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INDEX -- T.O.M. REEL 292
(Original Designation FIAT Reel K-25)
PB L70216


3408B-3424 These frames plus T.O.M. Reel 291, Frames 3377-3408A make up complete report entitled "Carbon and heat balance for the Fischer-Ruhrchemie-Synthesis."  Report is dated Nov. 9, 1938, Ruhrchemie A.G., and consists of graphs and tables.
3425-3429 Tests of inhibitors made by Gold- und Silberscheideanstalt for effectiveness in gasoline stabilization.  (Cresol used as standard inhibitor.)  Report signed by Velde, dated July 18, 1940 Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Three tables attached)
3430-3437 Inhibiting effects of various stabilizing agents for fuels.  Report signed by Gottschall, dated July 17, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Five tables attached.)
3438-3450 Sensitivity to light of primary and cracked gasoline.  (Peroxide formation investigated.)  Report signed by Velde, dated July 14, 1939, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (Six tables and four graphs attached.)
3451-3487 Tables for computing the density and calorific values of gases.  Report signed by Tramm and Henke-Stark, dated Nov. 1939.  (Twelve density tables and nine calorific value tables included.)
3488-3493 Examination of refined cleansing material.  (Analysis for testing cleansing agent.)  Report signed by Tramm and Henke-Stark, dated April 1939.  (One diagr. attached.)
3494-3511 Cycle test in the determination of the "tearing-off temperature" (tendency to bubble formation) of gasolines, April 1942.  (Report of tests made by different organizations with Ruhrchemie apparatus.)  Report by Velde, dated May, 1942,  Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Six tables and ten graphs attached.)
3512-3532 Included on these frames are:  Patent Application---, R 532, entitled "Method and Device for Measuring the Tendency for Steam-Bubble Formation of Gasolines and Other Low-Boiling Fuels," dated Aug. 30, 1940; reproduction of patent application in the form of a "Gebrauchsmusteranmeldung," dated Aug. 31, 1940; description of the steam-bubble apparatus and method of measurement (written by Velde, dated Nov. 7, 1941, diagr. and two graphs attached.); two additions to description dtd 3-17-42 and 5-18-42 (Dupl. Incl.)
3533-3571 Report on the phlegmatization of highly-sensitive explosives.  Report from the Chemisch-Technische Reichsanstalt Abteilung für explosive Stoffe, dated Aug. 30, 1943.  (Seven tables, one graph and one page of photographs attached.)
3572-3574 The production of Ruhrbenzin hard paraffin in connection with the fuel synthesis at Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Author and date do not appear on report.)
3575-3604 Refining of gasolines with increase of octane number.  Report signed by Schubert, dated Feb. 11, 1938, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Ten tables, fourteen graphs and short report dated Feb. 3, 1938 attached.)
3605-3623 Hot refining of gasoline.  Use of Fuller's earth at 300° to increase the octane number of gasoline.  Report by Rauchenberger, dated Sept. 9,, 1940.  (Two duplicates of report included.)
3624-3631 Changing the octane numbers of heat-refined gasolines by hydrogenation.  Report signed by Gottschall, dated Sept. 5, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Four tables and two graphs attached.)   (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 295, Frames 6221-6226B.)
3632-3652 Refining cracked gasoline with bleaching clays for increasing octane number.  Report signed by Gottschall, dated May 5, 1939, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Ten tables and four graphs attached.)  Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel., 299, Frames 338-358.)
3653-3701 Report of the conference on fuel tests held at the Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt, Aug. 3, 1942.  Report is signed by Mayer-Bugström.  (A series of tables showing the test results is compared with a series of tables showing previous test results.)
3702-3706 Graph of the composition of individual gasolines in the normal pressure synthesis.  No author or date given.
3707-3708 Dependence of the octane number of cracked gasoline on the aniline point.  No author given.  (A graph belonging with report and dated during Sept-Oct., 1937, appears on Frames 3716-3717.)
3709-3733 (Excluding Frames 3716-3717 which belong with report appearing on Frames 3707-3708.)  Fine fractionation of stabilized active charcoal (A.K.) gasoline and benzene determination in gasoline by fine fractional distillation.  No author given.  (Four tables and eight graphs dated during April and December, 1937, attached.)
