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REEL 299
Designation FIAT Reel L-5)
PB L70159
Documents taken
from Ruhrchemie A.G.,
Oberhausen, Germany
1-4 Veränderungen in der
Zusammensetzung des Hartwachses (Changes in the composition of hard waxes).
Report on investigations conducted for the purpose of explaining the changes in
the physical properties of hard waxes with emphasis on the melting and the
setting point. Report is dated Dec. 29, 1943. (One large table and two graphs
Untersuchung von Hartparaffinen aus der Eisensynthese (Examination of hard
paraffins produced by the use of iron catalysts). Report is dated Sept. 14,
1943. (one table and one graph attached.)
Raffinierfähigkeit von Hartparaffinen (Refinability of hard paraffins). Report
is signed by Velde and dated Aug. 20, 1943.
Correspondence exchanged between the Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten, and the
I.G. Farbenindustrie, Werk Oppau, concerning the price of a shipment of soft
paraffin. Correspondence is dated during 1942.
Bericht über die Untersuchung eines Weichwachses (Report on analysis of a soft
wax). Report is dated April 24, 1942.
Untersuchung der Verminderung der Ausbeute bei der Paraffin-synthese mit
Eisenkatalysator (Examination of the decrease in yield in the paraffin synthesis
with an iron catalyst.). Report dated Jan. 19, 1942.
Letter to the National Office for Industrial Fat Supplies, Berlin, concerning an
interview for the discussion of questions relating to paraffin. Letter is dated
April 28, 1942.
Letter to the National Office for Industrial Fat Supplies setting the date for a
conference on questions relating to paraffin. Letter is dated April 22, 1942.
Zusammenstellungsrezepte von Salbengrundlagen und Fetteremen (Prescriptions for
compounding ointment bases and fatty creams). Document is dated March 20, 1946.
35-36 A
report on the possibility of producing an odor- and tasteless milking lubricant
from soft paraffins. Report is signed by Lassmann, dated Dec. 9, 1945.
Prüfung der Verarbeitbarkeit von Wachssäuren (Testing the possibilities of
processing wax acids). Report is dated May 6, 1943.
Versuche mit einer Knetmaschine zur Verseifung einer Wachssäure (Experiments
concerning the saponification of a wax acid by means of a kneading machine).
Report is signed by Velde, dated May 5, 1943.
Untersuchung von Wachssäure-Produkten für die Lederbearbeitung (Examination of
wax acid products for the processing of leather). Report is dated April 13,
44-45 An
office memorandum emphasizing the difficulty of securing a hard wax used in the
manufacture of detonating caps that would start melting at 80° and suggesting
paraffinic substances as meeting the requirements.) Memorandum is dated April
3, 1943.
46-47 Die
Benutzung einer Wachssäure und eines Emulgators zur Herstellung von Pausgeweben
(The use of a wax acid and an emulsifier for the manufacture of tracing cloth).
Report is signed by Velde, dated April 3, 1943.
48-49 Die
Verwendung von Emulgatoren zur Herstellung von Presswasser für hydraulische
Anlagen (The use of emulsifiers for the treatment of the water for hydraulic
installations) Report is signed by Velde, dated April 2, 1943.
50-51 Die
Verwendung von Wachssäure zur Herstellung von hochwertigen Schmierfetten (The
utilization of a wax acid for the production of high-grade lubricating grease).
Report is signed by Velde, dated April 2, 1943.
Versuche mit Emulgatoren (Experiments with emulsifiers). Report on tests with a
new potassium-aluminum emulsifier. Report is signed by Velde, dated April 2,
53 A
memorandum giving the file numbers for papers relating to wax.
54 A
letter accompanying the text of a lecture.
55-95 Die
synthetische Herstellung von Wachssäuren und Emulgatoren und ihre Verwendung
(The synthetic production of wax acids and emulsifiers and their utilization).
A report on the products of the Fischer-Tropsch gasoline synthesis. Report is
dated Feb. 16, 1943.
Paraffinsynthese am Eisenkontakt (Paraffin synthesis by an iron catalyst).
Report is dated Aug. 22, 1941. Letter of transmittal preceding report is dated
Sept. 10, 1941. (Four data sheet and one large graph attached.
109-114 Notes
relating to samples of various products to be tested. Notes are dated Sept. 6
and 9, 1941.
Nass-Verfahren zur Paraffin-Synthese mit Kobalt-Kontakt (Wet method of the
paraffin synthesis with cobalt catalyst). Report is dated Sept. 6, 1941.
118-135 Olefinesynthese durch
Wasssergaskreislauf über den Kobalt-Mischkontakt (Olefin synthesis by water-gas
circulation over a cobalt mixture catalyst). Report is dated April 29, 1941.
(Four data sheets and one graph attached.)
