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T.O.M. Microfilm Reel 175
(Original identification US Navy reel 5895-1)
Table of Contents
Documents relating to fuel
oil production, mainly for Naval uses.
Fuel oils and mixing tests with
fuel oils. Navy chemical-physical research laboratory report. Undated, but
post-1937. Frames 70001-70046. 45 pages.
2. Specifications
for Naval fuel oil. 1944. Frames 70047-70060. 14 pages.
Diesel fuels and their mixtures
with one another. Kiel Navy chemical-physical research laboratory report.
Undated, but post-1939. Frames 70061-70175. 115 pages.
4. Miscibility
of fuel oils. By Dr. W. Demann. Special edition of the mountain and
metallurgical magazine. Number 5, 1940, pp. 2-9. Frames 70176-70183. 8 pages.
English language translation of
item 4 above. Frames 70184-70204. 21 pages.
Tests on mutual solubilities of tar
oils. By J. Pluckthun. Article from Forschungsberichte, volume 2, January
1942, pp 23-30. Frames 70205-70212. 8 pages.
English language translation of item 6 above. Frames 70213-70228. 16 pages.
Viscometric technique (process) for
the regulation of the miscibility of hydrocarbon mixtures, especially of tar
oils. By W. Demann and H. R. Asbach. Article from Forschungsberichte, volume
2, February 1943, pp 42-52. Frames 70229-70239. 11 pages.
Process for the regulation of the
mixing proportion of oil, with those in which precipitations arise. German
patent 710,665. September 18, 1941. Frames 70240-70242. 3 pages.
English language translation of
item 8 above. Frames 70243-70261. 19 pages.
Control of the pumpability of
heating oils. By H. R. Asbach and J. Tegethoff. Article from
Forschungsberichte, volume 2, February 1943, pp. 52-56. Frames 70262-70266. 5
The Jentzsch priming-value
tester. English language report. Undated. Frames 70267-70295. 39 pages.
Standard sheets for the
ignitability procedure. Frames 70296-70352. 57 pages.
Flammability (ignition)
characteristics and chemical constitution. By Dr. C. Zerbe and Dr. F. Eckert.
Article from Angewandte Chemie, 45, 1932, pp. 593-599. Frames 70353-70379
(frame numbering error). 7 pages.
On the connection between
compression ignition and motor procedure. By Dr. C. Zerbe and F. Eckert.
Article from Oel und Kohle, volume 3, 1934. Frames 70380-70386. 8 pages.
16. Systematic
investigation of fuel oils from different hydrogenation plants. By Schiffmann.
May 18, 1942. Frames 70387-70392. 6 pages.
17. Memorandum
on the meeting of July 23, 1937 on water gas production, gas purification, and
methanol synthesis. Leuna works. August 12, 1937. Frames 70393-70398. 6
Large scale experiment in fuel oil
(production), Ludwigshafen, 1941. August 4, 1943. Frames 70399-70469. 71
Large scale experiment in fuel oil
(production), Chamber 804. July 21 to September 21, 1941. By Locher, Rank, and
Simon. Frames 70470-70543. 74 pages.
Tasks of department of supply for
engine attendance and transport of OKW. English language report by American
occupation authorities. Frames 70544-70547. 4 pages.
Ships of the “Trossschiffverband”, state of May 1, 1945. Frames 70548-70550. 3
22. Memorandum
on the December 1, 1942, meeting on the fuel oil plant for the Navy. By Dr.
Kranepuhl. December 1, 1942. Frames 70551-70553. 3 pages.
23. Summary
of Naval service stations in the Reich area as of July 1, 1944. Frames
70554-70555. 2 pages.
The mineral oil supply of the war
navy during the war. By Adam. Undated, but post-1944. Frames 70556-70560. 5
Mineral oil production 1939-1941
in German hydrogenation plants. October 17, 1942. Frame 70556. 1 page.
Abstract of Enemy Oil Committee
report EOC-45-3, Estimated production of synthetic fuels in Axis Europe, 1943.
Frames 70557-70560. 4 pages.
27. Specifications
for Naval fuel oil quality. Undated. Frames 70556-70558. 3 pages.
Flow Sheet and Operating
Instructions of Linde-Frankel Liquid Air Plant. November 3, and September 4,
1944. Frames 70559-70586. 18 pages.
Reports on investigation by the
Germans of French of French Bitumen Deposits at Bastenne and the possibilities
of converting same to marine fuels. July and August, 1943. Frames
70587-70605. 19 pages.