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FIAT Final Report 426

Interrogation of Dr. Pier and Staff 
I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G.
Ludwigshafen/ Oppau

In the pdf format this document has 42 pages and is 1335kb

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  1. Introduction

  2. Synthesis of Hydrocarbons from Water Gas

    1. Fixed Bed Gas Recycle Process-Michael

    2. Foam Process-Michael

    3. Iron Catalyst in Tubular Reactors-Michael

    4. Fixed Bed, Oil Circulation Process-Duftschmid

  3. Toluene Production

    1. Double DHD Process - Donath

    2. DHD Extraction - Donath

  4. Oxidation Processes

    1. Fatty Acid Production Schiller and Kürzinger

    2. Methane -Oxygen Process - Schiller, Koch and Bartholome.

    3. Hydrogen Peroxide from Propane - Bartholome

    4. Acetylene from Ethane - Sachsse

  5. Polymerization and Condensation Processes

    1. Oppanol Production - Güterbock and Schwarz

    2. Isobutylene Polymerization - Kuhn

    3. Lupolen H. - Hopff and Schwarz

    4. Paraflow - Christmann

    5. Bunol - Steinhofer

    6. Buna D. - Herbeck

    7. Koresin - Christ

  6. Chlorination Processes

    1. Preparation of Alkyl Dichloride- Leutner

    2. Butadiene from Butylene - Leutner

    3. Butadiene from Butane - Weldmann

  7. Miscellaneous Processes and Products

    1. Hydrogenation of Butadiene to Butylene - Conrad

    2. Kybol - Waldmann

    3. Tannol - Kuhn

    4. Vanol HS - Lorenz

    5. Diolefins from Olefins and Formaldehyde - Bueren

    6. Preparation of Alkyl Alcohol - Klein

    7. Methacryl nitrile - Lorenz

  8. Spectrographic Studies

    1. Research -Fromherz

    2. Equipment - Luft