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INDEX -- T.O.M. REEL 291
(Original Designation FIAT Reel K-24)
PB L70215

2461-2469 These frames plus T.O.M. Reel 290, Frames 2458-2460 make up complete report on the flow resistance of aomatization catalysts.  Report signed by Kolling, dated July 2, 1940 Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (Seven diagrs. attached.)  (Text of report is also reproduced on T.O.M. Reel 297, Frames 7526-7530 and again on Frames 7531-7535 with one diagr. appearing on Frame 7536.)
2470-2485 Aromatization plant.  Report signed by Tramm, dated July 3, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Conditions of procedure and five tables of cost calculations included.)
2486 Lubricants with high Polhöhe value.  Short report signed by Tramm, dated June 4, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..
2487-2514 Catalytic cracking of hydrocarbons (Diesel oil) to obtain gasoline.  Confidential report signed by Stuhlpfarrer, dated May 31, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (Twelve tables and figures 1-12c, consisting of graphs and a diagr., included with report.)  Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 295, Frames 6232-6259.)
2515-2519 Comparison of Ipatieff and Ruhrchemie polymerization catalysts.  Report signed by Spiske, dated March 15, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 295, Frames 6282-6286.)
2520-2525 Aviation oil.  Influence of character and boiling limits of the used crack gasoline on the Polhöhe and solidifying point of synthetic aviation oil.  Report signed by Clar, dated May 30, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (Two tables attached.)
2526-2531 bleaching agent.  Comparison of products from the firm "Ostdeutsche Keramik" with tonsil.  Report signed by Clar, dated June 2, 1940 Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (Three tables attached.)
2532-2567 These frames are a duplicate, in part, of the frames immediately following.
2568-2603 Report on the most recent experiment results obtained in the LT-pilot plant.  confidential report signed by Kolling, dated April 30, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (11 tables, 29 graphs and 14 diagrs. attached.)  (Duplicated in part on Frames 2532-2567 and reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 289, Frames 1666-1736.)
2604-2609 Investigation of aging of an after-treated 10° residue oil separated by distillation.  Report signed by Clar, dated April 25, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (Three tables and one graph attached.)  Both of these sets of frames make up complete report.)
2610-2709 These frames are missing.
2710-2711 See Frames 2604-2609.
2712-2719 Processing catalysis oil.  Report signed by Clar, dated Apr. 22, 1940.  (Both of these sets of frames make up complete report.)  Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 296, Frames 6542-6563.)
2720-2819 These frames are missing.
2820-2821 See Frames 2712-2719.
2822-2835 Production  of aviation oil.  Investigation of AlCl3 treatment, aging, and resistance to oxygen.  Report signed by Clar, dated April 30, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (Nine tables attached.)
2836-2837 Work by Prof. Eucken on the use of the heat pump.  Work by Dr. Dohse on a method for manufacturing ammonium nitrate from mine pit ammonia water.  Report by Tramm, dated Apr. 27, 1940.
2838-2847 Invesigation of the products from the cracking plant.  Report signed by Schmitz, dated April 18, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (Two graphs attached.)
2848-2864 The methanol synthesis.  The production of higher alcohols, aldehydes, etc.  Literature and patent references cited.  Report dated April 9, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten...
2865-2868 Addition to "Kompressol" oil for preventing the formation of foam.  (Of the additives tried, castor oil and caprylic acid or pyrogallol and amyl alcohol were considered most effective.)  Report signed by Clar, dated April 25, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (One table consisting of three parts attached.)
2869-2876 Distillation of synthetic oils.  Investigation with post-treated and untreated distillates.  Report signed by Clar, dated April 2, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Four tables and one graph attached.)
2877-2885 Consumption and use of aviation gasoline.  Translation into German, by Tramm, of an article appearing in "National Petroleum News," Jan. 1940, p. 25 ff. Translation is dated March 19, 1940.
2886-2899 Observations after one year's storage of post-treated residue oils. (Aluminum chloride used as additive.)  Report signed by Clar, dated March 1, 1940,Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Nine graphs and two tables attached.)
2900-2907 Grades of activity of Al2O3 as carrier material for catalysts.  confidential report signed by Spiske, dated Feb. 14, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 295, Frames 6289-6296B.
2908-2911 Condition of aromatization plant.  Report signed by Tramm, dated Feb. 28, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..
2912-2913 Aromatizaing plant.  Report by Kolline, dated Feb. 26, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.
2914-2971 Catalytic cracking of aliphatic hydrocarbons.  translation into German by Stuhlpfarrer, of an article appearing in the "Journal of the American chemical Society," vol. 61, pp. 3571-3580 (1939), written by Egloff, Morrell, Thomas, and Bloch.  Translation is dated Feb.26, 1940 and appears in duplicate on Frames 2941-2967.  (Note of transmittal, dated March 13, 1940, precedes translation and Tramm translation of the summary of the article dated Feb. 12, 1940, appears on Frames 2970-71.)
2972-2976 Production of high octane gasoline,.  Report signed by Spiske, dated Fe. 1, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Two graphs and table attached.)  (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 289, Frames 1561-1564).
2977-2989 High octane gasoline by sulfuric acid alkylation.  Translation into German, by Tramm, of a report written by S.H.McAllister which appeared in "National Petroleum News,"  Nov. 29, 1938, beginning on p. 512.  Four tables are included in report.  Translation is dated Feb. 28, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.
2990-2997 Investigation of an untreated residue oil separated by distillation.  (Analyses, oxygen test, mixture with sulfuric acid and aging concerned.)  Report signed by Clar, dated Feb. 29, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten..  (Three tables and two graphs attached.)
