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T.O.M. Microfilm Reel 278
(Original Designation BM-51)
Table of Contents
The gasoline synthesis of Franz
Fischer according to the investigations of Dr. Lorenz (“Uber die Benzinsynthese
nach Franz Fischer nach Versuchen von Herrn Dr. Lorenz”). Report No. 115.
Reports by Dr, Lorenz, Dr. Meisenheimer and Dr. Halle are incorporated in this
report in this report by Dr. A. Sheuermann. Journal abstract of April 15,
1937. Ammoniaklaboratorium Op. (PB 82,352). 15 pages. Extremely poor quality,
almost completely illegible.
Fused iron catalysts for CO-H2
synthesis (“Uber Eisenschmelzkontakte fur CO-H2-Synthesen.”) By
Klemm. Oppau, July 1, 1944. (PB 82,353). 43 pages. Excellent quality. Page
14 missing.
A series of patent surveys covering a
broad variety of subjects, such as petroleum drilling, hydrocarbon preparation,
fuels and lubricants preparation, cracking, distillation, various apparata and
processes, etc., taken from “Fortschritte der industriellen Chemie”, chiefly
during 1944. (FIAT Reel CC-253, PB 82,354). 224 pages. Generally excellent
4. Documentation—Lubricants. (PB
The relation between lubrication and
wear and tear in lubricated slide friction. (“Uber die Beziehungen zeischen
Schmierung und Verschleiss bei geschmierter Gleitreibung”). By E. Heidebroek.
Dresden, May 1944. 25 pages.
Report on lubricant testing in the
BMW-132-single cylinder (“Bericht. Uber die Schmierstoffprufung im
BMW-132-Einzylinder). I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G., Ludwigshafen, Techn.
Prufstand, Op. 200. Report No. 425, August 25, 1940. 9 pages of text and 17
pages of photos and diagrams. 26 pages total. Page 8 of text missing.
5. The
following three items constitute Reel Job No. 2054, PB 82,356:
Reporting the investigations at the
powdered (coal) gasification plant, 1942 (“Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Demag-Ruhrgas-Bergbauverein. Bericht uber die Versuche an der
Staubvergasungs-Anlage im Jahre 1942.”). Signed by Nistler. Dated Essen,
February 1. 1943. Frame Nos. 1-40. 42 pages.
Report on the investigations at the
powdered (coal) gasification plant, 1943 (“Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Demag-Ruhrgas-Bergbauverein. Bericht uber die Versuche an der
Staubvergasungs-anlage im Jahre 1943.”). Signed by Nistler. Dated Essen,
January 28, 1943. Frame Nos. 41-69. 29 pages.
Theory and calculation of the gas
producer and shaft kiln. (“Theorie und Berechung der Gaserzeuger und
Schachtofen.”) By Dr. Wilhelm Gumz. Essen, March 1945. (Incomplete book
by Gumz—partly in handwriting.) Frames 70-218. 152 pages.
6. Investigations
of Petroleum-Bacteriology I. (“Untersuchungen zur Erdolbakteriologie I.”) By
Adelheid Muller and W. Schwartz. Frames 266-287. (PB 82,357). 24 pages.
Fuel Manual. The rating of Otto and
Diesel Fuels. (“Kraftstoff-Fibel. Bewertungsgrundlagen fur Otto- und
Diesel-kraftstoff.”) By Erich Herwig Kadmer. 218 pages including index. (In
Fuel Manual. The Rating of Otto and
Diesel Fuels. By Kadmer. (Ebglish translation of item 7.) 173 pages.
End of reel 278