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A Method To Prepare Catalyst For Carbon Monoxide Conversion

Patent Number: SU152459

Inventor(s): F.P. Inanovskii, L.I. Kozlov, B.I. Shteinberg, T.A. Semenova and M.I. Markina

Applicant(s): F.P. Inanovskii, L.I. Kozlov, B.I. Shteinberg, T.A. Semenova and M.I. Markina

Requested Patent: SU152459

Application Number: SU19620777081 19620505

Priority Number(s): SU19620777081 19620505

IPC Classification:

EC Classification:


Application of 05.05.1962

Priority of---

Published: 29.08.1968 in B.I No. 27


A method to prepare a catalyst for CO conversion, consisting of oxides of zinc, chromium and copper with the additives of alumina, manganese, titanium and stabilizers. The ratio of the main components varies within the limits:

ZnO:Cr2O3=1:1.15 – 1:1, ZnO:CuO=1:0.1

The content of each additive amounts to 0.05-5% of the content of the main components.

The catalyst is prepared by mixing the oxides suspensions with a solution of chromic anhydride, followed by treating the catalyst mass according to known procedures. This allows to increase the catalyst stability and to decrease the process temperature.