2998-3002 Examination of two gasoline samples for their heptane content.  (Tests by Ruhrbenzin and Rheinpreussen.)  Date of test report, consisting of one table and two graphs, is Feb. 13, 1940.  Note of transmittal, signed by Tramm, date Feb. 27, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten, Precedes report.
3003-3006 Examination of I.G. Farben Standard aviation gasoline.  Analysis report consisting of a 3-page table is dated Feb. 9, 1940.  Note of transmittal, signed by Tramm, dated Feb. 28, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten, precedes report.
3007-3010 Further processing of aluminum oxide from the catalyst factory to the completed catalyst for the LT-plant.  Report signed by Spiske, dated Jan. 26, 1940 Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 297, Frames 7563-7566.)
3011-3020 Production of active aluminum oxide for the LT-plant.  Report signed by Stuhlpfarrer, dated Jan. 9, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Two diagrs. attached/
3021-3024 Experimental program for the aromatization plant.  (Toluene and catalyst production discussed.)  Report signed by Tramm, dated Jan. 12, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.
3025-3039 Experiments with the extreme bleaching of post-treated and untreated oils with subsequent extraction of the bleaching agent.  (Tonsil used as bleaching agent.)  Report signed by Clar, dated Jan. 23, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Six tables attached.)  (Note of transmittal, dated Jan. 26, 1940, precedes report.
3040-3061 Monthly reports, January to October 1944.  (Various processes reported.)  Reports signed by Rottig, 1944, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (The report for July and one frame from the report for August are missing.)
3062-3068 Project Pechiney.  Working up of primary products to lubricating oil, gasoline and automotive fuel gas. Report signed by Kolling dated June 13, 1944, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (One flow diagr. attached.)  Produced also on T.O.M. Reel 298, Frames 8257-8264.)
3069-3076 Plan of pressure-water gas circulating synthesis and the low pressure synthesis.  Report signed by Tramm, dated Nov. 11, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Two flow diagrs. attached.)
3077-3079 Hydrogen drying for installation 462.  Report of conference of Nov. 6, 1940 signed by Stuhlpfarrer, dated Nov. 8, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.
3080-3084A Blower installation for installation 462.  Report of conference of Nov. 4, 1940 signed by Tapp, dated Nov. 5, 1940, Ruhrchemie A.A., Sterkrade.  (Three flow diagrs. and two graphs attached.)
3085-3091 Process for the dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons.  (Prevention olefin cyclization.)  Draft of a patent specification by Rottig, dated April 13, 1942, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Note concerning patent specification , dated April 24, 1942, precedes draft.)
3092-3094 Dehydrogenation with acidic catalyst carriers.  Report on German Patent Appl. R 562 signed by Rottig, dated March 11, 1942, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Several patents referred  to in report.)
3095-3110 Investigation of propyl benzene.  Report signed by Clar, dated June 9, 1936, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Eight tables attached.)  (Duplicated on Frames 3111-3126).
3111-3126 Duplicate of Frames 3095-3110.
3127-3128 Production of ethyl benzene.  Report signed by Tramm, dated Oct. 23, 1935, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Duplicated on Frames 3129-3130.)
3129-3130 Duplicate of Frames 3127-3128.
3131-3140 Production of ethyl benzene.  Report by Kolling, dated June 23, 1936, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (One graph attached.)  (Duplicates of this report, but with graph omitted, are found on Frames 3141-3149 and Frames 3150-3157.)
3141-3149 Duplicate of Frames 3131-3140 -- graph omitted.
3150-3157 Duplicate of Frames 3131-3140 -- graph omitted.
3158-3186 Manufacture of aviation gasoline from petroleum gasoline by fractionation.  Secret report signed by Kolling, dated June 26, 1943, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Twelve graphs and one diagr. attached.)
3187-3297 Inspection report on  Rumanian  fuel situation, July 18 - Aug. 6, 1941.  Report signed by Tramm, dated Aug. 15, 1941, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Twenty diagrs. and 14 tables and graphs attached.)
3298-3334c Assembling the aromatizing (LT) plant.  Report signed by Tramm and Kolling, dated March 14, 1942, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Four tables and seven diagrs. attached.)
3335-3338 Relationship of steam pressure and octane number of the gasol content in gasoline produced with active carbon or by cracking.  Report by  Velde, dated Sept. 29, 1938, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Two tables attached.)
3339-3345 Properties of the primary products from thorium and magnesium-thorium catalysts.  (Dependence of octane number on boiling behavior discussed.)  Two reports by Velde, dated July 29, 1938 and June 17, 1938, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Reports arre incomplete, figures and tables referred to are missing.)  (Complete reproduction of report dated July 29, 1938, containing fifteen tables and three graphs, appears on T.O.M. Reel 299, Frames 423-451; and complete reproduction of report dated June 17, 1938, containing one table and two graphs, appears on T.O.M. Reel 299, Frames 452-456.)
3346-3351 Both of these sets of frames make up complete report on manufacture of aircraft engine oil.  Report signed by Tramm, dated Nov. 27, 1941, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (One graph and one flow sheet attached.)
3352-3361 Improvement of the oxygen test of synthetic oils by addition of inhibitors (Beta-naphthylamine.)  Report signed by Clar dated April 22, 1939, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten.  (Six pages of tables and one page of curves attached.)  (Reproduced also on T.O.M. Reel 290, Frames 2099-2109.)
3362-3363 See Frames 3346-3351.
3364-3376 One table of index numbers of the products of the normal pressure synthesis.  Analysis of the products is given.  (Frames 3365-3376 are duplicates of frame 3364.)
3377-3408A These frames plus T.O.M. Reel 292, Frames 3408B-3424 make up complete report entitled "Carbon and heat balance for the Fischer-Ruhrchemie-Synthesis."  Report is dated Nov. 9, 1938, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten and consists of graphs and tables.