mother liquor of the catalyst precipitation.
8042-8044 Activation
of natural bleaching earths. By Kalippke. April 5, 1943. 3 pages.
8045-8047 Heterogeneous
catalysis. By Kalippke. April 5, 1943. 3 pages.
Finely fractionating column with packing-bodies for laboratories. By Heinrich
Tramm. May 1, 1942. 23 pages. Five graphs and one diagram attached.
Hydrocarbon synthesis by the gas circulation process and oil circulation
process. Two reports dated January 10 and 16, 1939. 22 pages.
German Patent Application R 616. Highly combustible fuels. May 28, 1942. 9
pages. Highly combustible fuels consisting of alkyl nitrates or hydrocarbon
mixtures which contain larger quantities of alkyl nitrate.
German Patent Application R 613. 9 pages. Nitration processes. May 11, 1942.
Note concerning R 613 on Frame 8106.
German Patent Application R 606. Improvement of the properties of gasoline.
February 27, 1942. 4 pages. Separation of knock-free gasoline fractions in a
discontinuous two-stage distillation with a high recoil.
Fine distillation of gas. By Heinrich Tramm. Dated 30, 1942. 7 pages. Two
diagrams attached.
Acetylene addition during the carbon monoxide hydrogenation. April 27, 1942. 4
pages. (Report is also reproduced in series of reports appearing on T.O.M. Reel
289, Frames 1376-1402.)
Note concerning paper waste baskets. April 27, 1942. 1 page.
Production of alkyl benzene from benzene and Ruhr-gas oil. By Kolling. March
20, 1942. 30 pages. Two tables, one diagram and six graphs attached.
8157-8160 Structure
of olefins and lubricating oil properties. October 28, 1941. 4 pages.
Operation of a fuel plant at Rheinpreussen. By Krueger. January 16, 1941. 11
pages. One table and one graph attached.
8172-8172A Atmospheric
corrosion of metals. By Gubin. June 26, 1944. 2 pages.
Corrosion of iron pipes in an electric synthesis oven with iron catalysts. By
Gubin. March 31, 1942. 4 pages.
Materials for storing the catalyst for hydrocarbon aromatization. By Rottig.
July 11, 1939. 6 pages. Two tables attached. (Report is also reproduced on
T.O.M. Reel 289, Frames 1774-1779 and T.O.M. Reel 290, Frames 2080-2085.)
8183-8190 Corrosion
of steel. November 5, 1938. 8 pages.
Life of diluted cobalt catalysts of the Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbon synthesis.
Report No. 6. By W. Herbert (Lurgi G.m.b.H.). April 26, 1939. 11 pages.
Pressure synthesis of hydrocarbons. Report No. 4. By Herbert (Lurgi
G.m.b.H.). February 8, 1938. 1 page only, which is first page of multi-page
report that is continued/completed on T.O.M. Reel 298, Frames 8203-8206.