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T.O.M. Microfilm Reel 127
(Original Designation Reel G-12 and G-13)
Table of Contents
Data From Hamburg Area-
Group 30, Oct. 1-12, 1945, W.F. Faragher, Team Leader.
Introduction. September 5, 1945. Frames 0003-0008. 6 pages.
Personalities. Frames 0009-0011. 3 pages.
questionnaires on fuels and lubricants. Frames 0012-0042. 31 pages.
Samples of
German fuel and lubricant products to be obtained. Frames 0043-0053. 11 pages.
List of WIFO
Plants. Frames 0054-0056. 3 pages.
B. Data on
German Organization of Industry (in English).
6. Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur
Erdol-Gewinnung und Verarbeitung. Berlin (AEV). October 9, 1945. Frames
0058-0059. 2 pages.
7. Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Schmierstoff-Verteilung GmbH (ASV). Frames 0060-0063. 4 pages. 3 pages text
illegible. Organizational chart fine.
8. Zentralburo fur Mineralol GmbH (ZB).
August 22 and October 3, 1945. Frames 0064-0071. 8 pages.
9. Tentative Schema for the
Operation of the German Oil Refineries based on the Use of German Crude Oil.
Report by AFV, in English. June 23, 1945. Frames 0072-0109. 41 pages.
Data/Replies from Questionnaires.
10. Mineralolwerke Albrecht Co. (MAC),
Hamburg . Reply to questionnaire (in English) and commercial company brochure
(in German). Frames 0111-0180. 70 pages.
11. Deutsche-Amerikanische Petroleum
Gesellschaft (DAPG), Hamburg . Reply to questionnaire (in German). By
Dipl.-Ing. H. Dietrichs. October 3, 1945. Frames 0181-0192. 12 pages.
12. Deutsche-Erdol Aktiengesellschaft
(DEA), Weitze. October 9, 1945. In German. Frame 0193. 1 page.
13. Deutsche-Erdol Aktiengesellschaft
(DEA), Heide. October 9, 1945. In German. Frames 0194-0195. 2 pages.
14. Deutsche-Erdol Aktiengesellschaft
(DEA), Wilhelmsburg. October 4, 1945. In German. Frames 0196-0202. 7 pages.
15. Deutsche
Gasoline, A. G. Undated. In German. Frames 0203-0220. 18 pages.
16. Deutsche Vacuum Oel
Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg. October 4, 1945. In German. Frames 0221-0276.
56 pages.
Ebano Asphalt-Werke A.G. By Dr.
W. Becker. October 3, 1945. In English. Frames 0277-0280. 4 pages.
18. Eurotank,
Hamburg. June 19, 1945. In English. Frames 0281-0288. 8 pages.
19. Oelwerke Julius Schindler GmbH,
Hamburg. October 10, 1945. In German with English cover letter. Frames
0289-0295. 7 pages.
Schlafhorst Chemische Werke GmbH,
Hamburg. By Dipl.-Ing. H. Zink. October 10, 1945. In German. Frames
0296-0305. 10 pages.
Ernst Schliemann’s Oelwerke,
Hamburg. October 4, 1945. In German. Frames 0306-0324. 19 pages.
Schliemann’s Export. October 11, 1945. In English. Frame 0325. 1 page.
23. Rhenania-Ossag Mineralolwerke
A.G., Hamburg. Various dates through 1945. Mainly in German. Frames
0326-0453. 128 pages.
Reports from Rhenania Ossag
Monthly Report on Operations. Harburg Refinery. May 1943. Frames 0454-0478. 25 pages.
Road test with Motor oil “M” in a IKW auto. Report no. 21. By Rossig and Deberitz. January 3, 1945. Frames
0480-0489. 10 pages.
Road test with Motor oil “M” in a
Volkswagen. Report no. 22. By Rossig. January 15, 1945. Frames 0490-0497. 8
27. Preparation of Silica Oil
Greases. ZEA Report No. 122. By Lehmann. September 26, 1945. Frames
0498-0560. 63 pages.
Analysis of neutral Lube Oils by
Selective Adsorption. ZEA Reports No. 77/43. By Dr. Hoter. July 23, 1943.
Frames 0561-0604. 44 pages.
Relation of Quenching Behavior of
Different Base Oils and different additives. By P. Beuerlein. October 5,
1945. Frames 0605-0620. 16 pages.
Data on “Visco-Calculator”
(Viscosity Slide Rule). Commercial brochure. Albert Dargatz Fabrik fur
Laboratoriumsbedarf. 1938 and 1941. Frames 0621-0630. 10 pages.
Data/Reports from N. V. De Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij Amsterdam
Balance - 1939 to March 1943 (Graph). Frame 0632. 6 pages.
32. Personnel -
1940 to February 1943 (graph). Frame 0633. 5 pages.
33. Division of
Personnel - May 1940 to February 1943 (graph). Frame 0634. 2 pages.
Monthly report for February 1942 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 0635-0676. 42 pages.
Monthly report for March 1942 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 0677-0696. 20 pages.
Monthly report for April1942 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 0697-0717. 21 pages.
Monthly report for May1942 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 0718-0755. 38 pages.
Monthly report for October and
November 1942 – Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to
production of synthetic lubricants. Frames 0756-0801. 46 pages.
Monthly report for December 1942 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 0802-0835. 34 pages.
Monthly report for January 1943 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 0836-0877. 41 pages. Frame 0875 missing from
Monthly report for February 1943 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 0878-0922. 43 pages.
Monthly report for March 1943 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 0923-0960. 38 pages.
Monthly report for April 1943 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 0961-1004. 43 pages. Frame 0986 missing.
Monthly report for May 1943 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1005-1046. 41 pages. Frame 1028 missing.
Monthly report for June 1943 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1047-1080. 34 pages.
Monthly report for July 1943 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1081-1112. 32 pages.
Monthly report for August 1943 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1113-1151. 40 pages.
Monthly report for September 1943
– Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1152-1191. 40 pages.
Monthly report for October 1943 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1192-1247. 56 pages.
Monthly report for November and
December 1943 – Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to
production of synthetic lubricants. Frames 1248-1298. 51 pages.
Monthly report for January 1944 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1299-1356. 58 pages.
Monthly report for February 1944 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1357-1397. 41 pages.
Monthly report for March 1944 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1398-1451. 55 pages.
Monthly report for April 1944 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1452-1492. 41 pages.
Monthly report for May 1944 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1493-1522. 24 pages. Missing frames 1505-1507
and 1512-1513.
Monthly report for June 1944 –
Experimental work plan for Rhenania Ossag. Mainly related to production of
synthetic lubricants. Frames 1523-1551. 29 pages.
Elevational View and Vertical Section through the Pintsch-Hillebrand Water-Gas Generators at Wesseling,
Germany, showing Construction and Support of the Generator Shell and the
Arrangement of the Brick-Work. Drawing BGH 0385. June 13, 1939. Frame 1552.
7 pages.
Plan View of Top of Regenerators
and Gas-Piping and Horizontal Sections through the regenerator Brick-Work of the Pintsch-Hillebrand Water-Gas Generators at Wesseling, Germany. Drawing BGH
0386. August 7, 1938. 5 pages.
“Continued” on reel 128.
Actually reel 128 consists of only items 45-58 above, all of which are also
contained on the present reel. Reel 128 is – therefore – redundant.