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(Original Designation FIAT Reel CC 61)

PB L70401

Documents taken from Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten

1-11 Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt.  By Alfred Schulze.  1943.
12-20 Technique of lubrication.  By Heidebroek.  Dec. 17, 1938.
21-44 Technique of lubrication.  By Erk.  Apr. 11, 1938.
45-64 Technique of lubrication.  By K. Wolf and H. Harms.  Apr. 11, 1938.
65-79 Aging of lubricating oils.  By Philippovich.  Apr. 11, 1938.
80-114 Technique of lubrication.  By Heidebroek and Rumpf.  Apr. 11, 1938.
115-129 Wear of machine parts.  By Siebel.  Apr. 11, 1938.
130-178 Synthetic lubricating oils.  By H. Zorn.  Dec. 17, 1938.
179-202 Technique of lubrication.  Dec. 17, 1938
203-217 Technique of lubrication.  Mar. 4, 1943.
218-222 Friction and material wear.  By Holm.  Mar. 4, 1943
223-227 Bearing shells of hard metal.  By Heidebroek.  Mar. 4, 1943.
228-235 Frictional heat of raw materials.  By Siebel.  Mar. 4, 1943.
236-240 Wire drawing.  By Siebel.  Mar. 4, 1943.
241-246 Oil testing process.  By v. Philippovich.  Mar. 4, 1943.
247-264 Sliding friction of solid bodies.  By Wolf, June 29, 1943.
265-266 Wear of material By friction.  By Kluge.  June 29, 1943.
267-278 Non-metallic phase in metals.  By Kramer.  June 29, 1943.
279-281 Liquid mixtures.  By Dunken.  June 29, 1943.
282-300 Lubricating behavior of oil during starting friction.   By Bartel.  Feb. 29, 1944.
301-306 Influence of the sliding speed on friction.  By Kluge.  Feb. 29, 1944.
307-309  Friction wear of piston rings. By Philippovich.  Feb. 29, 1944'
310-315 Technique of lubrication.  By Philippovich.  Feb. 29, 1944.
316-322  Peroxide content of oils.  By Seelich.  Feb. 29, 1944.
323-326 Lubricating oil.  By Herbert Jaisly.  1939.  (From Die Wärme, No. 3, pp. 43-44, 1939.)
327-383 Bearing friction.  By Theodor Ranow.  Dec. 7, 1936.
384-386 Rasch, Ewald  (Inventor).  Bearing with reduced friction.  Ger. patent 356,735, Class 47b, group 4, dated Jul. 27, 1922.  Supplement to patent 356,734.
387-389 Rasch, Eqald (Inventor).  Method for reducing the stress of moving parts in machine bearings.  Ger. patent 356,734, Class 47b, group 4, dated July 27, 1922.
390-395 Additive for high pressure lubrication.  By E. Edler.  1944.  Reprint from "Oel und Kohle," 1944, 5/6, pp. 102-105.
396-413 Pumping behavior of motor oils.  By Helder.  Jul 20, 1944.
414-424 Determination of the octane number.  By E. Singer.  June 23, 1941.
425-438 Lubrication and material wear.  By Bochmann.  Apr. 22, 1943.
439-451 Lubrication as a boundary surface process.  By Kluge. Aug. 31, 1944.
452-505 Evaluation factors of two-cycle engines.  By Jaro Zeman.  1944. From "Deutsche Kargtfahrtforschung," No. 81, 1944, pp. 1-46.
506-537 Formation of mixtures in multi-cylinder Otto engines.  By Franz Kramor.  1944.  From "Deutsche Kraftfahrtforschung," No. 82, 1944, pp. 1-29.
538-581 Thermodynamic tests on Diesel engines.  By Hand List.  1944. From Deutsche Kraftfahrtforschung," No. 79, 1944, pp. 1-39.
582-608 Measurement of the lubricating properties of lubricants.  By Johannes Kluge.  1942.  From the "Mitteilungen der deutschen Akademie der Luft fahrtforschung, " No. 6, 1942, PP. 299-323.
633-638 Molecular-physical processes in lubrication.  By Johannes Wolf.  1942.  From the "Mitteilungen der deutschen Akademie der Luftfahrtforschung," No. 6, 1942, pp. 325-348.  (Translation appears on TOM Reel 250, Item No. 7).
639-646 Mixture formation and combustion in the Diesel engine.  By W. Pauer.  Oct. 1, 1940.  From "Deutsche Kraft fahrtforschung."
647-662 Diesel engine with two types of fuel.  By Potthoff.  n.d. From "Deutsche Kraftfahrt forschung.".
647-662 Diesel engine with two types of fuel.  By Rixmann. n.d.  From "Deutsche Kraftfahrtforschung."
663-676 Efficiency and course of combustion in the Diesel engine.  By List.  n.d.  From "Deutsche Kraftfahrt forschung.".
677-679 Supercharging of Diesel engines in vehicles.  By Ernst.  n.d. From "Deutsche Kraftfahrt forschung.".
680-696 Formation and combustion of fuel-air mixtures.  By Blume.  n.d. From "Deutsche Kraftfahrt forschung.".
697-729 Influence of the mixture formation and combustion on losses in combustion engines.  By Ullmann.  n.d.  From "Deutsche Kraftfahrt forschung.".
730-746 Character of the injected fuel at injection into Diesel engines.  By Oschatz.  n.d.  From "Deutsche Kraftfahrt forschung.".
747-752 Measurement of the ignition delay in Diesel engines.  By Ernst.  n.d.  From "Deutsche Kraftfahrt forschung.".
753-756 Diesel engine with laterally controlled valves.  By Ernst.  n.d.  From "Deutsche Kraftfahrt forschung.".
757-794 Test for light fuels.  n.d.
795-823 Diesel test engine for Diesel fuels.  1940.
824-840 Control of D.C. motors.  By C. Moerder.  July 3, 1943.  Special reprint from the Archives for Electrical Engineering, pp. 571-587, July 3, 1943.
841-896 Traces of electric arcs supplied to metals for a short period of time.  By Hans Roth.  Nov.  10, 1939.
897-944 Determination of the size of smallest particles By X-rays.  By Gunter Freyer.  June 15, 1939.