General Inorganic Chemicals | ||||
ALUMINA, active, production of, |
2 |
2168 |
11 |
50 88-50 94 |
ALUMINUM alcoholates in the textile industry |
72 |
405-436 |
, medicinal use of |
72 |
368-404 |
di-, hydroxide |
70 |
682-683 |
plant, Bitterfeld, visit to |
162 |
211-214 |
tri-formate, production of |
2 |
2168 |
11 |
50 76-50 87 |
AMMONIA plant, flow sheet of, Oppau |
193 |
23497 |
synthesis, circulation pressure release gas, Leuna, Sk 20543 |
195 |
30932 |
AMMONIUM persulfate, studies on the synthesis of with lead peroxide anodes by Y. Momotari and H. Kada |
231 |
70 82-70 95 |
ARSENIC compounds |
145 |
99 |
and its compounds, literature survey on |
253 |
292-296 |
, autoclave experiments on the removal of, from Bruex tar products |
168 |
19-22 |
in Bruex tar, experiments with, |
168 |
23 |
removal from coal tar |
170 |
502-509 |
204 |
194-200 |
BORON trifluoride manufacture, Kd 1458 methods of, |
28 |
2167 |
120 |
, Kd 1507 flow sheet for the manufacture of, |
28 |
2167 |
121 |
CALCIUM carbide manufacture, Schkopau |
191 |
24983 |
25016-25037 |
, production and uses of in Germany, Reported by H. A. Curtis |
196 |
50 43-50 54 |
chloride for drying hydrocarbon gases |
167 |
330-343 |
nitrite solution, flow sheet for the production of, Leuna M. 7535-2 |
195 |
31773 |
CARBIDE, cyanamide, and cyanide, German industry. Reported by W. G. McBurney, G. W. Sinclair and H. S. Sutherland |
198 |
20 29-20 56 |
CARBONYLS, metal, preparation of and their physiological effects |
14 |
493 |
CARBONYLS, metal, survey of literature on, |
125 |
66-72 |
2nd series |
CHLORHYDRINS, conversion of, to oxides and carbonyl compounds, by Hartmann and Saenger |
21 |
18..209-18..213 |
CHLORINE, absorption of in sulfur chloride |
26 |
12..639-12..640 |
cells, vertical mercury of I. G. Farbenindustrie, A. G., prepared by W. C. Gardiner, et al. |
240 |
30 1-30 32 |
, experience with the 1 m catalyst reactor in Op 629 HCl oxidation |
29 |
8..475-8..481 |
, HCl oxidation plant in Heydebreck |
29 |
8..493-8..508 |
8..513-8..516 |
, discussion of the Oppau HCl oxidation process, 1944 |
29 |
8..509-8..512 |
31 |
17..1098-17..1106 |
, hydrogen chloride oxidation plant |
119 |
10 47 |
, cost of compression of by different methods |
29 |
8..533 |
, flow sheet of Deacon process plant, Leuna M 5204-2 |
195 |
31781 |
, purification, description of a process for the removal of impurities from gases and vapors |
29 |
8..482-8..492 |
recovery from HCl |
28 |
2167 |
70-75 |
and sodium hydroxide production, Schkopau |
191 |
25039-25054 |
in SCl2, solubility of, |
29 |
8..517-8..522 |
solution in sulfur dichloride, physiological effects of, |
29 |
8..523-8..527 |
CHROMIUM nitrate from sodium bichromate |
50 |
519-521 |
from Na2Cr2O7, preparation of, |
50 |
501-506 |
FULLERS earth, information gained in the extraction of, |
60 |
816-832 |
, regeneration of, |
60 |
683-704 |
800-814 |
, remarks on, |
146 |
106 |
GELS, the production of mineral, by P. G. Sprelkov, Kislorod 1945, No. 2, pages 36-37, in Russian |
258 |
30 19 |
HYDRAZINE, synthesis of, from urea, by T. Yamamoto and H. Nakao |
231 |
80 43-80 50 |
, synthesis of, by Y. Momotari, T. Yamamoto, and S. Endo |
231 |
80 33-80 42 |
HYDROGEN fluoride in organic chemistry |
167 |
15-22 |
peroxide, from alkyl antraquionones |
32-I |
158.1305-158.1307 |
(T-stuff), catalytic decomposition of, |
32-I |
137.1177-137.1178 |
, chemical and physical data on T-stuff |
32-I |
148.1263-148.1279 |
concentrate, instructions for storage and handling of, |
32-I |
139.1182-139.1205 |
HYDROGEN peroxide and alkali peroxides by autooxidation of organic compounds, production of, |
32-I |
163.1330-163.133* |
flow sheet of plant for manufacturing T-stuff concentrate |
32-I |
143..1235 |
letter concerning aluminum tanks for storage of, |
32-I |
136.1175-136.117* |
145..1246 |
concentrate, drawings of aluminum tanks for storing |
32-I |
153.1295-156.129* |
concentrate, particularly against explosive and incendiary bombs, safety in storage of, |
32-I |
138.1179-138.118* |
141.1218-141.123* |
concentration plants at the first Naval Fuel Depot, design and operation of, by S. Shinoda, Y. Yamamoto, S. Suzuki and S. Hyashe |
231 |
80 19-80 32 |
, detail drawings of flanges and tubes for T-stuff storage |
32-I |
144.1236-144.12** |
development work on the production of, |
119 |
10 46 |
distillation process |
147.1249-147.12** |
development of distillation process for concentrating |
32-I |
135.1115-135.11** |
drawings of aluminum tank for T-stuff storage |
32-I |
142..1234 |
Elektrochemische Werke, Hollriegelskeut, reported by W. G. Gormley |
197 |
10 6-10 15 |
, physical data on, |
112 |
1229-1231 |
32-I |
148.1263-148.12** |
