ABSORPTION diacetylene curve (infra-red) |
65 |
3 |
3.005 |
, determination of aromatics in vaseline by light measurements |
201 |
399-400 |
quantitative determination of the constitution of liquids (multi-component mixtures) from their selective absorption in the infra red spectral range, Seibold |
102 |
6431-6466 |
quantiative determination of the composition of liquids (multi component systems) through selective absorption in the infra red spectrum range (1942 Yearbook of the German aviation study) |
94 |
384-388 |
ABSORPTION, quantitative determination of the composition of liquids (mixtures of several components) based on their selective absorption in the infra red spectral region, by K. Siebald |
248 |
60 101-60 109 |
spectrum analysis of organic substances |
161 |
573-588 |
ADSORPTION, analytical separation of substances with the aid of an auxiliary gas stream, by Damkoehler and Theile |
172 |
36-42 |
and desorption, by Peters |
71 |
689-692 |
168 |
501-522 |
Translation T-221 |
273 |
141-151 |
efficiency of gas separation by adsoprtion and desorption, by Damkoehler and Theile |
172 |
22-35 |
the selective, of hydrocarbons, Thesis, Krenkler, 1943 |
172 |
575-730 |
, selective analysis of natural oil greases by, Hoeter |
127 |
561-604 |
ALCOHOLS in the presence of ammonia, refracto-metric determination of, |
25 |
15..1264-15..1270 |
ANALYTICAL special methods |
41 |
2744 |
5 |
30 47-30 81 |
AROMATICS, naphthenes and paraffins, the determination of, from dispersion, refraction and density, by Schacht |
7 |
2732 |
2 |
70 58-70 64 |
naphthenes and paraffins in gasolines, the determination of, from dispersion refraction and density, by Leithe, 1942 |
195 |
31051-31072 |
naphthenes, and paraffins, remarks on Schacht paper on the determination of, |
7 |
2732 |
2 |
70 57 |
BECKMANNS molecular weight determination |
77 |
1275 |
155 |
83-85 |
BOILING point determinations |
69 |
685-687 |
CATHODE ray oscillograph, directions for use of, |
125 |
1795-1806 |
77 |
1270 |
CHROMATOGRAPHIC analysis of mineral oils |
60 |
630-669 |
adsorption for asphalt analysis |
167 |
142-144 |
CHROMATOGRAPHY of mineral oils |
79 |
2854-2855 |
2870-2871 |
2885-2888 |
2901-2903 |
2938-2944 |
2983-2984 |
Translation by Phillips Petr. Co. |
245 |
70 44-70 62 |
CHROMATOGRAPHY of mineral oils |
80 |
2983-2984 |
127 |
820-821 |
860-863 |
907-910 |
947-949 |
1036-1042 |
1060-1062 |
127 |
(1157-1158 |
and |
(1305-1312 |
128 |
(1362-1363 |
(1409-1414 |
(1498-1500 |
CHROMATOGRAPHIC and capillary analytical methods, brief history of, by Danz |
161 |
870-872 |
COEFFICIENT of refraction, effect of ethyl benzol content upon |
25 |
15..1225-15..1226 |
COLOR absorption |
25 |
15..1206-15..1208 |
COLORIMETER, the ultra violet colorimeter for the determination of phenols and other substances |
15 |
2096-2108 |
DENSITY, determination of, |
25 |
15..1230 |
DESORPTION, preparation of pure hydrocarbons and their separation by, Harteck |
71 |
693-697 |
and adsorption, by Peters |
71 |
689-692 |
168 |
501-522 |
Translation T-221 |
273 |
141-151 |
gas analysis, new methods of, by R. Henjes |
192 |
22227-22231 |
DISTILLATION, precision as means of separation at different temperatures and the separation of olefins and paraffins, by Voch |
71 |
679-684 |
of gasoline, ASTM method D 86-35 |
5 |
2746 |
1 |
70 120 |
46 |
3446 |
79-89 |
continuous, Engler-Ubbelohde |
77 |
1208-1215 |
cracking, Ludwigshafen |
6 |
2746 |
3 |
50 66 |
Engler |
77 |
1173 |
77 |
1329-1332 |
low temperature |
44 |
66 |
1127-1135 |
method for the paraffin fraction boiling below 450° |
67 |
1163-1164 |
modified ASTM gasoline method |
67 |
812-813 |
67 |
813-814 |
of heavy oils |
77 |
1334 |
of gas oil, Podbielniak |
207 |
155 |
Podbielnik, of refined gasolines, Gelsenberg |
6 |
2746 |
3 |
30 56-30 64 |
precision of gasol hydrocarbons |
41 |
2744 |
33 |
60 1-60 5 |
60 28-60 34 |
DISTILLATION, quantitative determination of low boiling phenols by precision distillation of phenol oils |
15 |
1685-1710 |
scheme for distillation products, Gelsenberg method |
5 |
2746 |
1 |
70 87 |