3734-3756 Classification of primary products of the normal pressure synthesis into individual groups of hydrocarbons.  (Fractions within boiling range of gasoline are determined and brought into relation to gasol and methane formation.)  Report signed by Velde, dated July 21, 1938, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (One diagr. eleven tables and two graphs attached.)  (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 298, frames 8284-8306.)
3757-3781 The most favorable cobalt-kieselguhr proportion in cobalt catalysts.  Report signed by Roelen and Heckel, dated May 2, 1938, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Report incorporates work of Dr. Kölbel and has eight graphs and seven tables attached.)  (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 296, Frames 7139-7163.)
3782-3796 Two reports on the influence of the synthesis gas and its impurities on the efficiency and life of catalysts in the gasoline synthesis.  Report by Dr. Steinbrecher is dated Jan. 5, 1938, Braunkiohle-Benzin A.G., and one by Dr. Weingaertner is dated Jan. 4, 1938, Braunkohle-Benzin A.G.  (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 297, Frames 7468-7482 and T.O.M. Reel 308, Frames 999-1013.)
3797-3817 Extraction of used-up cobalt catalysts.  Report signed by Roelen, dated Sept. 4, 1937 Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Table Nos. 347, 352-353, 355-360 and graph No. 351 attached.
3818-3821 The precipitation of lime in cobalt solutions originating from cobalt-magnesium catalysts by using sodium fluoride.  Report signed by Rummel, date Nov. 22,  1937, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Two tables attached.)
3822-3826 Purification of cobalt solutions with aluminum oxide.  Report singed by Rummel, dated Nov. 22, 1937, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.
3827-3828 Production of magnesium-containing catalysts.  Report signed by Roelen, dated Nov. 19, 1937, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.
3829-3852 The polymerization of gaseous olefins.  (A review of various processes and Ruhrchemie research.)  Report signed by Velde, dated July 3, 1936, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Six tables, three graphs and one diagr. attached.)
3853-3889 The analytic-arithmetical determination of the research-octane number of the gasoline from the Fischer-synthesis report signed by Dr. Th., Hammerich, 1941, Benzol-Verband, Bochum.   (Tables and graphs attached.)
3890-3914 Octane number and behavior of fuels in motors.  Report prepared for a meeting of the Reichsforschungsrat, Committee on Carburetor Motors, Frankfort, April 22, 1938.  Report signed by Dr. Alexander von Phillippovich, dated April 19, 1938, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Six literature references and ten graphs attached.)
3915-3917 Report concerning the question of direct relationship between carbonic acid and methane formation in the pressure synthesis of gasoline.  (Methane formation, reduced to converted  CO, remains practically the same under various reaction conditions.  Formation of carbonic acid depends on the processed carbon.)  Report signed by Bahr, dated Jan. 4, 1939 Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (One graph attached)
3918-3924 Regeneration by hydrogenation of catalysts of the gasoline synthesis which have been affected by paraffin.  Conference report signed by Dr. Weingaertner, dated March 21, 1938, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.
3925-3943 Bubble formation in fuels.  Report by Dr. F. Schaub and Dr. H. Velde, dated Feb. 19, 1941, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Eight tables included in report.  Seventeen figures listed in report are missing.)
3944-39500 Produciton and use of the paraffin oxidation products of Runrchemie.  Included on these frames are a two-page report by Velde, dated May 3, 1944, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  and a five-page report signed by Velde and Kassmann, dated Jan. 11, 1943.
3951-3952 Oxidation of paraffin with nitrous gases.  Report signed by Velde, dated July 7, 1945, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten. 
3953-3956 Calculation for a plant for the production of high-molecular fatty acids with a capacity of three tons daily.  Report dated June 26, 1941, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.
3957-3979 Gasoline synthesis according to Fischer-Tropsch-Ruhrchemie.  Middle pressure synthesis.  Included on these frames are:  Report four pages and duplicate with a note a transmittal signed by Velde, dated march 15, 1938; report of five pages, very similar to above report, dated Oct. 18, 1937; three page report of production costs, dated Oct. 5, 1937; and English translation of the five-page report dated Oct. 18, 1937 with a flow diagr. attached.