plant, requirements of, alloy steels, aluminum, etc. for, |
32-I |
157.1301-157.13** |
, decomposition of T-stuff, discussion of further work on, |
32-I |
134..1114 |
preparation of, from propane peroxide |
81 |
4848-4851 |
production through 2-ethyl hydroquinone. Reported by W. G. Gormley |
197 |
10 1-10 5 |
, recovery of, from propane peroxides, by P. L. Kooijman |
79 |
2595-2640 |
Translation, Phillips Petr. Co. |
245 |
50 80-50 12* |
HYDROGEN peroxide solution, proposed process for concentrating the 20% |
32-I |
152.1288-152.1294 |
production, solvents for use in |
32-I |
151.1286-151.1287 |
, stabilizers for T-stuff (inhibitors for H2O2 decomposition) |
32-I |
149 |
149.1280-149.1282 |
, preparation 77 (T-stuff stabilizer |
32-I |
150.1283-150.1285 |
, standardized testing of catalysts for decomposition of T-stuff |
32-I |
133..1113 |
, studies on the synthesis of from water vapor by the electric discharge method, by H. Fujimoto, Y. Momotari, and T. Konosu |
231 |
70 104-70 117 |
, transportation of T-stuff (letter) |
32-I |
146.1247-146.1248 |
IRON carbonyl and nickel carbonyl, physical data on, |
104 |
26665-26682 |
nitride formation and reduction under hydrogenation conditions |
165 |
573-577 |
supplies, powdered |
119 |
0 59-0 64 |
0 66-0 71 |
KIESLGUR shipment, testing of, |
42 |
3439 |
24 |
877-892 |
Translation S-93 |
274 |
1759-1760 |
, summary of information concerning the preparation of, for Ruhrchemie |
42 |
3439 |
24 |
877-892 |
Translation M. Beth, S-94 |
274 |
1761-1762 |
supply |
42 |
3439 |
24 |
877-892 |
Translation S-91 |
274 |
1755-1757 |
purification, utilization of waste gases for, |
42 |
3439 |
24 |
877-892 |
Translation S-95 |
274 |
1763 |
METALLIC oxides and sulfides |
167 |
95-104 |
NICKEL and iron carbonyls, physical data on |
104 |
26665-26682 |
NITROUS oxide, explosive properties of, |
219 |
20 1-20 24 |
, (GM 1) for aviation engines |
26 |
5..53-5..139 |
, GMI, production of. Reported by C. R. Housman |
239 |
20 73-20 82 |
POTASH, production of caustic, in mercury chlorine cells, reported by William C. Gardiner, et. al. |
240 |
30 33-30 42 |
SELENIUM-containing sulfur in the cellulose industry |
73 |
233-237 |
SILICA gel, drying and dry-keeping through the use of, |
27 |
2169 |
56..305-56..315 |
, experiments on drying of liquids with, |
27 |
2169 |
57..316-57..318 |
SILICA gel, Oppau discussion of, |
169 |
65-66 |
pellets, pressure drop in loosely packed |
118 |
40 77-40 92 |
, report on some, Jan. 21, 1936 |
106 |
28353-28366 |
SILICON sulfide, investigation of causes of formation of deposits during the gasification and firing of bituminous coals |
24 |
3..228 |
SLAG, utilization of blat furnace, in Germany, reported by G. W. Josephson |
240 |
40 27-40 47 |
SODIUM amalgam, use of for reduction of nitrobenzene and other organic compounds, and production of sodium hydro sulfite, reported by W. C. Gardiner |
240 |
20 85-20 98 |
SODIUM carbonate, conversion of into sodium sulfide in sulfurization |
165 |
535-536 |
hydroxide and chloride production, Schkopau |
191 |
25039-25054 |
sulfide (sulfigran), composition of |
75 |
617 |
Translation, Phillips Co. |
245 |
20 18 |
is oxidized to sulfate |
145 |
52-55 |
, polymerizing action of, |
145 |
374-375 |
sample, testing of a special |
145 |
376-378 |
melt, comparison of crude with sulfigran |
203 |
929-930 |
production |
164 |
785-786 |
(sulfigran) plant |
30 |
15..999-15..1** |
, composition of sulfigran |
75 |
617 |
Translation by Phillips Petr. Co. |
245 |
20 18 |
SULFOCHLORIDE plant, Leuna, M 2908-1 |
195 |
31676 |
SULFO chlorination, the replacement of kogasin by other base materials for, |
249 |
40 119-40 12* |
SULFUR from anhydrite, Lurgi specifications for a plant for production of, |
73 |
188-213 |
on coal, production and consumption of |
38 |
3450 |
12 |
10 38-10 43 |
dichloride and solutions of chlorine in sulfur dichloride, physiologic effects of, |
29 |
8..523-8..52* |
dioxide, heat removal during production of, |
189 |
21587-21598 |
dioxide production |
189 |
21395-21399 |
, of highly concentrated, by burning sulfur in oxygen |
204 |
232-239 |
, experiments on the production of, |
204 |
214-219 |
purification with F-carbon |
166 |
658-665 |
recovery from spent purification oxide, Ruhrgas A. G., reported by H. Bardgett |
226 |
0 46-0 52 |
recovery plant |
36 |
3454 |
18 |
20 27-20 51 |
SULFUR recovery from zinc blend smelter |
73 |
183-187 |
saving |
145 |
100 |
TONALON, Al2(OH)5 C1, manufacture of, |
2 |
2168 |
11 |
50 46-50 52 |
(water-soluble alumina), preparation of, |
27 |
2169 |
4..19-4..28 |
, uses for |
2 |
2168 |
11 |
50 53-50 63 |
ZIRCONIUM oxide gel, preparation of, |
27 |
2169 |
3..10-3..18 |