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T. O. M. Microfilm Reel 111
(Original Identification AB1 (K) 51-C459)
Table of Contents
B 8
Flow Resistance of Ammonia Contact. Short report no. 8. By Dr. Ing. Kling.
June 3, 1941. 6 pages.
B 9
Determination of the External Heat Transfer of a High Pressure pipe with raised
ribs. Short report no. 9. By Dr. Ing. Kling. June 17, 1941. 11 pages.
B 16
Calculation of the external heat loss of high pressure pipes with expansion
ribs. Short report no 16. By Dr. Ing. Kling. December 15, 1941.
B 19
Experiment on Ribbed tubes in group construction. Short report no. 19. By Dr.
Ing. Kling. January 14, 1942. 9 pages.
B 20
Measurement of the thermal conductivity and specific heat of oils. Short report
no. 20. By Dr. Ing. Kling. Feburary 5, 1942. 7 pages, fairly poor quality.
B 21
Measurement of the heat transfer into a motor vehicle cooledwith different
cooling fluids. Short report no. 21. By Dr. Ing. Kling. March 12, 1942. 6
B 22
Calculations for a high pressure heat exchanger. Short report no. 22. By Ing.
W. Schenker. October 27, 1942. 8 pages.
B 23
Measurement of thermal conductivity, specific heat, and heat transfer
coefficients for cooling fluids. Short report no. 23. By Ing. de Vries.
November 10, 1942. 4 pages.
B 25
Measurement of the heat transfer on high pressure tubes with 160 mm. Inside
diameter and ribs 340 X 400 m.m. Short report no. 27. By Ing. de Vries. April
20, 1943. 8 pages.
B 26
Resistance measurements on “Butyl Kontakt” (Kontakt = catalyst) under vacuum.
Short report no. 28. By Dr. Ing. Kling. May 14, 1943. 7 pages.
C 24
To W.T.A. Report No. 691 (On Xylidine as anti-knock agent). Report no. 126.
September 26, 1927. 2 pages. More or less completely illegible.
M 21
Folder containing assorted correspondence and charts, lubricating oil comission,
assorted dates up to February 5, 1944. 26 pages. Generally poor quality
M 22
Folder containing assorted correspondence and charts, lubricating oil comission,
assorted dates up to December 4, 1942. (On aviation fuels and
lubricants). 83 pages. Generally very good quality images,
N 15
Technical-Physical-Reich Institute, Miscellaneous correspondence and reports.
Mainly 1943. 96 pages. Variable quality, most legible.
U 13
Report No. 414. The Otto-Diesel Engine. February 1940. 35 pages. Variable
quality. Mostly legible.
V 7
Supercharge (Overload) Boundry curves – Technical Test Station Oppau. 33
pages. Good quality.
Q 25
Correspondence file A-2 – Miscellaneous lubrication studies. BMW, I. G.
Leverkeusen, Ammoniakwerke Merseburg, I. G. Ludwigshafen, etc. 1938-43. 192
pages. Highly variable quality – excellent to useless.
Q 29
Folder containing reports to/from Junkers Flugzeug (airplane) and Motorenwerke
A.G. and I. G. Farbenindustrie, Ludwigshafen, mainly dealing with aviation
lubricantion and lubricant testing. 1938-42. 46 pages.
Z 4
Technical and specification terms for Diesel, and other, fuels and oils for the
army. 1938-1943. 35 pages.
End of reel 111.