vacuum, 1938, Gelsenberg |
4 |
20 48 |
5 |
70 63 |
vacuum, effect of size of vessel and of the sample on the results of, |
39 |
3450 |
21 |
10 74-10 75 |
vacuum, of oils |
77 |
1351 |
EFFUSIOMETER, IG, Gelsenberg method |
5 |
2746 |
70 1-70 2 |
EMULSABILITY, determination of, |
32 |
4043B |
35 |
417 |
FLAME and flash point |
67 |
832-836 |
FLASH, open cup (DVM) |
32 |
4043B |
32 |
408-410 |
point |
69 |
645-652 |
77 |
1162-1165 |
FREEZING properties of A3 and B4 |
248 |
70 147 |
FLUIDITY of diesel gas oils |
51 |
173-175 |
HYDROSTATIC balance, directions for use of, |
25 |
15..1271-15..1272 |
KETONES, the ultraviolet absorption of, |
154 |
207-211 |
KINDLING temperature, Gelsenberg method |
5 |
2746 |
1 |
70 66 |
LEAD tetra ethyl content of fuels by means of x-ray adsorption, determination of, by Rickert and Staab |
249 |
20 120-20 127 |
LABORATORY rectification as an aid to aliphatic chemistry, by Groll |
71 |
662-677 |
LIGHT absorption, application of, to the study of high molecular weight hydrogenation products |
163 |
291-293 |
transparency |
25 |
15..1258-15..1260 |
MOHRs balance, Gelsenberg method |
5 |
2746 |
1 |
70 103 |
MOLECULAR weight, a new method of, deter-mination of Berger, by Unterzaucher |
161 |
860-869 |
weight determination, Gelsenberg method |
5 |
2746 |
1 |
70 85 |
weight determination, Rast |
67 |
926 |
weights of hydrocarbons mixtures, deter-mination of average |
80 |
3189-3195 |
3223-3226 |
3231-3262 |
NAPHTHENES, the determination of, from aromatics and paraffins, by dispersion, refraction and density, by Schacht |
7 |
2732 |
2 |
70 58-70 64 |
, aromatics, and paraffins, the determination of, in gasolines from dispersion, refraction and density, by Leithe, 1942 |
195 |
31051-31072 |
PARAFFINS, aromatics, and naphthenes remarks on Schacht paper on the determination of, |
7 |
2732 |
2 |
70 57 |
aromatics, and naphthenes in gasolines, the determination of by dispersion, refraction, and density, by Leithe, 1942 |
195 |
31051-31072 |
aromatics, and naphthenes, the determination of from dispersion, refraction, and density, by Schacht |
7 |
2732 |
2 |
70 58-70 64 |
pH, determination of, |
25 |
15..1261 |
determinations, indicator solutions for |
77 |
1230-1233 |
PHYSICO-CHEMICAL foundations of extinction spectrography and their application in the long wave ultra violet and in the visible spectrum |
15 |
2204-2239 |
PLASTOGRAPH, determination of paste concen-traton with the Brabend |
256 |
4-11 |
Translation T-216 |
256 |
11a-11g |
273 |
075-082 |
PRESSURE, piezo-electric measurements of, in combustion engines |
15 |
1769-1780 |
RAMAN effect and the constitution of organic molecules, by Joseph Goubeau |
123 |
60 3-60 8 |
effect analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures, by Goubeau |
71 |
697-698 |
spectra, determination of two hydrocarbons by means of, |
71 |
652-658 |
effect, discussion of molecular spectra |
15 |
1711-1712 |
and fluorescense analysis, opportunities offered by the, |
161 |
597-614 |
spectra, hydrocarbon compositions of mineral oils |
80 |
3985-3986 |
spectrum and the ultraviolet absorption of some products |
154 |
194-206 |
spectra of mono alkyl benzols and mono alkyl cyclohexane, by Joseph Goubeau |
123 |
60 9-60 14 |
spectra studies on ultraviolet absorption (coronen and its derivatives) Raman spectra and other subjects at Ammoniaklaboratorium, Oppau |
31 |
2170 |
25..1234-25..1247 |
spectrum analysis of alkylation products, resulting from the use of butylene and propylene |
30 |
6..477-6..498 |
spectrum analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures |
123 |
60 1-60 2 |
spectra, applicability of to the analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures |
79 |
2431-2458 |
spectrum of glycocol and its relation to the pH and its analytical applicability, by Joseph Goubeau |
123 |
60 15-60 20 |
RAMAN spectrum of hydrazine, by Joseph Goubeau |
123 |
60 27-60 33 |
spectrum of olefins in cracked distillation fractions |
82 |
5048-5061 |
Translation |
245 |
70 75-70 80 |
spectrum of some sulfo-cyanides and the structure of the sulfo-cyanide group by Joseph Goubeau |
