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T.O.M. Microfilm Reel 289
(Originally FIAT Reel K-22)
PB L70213
Documents taken from Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten
Continued from T.O.M. reel 288
1170-1181 Suggestion for a new catalyst chamber with improved heat control. By Schnur, February 25, 1941. (Six diagrams attached. Note signed by von Asboth, March 18, 1941 precedes report.) 12 pages.
1182-1189 Report on the calculation of the heat in a finned tube catalyst chamber, suggestion II. (Supplement to report of September 21, 1940.) By Schnur, October 12, 1940. (Six pages of curves and diagrams attached.) 8 pages.
1190-1195 Calculation of heat condition in an improved pressure vessel. (Supplemented report of August 3, 1940.) By Schnur, September 21, 1940. (Two pages of curves and diagrams attached.) 6 pages.
1196-1205 Calculation of heat conditions of catalyst chambers. By Schnur, August 3, 1940. (Five pages of curves and diagrams attached.) 10 pages.
1206-1207 Correspondence concerning German patent application R 115,001 IVb/12e5 (R 650) and claims re: Treatment of waste gases of nitric acid condensation equipment, processing ammonia oxidation gases, characterized by admixture of ammonia, followed by treatment in a high voltage filter. By Förster, March 16, 1944. 3 pages.
1208-1209a Correspondence concerning German patent application R 116,956 (R 687) and claims re: Aromatization or dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons with the use of catalysts comprising approximately 80% alumina and 20% chromium oxide and containing 2-5 atoms of potassium and/or sodium per 100 molecules of said oxide mixture. By Förster, April 20, 1944. 4 pages.
1210-1213 Report on German patent application R 116,696 IVb/12k (R 674) and claims re: Production of carboxylic-alkali compounds by caustic treatment of carbon monoxide hydrogenation products. By Förster, March 16, 1944. 6 pages.
1214-1215 Report on German patent application R 115,143 IVd/12o (R658): Production of carboxylic-alkali compounds by caustic treatment of carbon monoxide hydrogenation products. By Hagemann and Förster, March 20, 1944. 3 pages.
1216-1218 Report and copy of German patent application R 117,134 4d 12o (R 692): Method for obtaining organic acid by oxidation of coal. By Hagemann and Förster, April 5, 1944. 5 pages.
1219-1221 German patent application R 111,181 IVd/12o (R 596). Production of metal compounds of fatty acids. (Conversion of aldehydes to fatty acids.). By Hagemann and Förster, April 6, 1944. 6 pages.
1222-1225 German patent application R 100,570 IVd/12o (R 366). Process for the production of solid and liquid hydrocarbons by the catalytic reaction of gas mixtures containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen. By Hagemann and Förster, April 11, 1944. 4 pages.
1226-1231 Conference report on construction of an OXO synthesis plant. By Dr. Landgraf, January 26, 1943. (Eight pages of diagrams attached.) 13 pages.
1232-1236 Operation of an OXO synthesis plant. February 5, 1942, Ammoniakwerk Merseburg G.m.b.H., Leuna Werke. (One time-temperature graph attached.) 5 pages.
1237-1238 Conference report on the OXO Plant in Holten with regard to heat of reaction. By Roelen, September 1, 1941. 2 pages.
1239-1241 Conference report on "Schaffgotsch" fuel. By Heckel and Heger, March 22, 1943. (One diagram attached.) 3 pages.
1242-1249 The wet synthesis. By Schenk, January 20, 1942. (Report is also reproduced on TOM reel 288, frames 1108-1115.) 8 pages.
1249a-1249b Distribution of liquids in wet synthesis. By Roelen, December 9, 1939. 2 pages.
1249c-1249f Wet synthesis. Work order by Roelen, June 28, 1939. 4 pages.
1250-1252 Rough draft of patent application. Dehydration of higher alcohols. By Roelen and Fritzsche, February 10, 1941. 3 pages.
1253-1254 Conference report on the use of oxygen-containing compounds as fuel. By Velde, February 9, 1937. 2 pages.