136-143 Paraffinsynthese mit Eisenkontakt
(Paraffin synthesis with an iron catalyst). Report is dated March 3, 1941.
Letter of transmittal preceding report is dated March 6, 1941.
144 A
note announcing the shipment of various samples to be tested. Note is dated
March 5, 1941.
145-147 Das
Kreislaufverfahren bei der Benzin-Synthese (The recycle process in the gasoline
synthesis). Report is dated Feb. 19, 1941. (One flow diagram attached.)
Vergleichsversuche mit Synthesegas und Wassergas an Kobalt- und Eisenkontakten
(Comparative tests with synthesis gas and water gas on cobalt and iron
catalysts). Report is signed by Bahr and dated Feb. 29, 1940. (One table
151-155 Die
Mitteldrucksynthese von Paraffinen (The medium pressure synthesis of paraffins).
Report is signed by Bahr and dated Sept. 7, 1939.
156 A
memorandum from an officer of the Ruhrbenzin A.G. giving names of persons in
charge during his vacation. Memorandum is signed by Bahr and dated Aug. 16,
Dauerversuche in einem Doppelrohrofen mit Kobaltkontakt für die Olefinsynthese
(Long-duration tests in a double-tube furnace for the olefin synthesis by a
cobalt catalyst). Report is dated Aug. 1943. Letter of transmittal preceding
report is dated Aug. 31, 1943. (Seven data sheets and three tables attached.)
Versuch mit einem paraffinbildenden Eisenkontakt (Experiment with a
paraffin-forming iron catalyst). Report is dated Aug. 1943. Letter of
transmittal preceding report is dated Aug. 20, 1943. (One table and one data
sheet attached.)
Paraffinsynthese mit einem Eisenkontakt (Paraffin synthesis with an iron
catalyst). Report is dated July 1943. Letter of transmittal preceding report
is dated Aug. 11, 1943. (One table and one data sheet attached.)
Wochenbericht der Druckversuchsanlage (Weekly report from the pressure test
plant). Reports on the test results of the olefin synthesis with a cobalt
catalyst and of the paraffin synthesis with an iron catalyst. Reports are dated
during July 1943.
Analyse und Polymerisation von Benzinproben der Eisensynthese (Analysis and
polymerization of gasoline samples of the iron synthesis.) Report is signed by
Clar and dated July 15, 1943. (Four tables attached.)
Wassergaskreislaufversuch über Eisenkontakt (Experiment with water-gas
circulation over an iron catalyst). Report is dated July 1942. Note of
transmittal preceding report is dated July 25, 1942. (Nine data sheets and two
graphs attached.)
Untersuchung über den Einfluss eines wechselnden H2:CO Verhaltnisses
in Synthesegas der Mitteldruck Synthese (Investigation of the influence of a
varying H2: CO ratio in the synthesis gas by the medium pressure
synthesis). Report is dated March 1942. Letter of transmittal preceding report
is dated March 20, 1942. (Three graphs, one table and short report dated March
19, 1942 follow main report.).
Polymerisationsanlage für olefinhaltige Gasole (Polymerization plant for fuel
oils containing olefin). Report is signed by Spiske and dated July 7, 1941.
(One table and one diagr. attached.) (Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel
289, Frames 1553-1560.)
242-268 Die
Herstellung von Fliegerbenzin (The production of aviation gasoline). Report is
dated June 17, 1941. (A letter and flow scheme from Ruhrchemie A.G. to the
Reichsluftfahrtministerium follow report. Letter is dated April 12, 1941.)
Technische Lieferbedingungen für inländisches Flug-Benzin (Technical conditions
of delivery for domestic aviation gasoline). Report of 4 pp. dated July 1940.
(Two duplications of report also appear.)
Herstellung von Fliegerbenzin durch katalytische Spaltung von deutschen
Erdöl-produkten (Production of aviation gasoline by the catalytic cracking of
German petroleum products). Repport is signed by Rottig and dated Dec. 11,
1944. Note of transmittal to the Reichsluftfahrtministerium precedes report.
Besichtigung und Studium des Verfahrens der Fliegerbenzin- und Toluolherstellung
aus ungarischem Erdölbenzin. (Inspection and study of a method for the
production of aviation gasoline and toluene from Hungarian petroleum gasoline).
Report signed by Kolling and dated May 26, 1944. Note of transmittal preceding
report is dated June 2, 1944. (One diagram, one data sheet and two graphs
Kombinierte Anlage für die Herstellung von Fliegerbenzin und Toluol
(Combination plant for the production of aviation gasoline and toluene). Report
is dated Jan. 29, 1943. (One flow diagram, one graph and two pages of
handwritten notes attached.) Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 289,
Frames 1794-1805.
Herstellung von Fliegerbenzin aus einem rumänischen Erdölprodukt (Production of
aviation gasoline from a Roumanian petroleum product.). Report is dated Oct. 6,
1942. (One table and one graph attached.)
