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F.I.A.T. Microfilm Reel 2-FF

Table of Contents

Documents from Kallo and Company, A. G., Wiesbaden Biebrich.

1.                    Monthly report for November 1937 – January 1938.   By Dr. Mittag.  4 pages.

2.                    Monthly report for August 1937.  By Dr. Mittag.  2 pages.

3.                    Monthly report for July 1937.  By Dr. Mittag and Dr. Schmidt.  3 pages.

4.                    Monthly report for June 1937.  By Dr. Mittag and Dr. Schmidt.  4 pages.

5.                    Monthly report for May 1937.  By Dr. Mittag and Dr. Schmidt.  4 pages.

6.                    Monthly report for April 1937.  By Dr. Mittag and Dr. Schmidt.  4 pages.

7.                    Monthly report for March 1937.  By Dr. Mittag and Dr. Schmidt.  2 pages.

8.                    Monthly report for February 1937.  By Dr. Mittag and Dr. Schmidt.  4 pages.

9.                    Monthly report for January 1937.  By Dr. Mittag.  2 pages.

Catalysis Handbook – Seventh Volume: Catalysis in Organic Chemistry.  G. M. Schwab, editor.  Springer-Verlag, Vienna, 1943.  In general, each section contains a detailed internal table of contents. 

Part I.

A.           Cover, bibliographic information, forward, and table of contents.   8 pages.

B.                   Acid Based Catalysts.  By Professor Dr. Hermann Schmid, Wien.  67 pages.

C.                   Katalyse durch Komplexbildung.  By Dozent Dr. Gerhard Hesse, Marburg a.d.L.  38 pages.

D.                  Catalysis by alkali metals and metal-organic compounds.  By Professor Dr. Karl Ziegler, Halle a. d. S.  30 pages.

E.                   Peroxides as catalysts.  By Professor Dr. Alfred Rieche, Wolfen.  35 pages.

F.                   Organic catalysts.  By Dr. Georg Triem, Ludwigshafen a. Rh.  21 pages.

G.                   Isomerization.  By Professor Dr. Walter Theilacker, Tubingen.  112 pages.

H.                  Polymerization and Depolymerization – General.  By Dr. Johann Wolfgang Breitenbach, Wien.  40 pages.

I.                     Polymerization and Depolymerization – Practical.  By Dr. Eugen Baroni, Wien.  135 pages.

J.                    Oxidation with molecular oxygen in the liquid phase.  By Professor Dr. Alfons Schoberl, Wurzburg.  70 pages.

K.                  Oxidation in the gas phase.  By Professor Dr. Alfred Pongratz, Berlin-Dahlem.  39 pages.

L.                   Oxidation with bound oxygen.  By Professor Dr. Rudolf Criegee, Karlsruhle.  17 pages.

M.                 Dehydrogenation by splitting off hydrogen.  By Professor Dr. Otto Neunhoeffer, Breslau.  17 pages.  

N.                  Hydrogenation with molecular hydrogen (in English).  By Professor Dr. E. B. Maxted, Bristol.  127 pages.

O.                  Steric processes in catalytic hydrogenation.  By Dozent Dr. H. A. Weildlich, Berlin.  22 pages.

P.                   Other reductions.  By Professor Dr. Otto Neunhoeffer, Breslau.  9 pages.

Q.                  Oxido-reductions.  By Professor Dr. Otto Neunhoeffer, Breslau.  36 pages.

Part II.

A.                  Cover, bibliographic information, and table of contents.   5 pages.

B.                   Addition reactions.  By Professor Dr. Reinhard Seka, Graz.  149 pages.

C.                   Decay reactions.  By Dr. habil.  Max Ulmann, Berlin-Dahlem.  72 pages.

D.                  Substitution.  By Professor Dr. Friedrich Klages, Munchen.  67 pages.

E.                   Formation and splitting of organic oxides.  By Professor Dr. Friedrich Klages, Munchen.  55 pages.

F.                   Condensation – Part I.  Condensation with formation of C-C bonds without splitting off atoms or (molecular) groups.  By Professor Dr. Franz Adickkes, Berlin and Dozent Dr. habil.  Hans L. Du Mont, Danzig.  60 pages.

G.                   Condensation – Part II.  Condensation with formation of C-C bonds with simultaneous splitting off of atoms or groups.

1.        Condensation with removal of water.  By Dozent Dr. H. A. Weidlich, Berlin.  41 pages.

2.        Condensation with removal of alcohol.  By Professor Dr. Franz Adickes, Berlin.  25 pages.

3.         Condensation with removal of hydrogen halides.  By Dr. Heinrich Hopff, Ludwigshafen a. Rh.  23 pages.

4.         Condensation with removal of different atoms or groups.  By Dr. Kurt Hasse, Karlsruhe.  24 pages.

H.        Condensation – Part III. 

1.       Polycondensation.  By Dr. Eugen Baroni, Wien.  29 pages.

2.       Condensation with the formation of chemical bonds other than C-C.  By Professor Dr. Walter Krabbe, Berlin.  23 pages.

I.             Organic vulcanization accelerators.  By Dr. Max Bogemann, Leverkusen.  15 pages.

J.             Catalysis in organic elemental analysis.  By Von Professor Dr. Josef Lindner, Innsbruck.  30 pages.

K.                  Catalytic processes in organic industrial technology.  By Von Dr. H. G. Hummel, Mannheim.  36 pages.

L.                   Subject Index – “A” through “Z”.  106 pages.

M.                 Catalyst Index – “A” through “Z”.  99 pages.

N.                  Name Index – “A” through “T”. 

Reel 2FF ends in the middle of the name index for the Catalysts Handbook listed above.  It is probably continued on another (next) FIAT reel (probably 3FF).  This reel is – however – not currently available.