1255-1256 Production of drying oils. By Roelen, January 25, 1943.
1257 The OXO synthesis with oleic ethyl ester. October 8, 1942. 1 page.
1258 The OXO synthesis with dehydrogenated diesel oil. By Roelen, September 28, 1942. 1 page.
1259-1260 Aldols obtained from products made in the OXO synthesis of olefins. By Roelen, July 24, 1942. 2 pages.
1261-1263 Conference report on the synthesis of propionic aldehyde by OXO process. By Heckel, March 7, 1942. 3 pages.
1264-1266 Methods of the OXO synthesis. By Roelen, January 22, 1942. (One page of diagrams attached.) 3 pages.
1267-1270 Laboratory order work program: OXO synthesis, especially for production of propionic aldehyde. By Roelen, November 26, 1941. 4 pages.
1271-1276 Conference report on preparation of OXO products from gasol and synthetic gasoline. By Martin, November 25, 1941. (Four pages of diagrams attached.) 6 pages.
1277-1278 Report from patent application file: Investigation of the OXO synthesis. By Roelen, April 5, 1941. 2 pages.
1279-1284 Conference report on new project in the Ruhrbenzin plant. By Schuff, January 14, 1941. 6 pages.
1285-1286 OXO synthesis with acetylene. By Roelen, January 13, 1941. (One diagram attached.) 2 pages.
1287-1289 Production of sulfonates from OXO alcohols. By Roelen, October 12, 1940. 3 pages.
1290-1292 Emulsifying agent for hard paraffin. By Roelen, September 6, 1940. 3 pages.
1293-1294 Outline of a patent application for the production of OXO compounds. By Roelen, August 1940, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten. 3 pages, very poor quality.
1295-1298 Synthesis oven in which a salt melt instead of oil cooling is used for heat control. By Roelen, July 16, 1942. (One page of diagrams attached.) 4 pages, most pretty poor quality.
1299-1302 Production of synthesis gas for a small Fischer plant. Unsigned letter and suggestion for gas production signed by Gumz included, August 1944, Verein für die bergbalichen Interessen, Essen. (German patent application G 109,254 V/24e referred to.) 4 pages, 3 extremely poor quality/legibility.
1303-1305 Difficulties in plant operation. Plant meeting of Ruhrbenzin. Report signed by Velde, dated Oct. 26, 1937, Ruhrbenzin A.G., Oberhausen-Holten. (Report is incomplete.) 3 pages.
1306-1315 Confidential report - Fischer fuel production - Ruhrchemie method (two steps) - the most important data. April 22, 1936, Ruhrchemie A.G., Oberhausen-Holten. (One flow diagram attached.) 10 pages.
1316-1320 Production of catalysts and regeneration of used catalysts in fuel synthesis. By von Asboth, October 20, 1938. (Diagram referred to is missing.) 5 pages.
1321 Review on catalyst apparatus. By von Asboth, October 20, 1938. (Schemes and diagrams referred to are missing.) 1 page.
1322-1323 Production of high-degree purifying material for removal of sulfur from the synthesis gas of the gasoline plant. October 21, 1938. (Diagram referred to is missing.) 2 pages.
1324-1327 Confidential report - examination of catalysts. By Roelen, November 19, 1936. 4 pages – 2 identical copies of 2 page report.
1328-1340 Confidential conference report on purification of cobalt solutions. By Roelen, November 6, 1936. (Three diagrams attached.) 13 pages.
1341-1349 Report on the investigation of the water of reaction formed in the hydrocarbon synthesis over iron catalysts. July 22, 1941. (Five tables attached.) 9 pages.
1350-1351 Preparation of maximum viscosity oils. By Clar, June 23, 1943. 2 pages.
1352-1355 Formation of lubricants from residual olefins of the fuel synthesis. By Clar, June 23, 1943. 4 pages.
1356-1362 Relation between olefin content and yield of lubricant obtained by processing recycled gasoline. By Clar, January 27, 1943. 9 pages.