Prüfung der Zusätze von Inhibitoren bei Polymerbenzinen (Examination of
inhibitor additions to polymeric gasolines). Report is signed by Spiske and
dated June 13, 1939.
338-358 Die
Oktanzahlerhöhung bei der Raffination von Spaltbenzin (Raising of the octane
number in the refining of cracked gasoline). Report is signed by Gottschall and
dated May 5, 1939. (Ten tables and four graphs attached.) Report is also
reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 292, Frames 3632-3652.
Untersuchung von Benzin-, Öl- und Paraffinproben aus Eisenkontaktsynthesen
(Examination of gasoline, oil, and paraffin samples from syntheses with iron
catalysts). Report is signed by Velde and dated march 10, 1939. (Two tables
Untersuchung eines Druckvergasungsbenzines (Examination of a gasoline produced
by pressure gasification). Report is signed by Velde and dated Feb. 11, 1939.
(Two tables attached.)
366-422 Die
Aromatisierung von aliphatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen (The aromatization of
aliphatic hydrocarbons). A report on experiments involving the aromatization of
aliphatic hydrocarbons over carbon-containing and carbon-free catalysts. Report
is signed by Kolling and dated Oct. 1, 1938. (Ten tables, graphs 1, 2, and 7-26
and one unnumbered graph attached.) Report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel
289, Frames 1818-1857a, where ten tables and graphs 1-6 only appear.
Untersuchung der Primärprodukte aus Thorium- und Magnesium-Thoriumkontakten
(Examination of primary products from thorium and magnesium-thorium catalysts).
Report is signed by Velde and dated July 29, 1938. (Fifteen tables and three
graphs attached.) (Text of report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 291, Frames
3339-3345, where text of report by Velde, dated June 17, 1938 also appears.)
Untersuchung von Magnesium-Thorium- und reinen Thorium-kontakten (Examination
of magnesium-thorium and pure thorium catalysts). Report is signed by Velde and
dated June 17, 1938. (One table and two graphs attached.) (Text of report is
also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 291, Frames 3339-3345, where text of report by
Velde, dated July 29, 1938 also appears.)
Apparatur zur katalytischen Spaltung von Kohlenwasserstoffen. (Apparatus for
the catalytic splitting of hydrocarbons). Report is signed by Kalippke and
dated Nov. 24, 1942. (Two diagrs. attached.)
Aromaten- und Crackgasbildung und Kohlenstoffabscheidung bei der Aromatisierung
(The formation of aromatic substances and cracking gas and the separation of
carbon in the aromatization process). Report is signed by Rottig and dated May
8, 1942. Note of transmittal preceding report is dated Nov. 16, 1942. (Fifteen
attachments which include graphs and tables follow report.)
Untersuchung von Crackbenzin aus Dieselöl und Kaltpressöl (Examination of
cracked gasoline from Diesel oil and cold-pressed oil). Report is signed by
Clar and dated March 16, 1942. (Fifteen attachments including graphs and tables
follow report.)
536-543 Die
Kohlenoxydhydrierung unter Zusatz von Acetylen beziehungsweise Acetylen und
Äthylen (The hydrogenation of carbon monoxide through the addition of acetylene
or of acetylene and ethylene). Report is signed by Rottig and dated March 12,
1942. (Three tables attached.) (Report is also reproduced in series of reports
appearing on T.O.M. Reel 289, Frames 1376-1402, but tables are lacking.)
544-548 Versuche zur Herstellung von Benzin in
fester Form (Tests for the production of gasoline in solid form). Report is
signed by Spiske and dated Feb. 19, 1942.
Versuche zur Erhöhung der Oktanzahl von katalytischen Crackbenzinen
(Experiments in raising the octane number of catalytically cracked gasoline.)
Patent suggestion is signed by Spiske and dated Dec. 22, 1941. (One table and
two graphs attached.)
Untersuchung von Kreislaufbenzinen auf ihre Eignung zur Schmierölherstellung
(Examination of recycle gasolines as to their suitability for the production of
lubricating oils.) Report is signed by Goethal and dated Dec. 3, 1941. (Nine
tables and one large graph attached.)
Versuche der Kohlenoxydhydrierung mit Zusetz von Acetylen (Tests concerning the
hydrogenation of carbon monoxide through the addition of acetylene). Report is
signed by Rottig and dated Oct. 7, 1941. (One attachment follows report.)
(Report is also reproduced in series of reports appearing on T.O.M. Reel 289,
Frames 1376-1402.)
568-576 Die
Aromatisierung von Eisenkontakt-Kreislaufbenzin (The aromatization of gasoline
in a recycle process over an iron catalyst). Report is signed by Rottig and
dated Aug. 1, 1941. Note of transmittal preceding report is dated Aug. 27,
1941. (One large table attached.)