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F. I. A. T. Reel X-117
Table of Contents
Rheinpreussen – Homberg
III. Synthetic Lubricants (“Synthetische Schmieroele”)
Continued from TOM reel 305 (FIAT reel X-116)
116. Lubricants from Kogasin and tar distillation products. Part IV – Condensation of cracked “Gatsch” with naphthalene. Kolbel report number 88, September 10, 1938. Frames 2561-2567. 7 pages.
117. Lubricants from Kogasin and tar distillation products. Part V. Kolbel report number 91, September 15, 1938. Drs. H. Kolbel and Albert Meusel. Includes index. Frames 2568-2580. 14 pages.
118. Lubricants from Kogasin and tar distillation products. Part VI. Kolbel report number 105, May 5, 1939. Drs. H. Kolbel and Albert Meusel. Includes index. Frames 2581-2668. 89 pages.
119. Lubricants from Kogasin and tar distillation products. Part VIII. Kolbel report IV b1 number 10, March 21, 1940. Drs. H. Kolbel and Albert Meusel. Frames 2669-2688. 20 pages.
120. Lubricants from Kogasin and tar distillation products. Part IX - Catalysts. Kolbel report IV b1 number 14, undated. Drs. H. Kolbel and Albert Meusel. Includes index. Frames 2699-2704. 16 pages.
121. Lubricants from Kogasin and tar distillation products. Part X. Kolbel report IV b1 number 17, November 11, 1941. Drs. H. Kolbel and Albert Meusel. Includes index. Frames 2705-2739. 35 pages.
122. Lubricants from Kogasin and tar distillation products. Part XI. Kolbel report IV b1 number 27, June 24, 1944. Drs. H. Kolbel and Albert Meusel. Includes index. Frames 2740-2771. 32 pages.
123. Uber die Bildungsbedingungen von kristallisierten Ausscheidungen bei der Schmierolsynthese. Kolbel report IV b1 number 26, May 17, 1944. Dr. Ullmann. Includes index. Frames 2772-2790. 19 pages.
124. Lubricating oil on a hard coal basis (“Schmierole auf Steinkohlenbasis”). Kolbel report IV b1 number 220, undated. Frames 2791-2833. 43 pages, several extremely light, bordering on unreadable. Most legible.
125. Examination of a synthetic superheated steam cylinder oil. Kolbel report number 107. June 14, 1939. Frames 2834-2838. 5 pages.
IV. Fatty Acids and Greases
126. Consistent greases from synthetic fatty acids. Kolbel report number 113, February 1, 1940. Frames 2839-2854. 15 pages.
127. The production of consistent greases from synthetic raw materials. Part I. Kolbel report V b1 number 1, March 13, 1940. Frames 2855-2872. 18 pages.
128. The production of consistent greases from synthetic raw materials. Part II – Production of sodium saponified fats from synthetic raw materials. Kolbel report V b1 number 4, July 12, 1940. Frames 2873-2884. 12 pages.
129. The production of consistent greases from synthetic raw materials. Part III – “Die Herstellung natronverseifter Fette mittels grosserer Ansatze”. Kolbel report V b1 number 7, July 12, 1941. Frames 2885-2891. 7 pages.
130. The production of consistent greases from synthetic raw materials. Part IV - Production of greases from low molecular weight fatty acids. Kolbel report V b1 number 10, July 31, 1941. Frames 2892-2905. 14 pages.
131. The production of consistent greases from synthetic raw materials. Part V - Water proof (?) roller bearing grease (“Wasserbestandiges Walzlagerfett”). Kolbel report V b1 number 13, January 31, 1942. Frames 2906-2913. 8 pages.
132. The production of consistent greases from synthetic raw materials. Part VI - Production of greases without employment/use of advanced (?) fatty acids (“Herstellung from Schmierfetten ohne Einsatz von Vorlauffettsaeure”). Kolbel report V b1 number 18, August 1, 1942. Frames 2914-2923. 10 pages.
133. Flow diagram of the grease plant, Rheinpreussen. April 21, 1940. Frame 2924. 2 pages.
134. Nitrating fatty acids (“Ueber die Nitrierung von Fettsaeuren”). By W. Grimme, G. Campen, J. Wollner, and G. Middendorf. July 1946. Includes index. Frames 2925-2981. 58 pages.
135. Bestimmung des Gatsch-Verlaufes und Lieferbedingungen fuer Gatsch. Deutsche Fettsaure-Werke, G.m.b.H. January 22, 1943. Frames 2982-3010. 29 pages.
136. Untersuchungen uber die Parestol. Part I. By G. Campen, March 1943. Frames 3011-3038. 28 pages.
137. The reduction of fatty acids to alcohols. By Grimme and Hugel. May 31, 1940. Frames 3039-3042. 4 pages.
138. The production of hard (solid) soaps from liquid fatty acids. Signature illegible. Undated. Frames 3043-3044. 2 pages.
