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Catalyst For Chemical Processes

Patent Number: SU374900

Publication date: 1978-10-15

Inventor(s): E.Z. Golosman, V.I. Yakerson, V.S. Sobolevski, L.I. Kozlov, A.I. Kreindel, I.A. Mamaeva, A.I. Galkina, E.A. Boevskaya, A.M. Varlamova, N.I. Romanova,

G.F. Epishko

Applicant(s): E.Z. Golosman, V.I. Yakerson, V.S. Sobolevski, L.I. Kozlov, A.I. Kreindel, I.A. Mamaeva, A.I. Galkina, E.A. Boevskaya, A.M. Varlamova, N.I. Romanova,

G.F. Epishko

Requested Patent: SU374900

Application Number: SU19701397986 19700108

Priority Number(s): SU19701397986 19700108

IPC Classification: B01J23/78

EC Classification:


Application of 08.01.70

Priority of ---

Published: 15.10.78 in B.I. No. 38


This invention relates to the production of catalyst for chemical processes, for example, for hydrogenation of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The goal of the invention is to extend the catalyst heat resistance interval up to 600-650°C that exceeds by 50-100°C that characteristic of the known catalyst. Calcium aluminate having a specific surface area of 30-40 to 350-400 m2/g is used as the catalyst support. Nickel is the active component. The catalyst composition is as follows (wt.%):

NiO 15 - 50
CaO 9 - 5
Al2O3 66 - 39
H2O 10 - 6

The active phase is uniformly distributed throughout the support surface in order to prevent sintering. Besides, specific surface of the active component increases from 18 m2/g to 24 m2/g. The increase of the nickel surface leads to the increase of the catalyst activity. Detailed description of the catalyst synthesis procedure is presented.