1363-1365 Report on the experiments for the preparation of soft paraffin for soap manufacture from hard paraffin. By Dahm, April 11, 1939. (One page of curves attached.) 3 pages.
1366-1370 Dehydrogenation of low-molecular hydrocarbons in presence of halogen to form olefins. Experiments with heptane. By Rottig, February 25, 1944. (Reproduced also on TOM reel 295, frames 6409-6413.) 5 pages.
1371-1375 Dehydrogenation of high-molecular hydrocarbons (cetane) with halogens, in particular, bromine, to form olefins. By Rottig, February 24, 1944. (Reproduced also on TOM reel 295, frames 6414-6418.) 5 pages.
1376-1402 Hydrogenation of carbon monoxide in the gaseous phase and under normal pressure in the presence of actylene. Four reports dated August 1 and October 7, 1941, and March 12 and April 27, 1942. 27 pages. Fourth report (8/1/41) text of questionable quality/legibility.
1403-1409 Carbon monoxide hydrogenation at normal and increased pressure in the gaseous and liquid phase with addition of C2H2. March 20, 1941. 7 pages.
1410-1416 Conference report on the isosynthesis. By Velde, August 13, 1945. 7 pages.
1417-1422 Synthesis of hydrocarbons hydrogenation of carbon monoxide at elevated temperatures and pressures. Rough draft of a patent application dated May 19, 1942. 7 pages.
1417a-1419a Temperature control device. Draft of a patent application dated May 6, 1942. (Draft is incomplete.) 3 pages. 3 pages.
1423-1458 Cracking waste gases of the Fischer fuel synthesis. By Velde, June 4, 1936. (3 graphs, 1 diagram and 15 pages including tables 1-7 attached.) 36 pages.
1459-1477 Recovery and properties of gasol from waste gases of the fuel synthesis. By Grimme, January 3, 1935. (Graphs and tables included.) 19 pages.
1478-1510 Determination of hydrocarbons with 1-5 C atoms and isomers of butane and butylene by precise fractional distillation. By Schmitz, March 14, 1940. (11 curves, 4 diagrams and 3 tables attached.) 32 pages. Frames 1509-1510 missing.
1511-1527 Batch distillation in large toluene plant. By Kelting, September 21, 1943. (Two diagrams included.) 9 pages. Frames 1511-1512, and 1516-1521 missing.
1528 This frame is missing.
1529-1538 Experiments for gas polymerization with the "G.P." apparatus. By Voigt, November 22, 1943. (One diagram and one graph attached.) 10 pages.
1539-1543 Preparation of various polymerization catalysts. By Spiske, June 10, 1943. (German patent application V 12,617 IVd/12o referred to.) (Reproduced also on TOM reel 296, frames 7221-7225.) 5 pages.
1544 This frame is missing.
1545-1552 Experiments with a nickel hydrogenation catalyst. By Tramm, December 27, 1941. (One graph attached.) 6 pages. Frames 1551-1552 missing.
1553-1560 Pilot plant polymerization. By Spiske, July7, 1941. (One table attached.) 8 pages.
1561-1564 Production of high octane gasoline. By Spiske, February 1, 1940. (Two graphs and table attached.) (Reproduced also on TOM reel 291, frames 2972-2976.) 5 pages.
1565-1567 Preparation of a phosphoric acid polymerization catalyst. By Tramm, September 19, 1939. (Reproduced also on TOM reel 290, frames 2021-2023 and TOM reel 296, frames 6949-6951. 2 pages, frame 1565 missing.
1568-1570 Report on the refining of polymer gasoline with granosil, its motor behavior, and potential gumming property of its mixture with active charcoal and "T.V.P." cracked gasoline. By Dahm, March 29, 1939. (Reproduced also on TOM reel 290, frames 2137-2139.) 3 pages.
1571-1575 Polymerization of olefins in presence of phosphoric acid. By Kuhn, February 19, 1938. (Report and other correspondence attached, dated in January and March 1937, refer to a number of patents concerning the above-mentioned title.) 5 pages. 5 pages.