139. Dicarbonic acids. August 11, 1942. Frames 3045-3052. 8 pages.
140. The oxidation of liquid and soft brown coal paraffins. By Georg Keicher. Diplom-Arbeit, ausgefuhrt am Organisch-chemischen Institut der T. H. Stuttgart. Summer, 1941. Frames 3053-3075. 23 pages.
V. Chlorination of Hydrocarbons and Chloro-Paraffins
141. Contribution to the knowledge of chlorinated gaseous hydrocarbons. By Friedrich Engelhardt. Undated – 1944 or later - Dissertation. With index. Frames 3077-3131. 55 pages.
142. Chlorinated paraffin as lacquer raw materials. Kolbel report V b1 number 9, July 24, 1941. Frames 3132-3147. 16 pages.
143. The chlorination of hydrocarbons. Part I – chlorination of propane. By Dr. Herbert Kolbel, Dr. Albert Meusel, and H. Korte. March 23, 1943. Frames 3148-3183. 36 pages.
144. The chlorination of hydrocarbons. Part II – the thermal chlorination of n-butane. By Dr. Kolbel and H. Korte. May 1, 1943. Frames 3184-3212. 29 pages.
145. Chlorinated paraffin as lacquer raw materials. Part II. Kolbel report VI b2 number 12, September 1, 1943.. Frames 3213-3229. 17 pages.
VI. Miscellaneous
A. Diesel Fuels
146. Refining of mixed diesel fuels from coal (anthracene) oil and Kogasin II (Fischer-Tropsch product). Kolbel report number 64. February 18, 1938. Frames 3231-3236. 6 pages.
147. Characteristics of diesel fuels from hard coal tar oils (including as mixtures with Fischer-Tropsch Kogasin). Kolbel report number 75. April 24, 1938. Frames 3237-3239. 3 pages.
148. Low temperature stability of mixed diesel fuels. Kolbel report number 110. September 25, 1939. Frames 3240-3252. 13 pages.
149. Mixed diesel fuels from “hoschsiedenden” hard coal tar oils. October 11, 1939. Frames 3253-3257. 5 pages. Almost completely illegible.
B. Wetting, detergent, and dispersal agents on the basis of Fischer-Tropsch products.
150. Part I. Detergents and capillary-active materials from synthetic Rheinpreussen oil. Kolbel report VII b1 number 1. November 26, 1942. Includes index. Frames 3258-3306. 49 pages.
151. Part II. Practical washing experiments with detergents from synthetic Rheinpreussen oil. Kolbel report VII b1 number 2. July 1, 1943. Frames 3307-3317. 11 pages.
C. Reports on Activities
152. Report on research and development from September 30, 1940 to September 30, 1941. Includes index. Frames 3319-3339. 21 pages.
153. Monthly reports April through December 1945. By Engelhardt. Undated. Frames 3340-3355. 16 pages.
D. Other
154. Separation from gas mixtures and dehydrogenation of propane using a palladium cell. November 16, 1939. Frames 3357-3363. 7 pages.
155. “Uber die Bildung von Oktansulton”. March 11, 1943. Frames 3364-3367. 4 pages.
156. Darstellung von Isopropylbenzol. Kolbel report IV b1 number 23, August 27, 1943. Frames 3368-3370. 3 pages.
157. Effect of CO on alcoholates and/or alcohols. October 2, 1943. Frames 3371-3372. 2 pages.
158. Para-dichloro-benzol. Kolbel report VI b1 number 13, October 26, 1945. Frames 3373-3378. 6 pages.
159. Research on the production of Gesarol or DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane). By G. Campen. June 1946. Frames 3379-3387. 9 pages.
160. Loesungsvermoegen von Stabilbenzin fuer Methanol bei Abwesenheit und Gegenwart verschiedener Homogenisierungsmittel. Signature illegible, undated. Frames 3388-3391. 4 pages.
161. Investigations on the chlorohydrins of the n-olefins (C18-C20). By Albrecht Huni. Diplom-Arbeit, ausgefuhrt organisch-chemischen Institut der technischen Hochschule Stuttgart. Undated. Frames 3392-3409. 18 pages.
162. Aufarbeitung von Olefinen durch Anlagerung von Stickoxyden. By Dr. Herrmann. Monthly report number 4. Undated. Frames 3410-3414. 5 pages.
163. Complete table of contents (in German) for FIAT reels X-114 through X-117. Frames 3415-3422. 8 pages.
164. Raw material and product block diagram of the Rheinpreussen fuel plant. Undated. Unnumbered. 1 page.