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T.O.M. Microfilm Reel 147
(Original Designation LF-34)
Table of
Farbenindustrie A.G. Reports About Various Research Problems In Relation To
Hydrogenation And Cracking.
Files Of Dr. Peters
Source of Documents:
I. G. Central Library
10 December 1945
The influence of throughput in
gasoline formation from Bruchsal gas oil with terrana treated with HF.
(Cracking and hydrogenation 11th report). By Trofimow. July 1942.
Frames 1-10. 12 pages.
Gasoline production from Bruchsal and
Reitbrook gas oil with several catalysts. By Rotter. June 3, 1942. Frames
11-17. 9 pages.
The influence of temperature in
cracking Bruchsal gas oil and Reitbrook gas oil with synthetic aluminum
silicate. By Trofimow. May 23, 1942. Frames 18-29. 13 pages.
The dependence of the knocking
characteristics of gasolines and gasoline fractions on the initial material. By
Rotter. May 15, 1942. Frames 30-38. 10 pages.
Comparison of the quality of
hydrogenation and cracking gasolines from petroleum middle oils. By Reitz.
April 23, 1942. Frames 39-50. 17 pages.
Gasoline formation from Bruchsal gas
oil with contacts on synthetic aluminum silicate (6752) at 250 and 600 atm. By
Rotter. April 15, 1942. Frames 51-56. 8 pages.
7. Comparison
of gasoline formation with fullers earth (6109) and synthetic aluminum silicate
(6752) at 600 atm. By Rotter. March 2, 1942. Frames 57-61. 7 pages.
8. Comparison
of the cracking efficiency of natural fullers earths and synthetic silicates at
250 and 600 atm. By Rotter. February 24, 1942. Frames 62–71. 13 pages.
Comparison of the qualities of cracking and hydrogenation gasolines from
bituminous coal B-middle oil. By Reitz. January 28, 1942. Frames 72-94. 33
Gasoline formation from coal
liquefaction B-middle oil, naphthene-paraffin base, and paraffin base petroleum
with contact 6752 at 250 and 600 atm. Results are compared with 6434. By
Peters and Rotter. January 6, 1942. Frames 95-101. 8 pages.
Cracking – hydrogenating.
Preliminary results. By Peters, Trofimow, and Rotter. January 6, 1942. Frames
102-107. 7 pages.
Catalytic cracking of
pre-hydrogenated coal middle oil. By Donath and Reitz. January 3, 1942. And
meeting report on same. By Lajus. December 2, 1941. Frames 108-114. 8 pages.
The combination of catalytic
cracking and destructive hydrogenation in working petroleum middle and heavy
oil. BY Reitz and Free. November 1941. Frames 115-122. 10 pages. First
couple of pages nearly illegible.
14. Combined
catalytic cracking and hydrogenation installment for working 320,000 tons per
year high quality gasoline. By Free. June 28, 1941. Frames 123-125. 4
Octane numbers of mixtures of
hydrogenation and cracking gasolines from Elverath Diesel oil (P 189). By
Peters. June 28, 1941. Frames 126-134. 10 pages.
Combination of hydrogenation and
catalytic cracking. By Peters, Free, and Gunther. January 16, 1941. Frames
135-154. 21 pages.
Contact experiments for petroleum
cracking at 50 atm. By Gunther. September 1941. Frames 155-162. 9 pages.
18. Treatment
of middle oils over dehydrogenation contacts III. Treatment of prehydrogenation
and aromatization middle oils over contact 8147. By Reitz. August 28, 1941.
Frames 163-169. 8 pages.
The catalytic cracking of middle
oils over various catalysts at normal pressure and at pressures of 45 atm. in an
H2 atmospheres. By Free. July 31, 1941. Frames 170-175. 8 pages.
Treatment of petroleum be pressure
distillation and hydrogenation at 50 atm. No author given. July 28, 1941.
Frames 176-178. 4 pages.
21. Aromatization
experiments at 45 atm. with catalysts whose activity has been lowered by
previous use. By Free. July 17, 1941. Frames 179-182. 6
22. Treatment
of middle oils over dehydrogenation contacts. 2. Treatment of Bruchsal middle
oil over K 8147. By Reitz. May 19, 1941. Frames 183-194. 14 pages.
23. Treatment
of middle oils over dehydrogenation catalysts. 1. Treatment of Bruchsal middle
oil over K 80743. Author and date illegible. Frames 195-202. 9 pages. Text
completely illegible. Figures OK.
Catalytic treatment of heavy oil
with contact 7360. 3. Hydrogen consumption in the treatment of Nienhagen oil
residue. By Reitz and Donath. January 15, 1941. Frames 203-209. 9 pages.
Catalytic treatment of heavy oil
with contact 7360 1). 2. Systematic experiments with Nienhagen oil residue.
By Reitz and Donath. December 9, 1940. Frames 210-227. 20 pages.
Low pressure cracking (50 atm.) of
petroleum-a-middle oils. By Gunther. December 4 and November 11, 1941. Frames
228-240. 17 pages.
Cracking of middle oils and heavy
oil fractions from petroleum pressure distillates over dehydrogenation
contacts. By Reitz. September 23, 1941. Frames 241-261. 31 pages.
28. Experiments
on the production of olefinic middle oils. No author given. August 1940.
Frames 262-266. 9 pages.
End of reel 147.