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T. O. M. Microfilm Reel 140
(Original Designation Same - 140)
Table of Contents
Methods of (Analytical)
Testing in the Watenstadt Laboratories of the Herman Goering Works. Includes
testing and analyses relating to: coal, brown coal, coke, tar, phenol, ammonia
production, gas purification and sulfur
production, benzol production and
purification, and various gas analyses (humidity, benzol, hydrogen cyanide,
ammonia, oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxide, naphtha and tar
concentrations). Undated. 149 pages.
German Patent Application. The Production of blast furnace coke from medium
coking coal of low rank. By Dr. Hoffman. May 12, 1942. 9 pages.
Examination and evaluation of the physical properties of blast furnace coke. By
Dr. Hoffman (?). July 28, 1944. 104 pages.
Determination of the plasticity of bituminous coal by means of the dilatometer
method. Journal Article by Dr. Ing. H. Hoffman. Originally from Oel und Kohle
im Gem. (?) mit Brennstoff-Chemie. Nr 31/32, August 13, 1944, pp. 531-551. 21
3a. Determination of the plasticity of bituminous coal by means of the dilatometer
method. Journal Article by Dr. Ing. H. Hoffman. Originally from Oel und Kohle
im Gem. (?) mit Brennstoff-Chemie. Nr 33/34, September 1, 1944, pp. 581-594.
14 pages.
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