1576-1582 Hydrogenation of aromatized primary gasoline in order to extract the aromatic compounds. By Kalippke, May 2, 1941. (One diagram and one graph attached.) 7 pages.
1583-1585 Recovery of pure toluene from A.K. (Active charcoal) gasoline. By Petri, July 14, 1939. (Reproduced also on TOM reel 290, frames 2077-2079.) 3 pages.
1586-1618 Aromatizing experiments in the LT-Pilot plant. February 3, 1941. (Three pages of diagrams and three pages of curves attached.) 33 pages.
1619-1627 Laboratory experiments concerning the detrimental influence of steam on aromatizing catalysts. By Kolling, November 18, 1940. (Two pages of curves attached.) (Reproduced also on TOM reel 296, frames 2161-2169 and TOM reel 296, frames 7346-7354.) 9 pages.
1628-1665 Confidential report on the aromatization of aliphatic hydrocarbons. By Kolling, September 15, 1939. (Complete report, which includes tables, drawings and graphs, is reproduced on TOM reel 295, frames 6297-6369.) 38 pages.
1666-1736 Confidential report on the most recent experiment results obtained in the LT-pilot plant. By Kolling, April 30, 1940. (11 tables, 29 graphs and 14 diagrams attached) (Reproduced also on TOM reel 291, frames 2568-2603, with partial duplicate on frames 2532-2567.) 79 pages.
1737 Octane numbers of the aromatized fraction 100-200°C from normal pressure gasoline. By Kolling, March 24, 1939. (Some figures missing.) 1 page.
1738 Calculation of the content of aromatic compounds in aromatized gasoline based on the increase in density. Incomplete report, no date. 1 page.
1739 Catalysts for the OXO synthesis. Incomplete report (15 tables are missing), no date. 1 page.
1740-1754 Survey on the efficiency of OXO catalysts. By Kolling, September 28, 1938. (Tables 1 and 8 are missing). 15 pages.
1755-1759 Report on the preparation of aromatizing catalysts on a laboratory scale. By Rottig, March 10, 1944. (Reproduced also on TOM reel 296, frames 7216-7219.) 5 pages.
1760-1771 New apparatus for automatically conveying small and minimum quantities of liquid at normal and slightly increased pressures. By Rottig, August. 25, 1943. (One diagram and 3 graphs attached.) (Text of report and diagram are duplicated on Frames 1766-7219.) 12 pages.
1772-1773 Second report concerning aromatizing of imported gasoline. November 20, 1942. 3 pages.
1774-1779 Report concerning research on aromatization of hydrocarbons in empty tubes to find best materials for reaction tubes. By Rottig, July 11, 1939. (Two tables attached.) (Reproduced on TOM reel 290, frames 2080-2085.) 6 pages.
1780-1787 Activity of aromatization catalysts using alumina as carrier substance - investigation of calcination temperature of Al2O3 and influence of alkali content of Al2O3 on activity.) (Three tables/graphs are attached.) By Rottig, July 11, 1939. (Reproduced also on TOM reel 296, frames 6973-6980.) 8 pages.
1788-1793 Influence of the temperature of decomposition of the catalyst (alumina and chromium oxide.) on the activity in the aromatization. By Rottig, October 25, 1940. (Two tables in the form of graphs attached.) (Reproduced also on TOM reel 290, frames 2296-2300A and TOM reel 295, frames 6165-6170.) 6 pages.
1794-1805 Plant for manufacture of aviation gasoline and toluene from petroleum gasoline and Fischer-Tropsch gasoline from plants in middle and eastern Germany. January 29, 1943. (Diagram covering 3 pages is attached.) 20 pages.
1806-1812 Influence of metal additions to the AlCl3 in the synthesis of lubricants. By Clar, November 26, 1938. 7 pages.
1813-1817 Gasoline for motors and aviation purposes. By Tramm, October 31, 1938. 5 pages.
1818-1857a Aromatization of aliphatic hydrocarbons. By Kolling, October 1, 1938. (Ten tables and six curves attached.) 41 pages.
Continued on TOM reel 290.