123 |
60 20-60 26 |
spectrum study of the structure of the unsaturated compounds present in the splitting distillates |
127 & 128 |
1216-1219 |
spectrum testing of iso-octane |
25 |
15..1363-15..1378 |
the use of in hydrocarbon deter-minations, by Timm and Sterne |
3 |
2168 |
13 |
10 68-10 74 |
spectra, use of in analysis |
18 |
49..427-49..433 |
and fluorescense analysis, opportunities offered by the, |
161 |
597-614 |
spectrum, the ultraviolet absorption of some products of operations |
154 |
194-206 |
REFRACTIVE index and dispersion as an analytical auxiliary means for the investigation of gasoline and diesel fuel properties |
108 |
10059-10062 |
index, determination of o - and p - chlor-toluene mixtures by refractive |
155 |
47 |
SORPTION, the basis of separation, by Wicke |
71 |
685-689 |
SPECIFIC gravity |
41 |
2744 |
5 |
20 120 |
41 |
30 44-30 46 |
67 |
817-818 |
SPECTOSCOPIC tests in Oppau, by Wietzel |
205 |
475-478 |
SPECTRUM analysis in analytical chemistry |
161 |
551-572 |
SPOT temperature, measurement of under condi-tions where steep gradients exist |
81 |
4040-4043 |
STABILITY, light, Gelsenberg method |
5 |
2746 |
1 |
70 121 |
VAPOR pressure, Carney |
5 |
2746 |
1 |
60 53 |
of gasolines (modified Reid method) |
5 |
70 117-70 118 |
pressure, Reid |
67 |
824 |
69 |
632-637 |
72 |
962-975 |
73 |
137-138 |
109 |
9395-9420 |
67 |
932-933 |
69 |
683-684 |
for oil |
69 |
620-621 |
VAPOR tension determination by the Ifk process |
74 |
149-150 |
VISCO-CALCULATOR, data on (viscosity slide rule) |
127 |
621-630 |
VISCOSITY temperature relationships, chart for, |
7 |
2746 |
7 |
20 1 |
32 |
4043B |
38 |
420 |
of HOLD, Ludwigshafen |
6 |
2746 |
3 |
50 55 |
of lubricants, determination of, |
15 |
1665-1666 |
determination of in the Ubbelohde viscosi-meter |
25 |
15..1212-15..1213 |
VISCOSIMETERS, capillary, drainage area of, |
25 |
15..1473-15..1475 |
VISCOSITY, chemically keterogeneous constant viscosity liquids |
52 |
416-422 |
poleheight, by A. W. Schmidt |
61 |
70 |
1672-1682 |
lubricant and motor starting at low tempera-tures, by Schwaiger |
61 |
70 |
1741-1753 |
determination of, of several heavy hydro-carbons up to about 350° C, by G. W. Nederbrogt |
79 |
2693-2695 |
Translation by Phillips Petr. Co. |
245 |
60 1-60 2 |
up to about 350°C, determination of, |
79 |
2694-2695 |
Translation by S. O. Devel. Co. |
245 |
50 83-50 84 |
apparatus for the determination of, by G. W. Nederbrogt |
79 |
2813-2815 |
2824-2826 |
2832-2833 |
2839-2846 |
2861-2863 |
2868-2869 |
80 |
2985-2992 |
2880-2884 |
2899-2900 |
2905-2912 |
2924-2933 |
2935-2962 |
2975-2980 |
Translation by Phillips Petr. Co. |
245 |
60 57-60 106 |
tests with the four ball machine |
109 |
8766-8776 |
testing of in the four ball apparatus |
123 |
458-462 |
(End of reel) |
four ball testing apparatus for extreme pressure lubricants, by Boerlaga (in English) |
127 |
399-402 |
determination of wash oil, Engler |
140 |
87 |
140 |
88-90 |
of fuel oils from bituminous coal |
145 |
530-533 |
temperature curve of lubricating oil |
167 |
118-121 |
index with the hydrogen content of lubricating oils, curve on corrolation of, |
174 |
659 |
index, viscosity peak, and viscosity slope |
174 |
660-672 |
tables expressed in centistokes |
182 |
7029 |
VISCOSITY, measuring, the of pasting oil, HOLD and cold paste from Scholven and Leuna, 1937 |
174 |
690-697 |
Translation T-82 |
237 |
50 33-50 39 |
testing of wear with different lubricants in four ball oil testing apparatus, by Krienke and Morghen |
182 |
7105-7110 |
determination of, of lubricants at temperatures up to 350°C |
127 |
739-741 |
827-829 |
860-861 |
902-906 |
945-946 |
982-989 |
128 |
1058-1059 |
1090-1097 |
1119-1124 |
1159-1166 |
1197-1201 |
1255-1262 |
1315-1318 |
1360-1361 |
1401-1408 |
1455-1465 |
1496-1497 |
VISCOSIMETRIC methods for the determination of miscibility of mixtures of hydrocarbons especially of heating oils, by Demann and Ansbach |
152 |
626-635 |
WASH oil, molecular weight determination of, |
140 |
95a-95b |
X-RAY examination of thin layers |
167 |
114-117 |