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T. O. M. Microfilm Reel 221
(Original designation Navy 5939-12)
Table of Contents
NOTE: The final third of this Reel is difficult to read as a result of photographic deficiencies.
This original notice appears to be quite accurate. After about paper 51 the images become extremely poor. We have conducted 3 separate scans of two different microfilm reels, and have attempted to use the best results from each. Some of the later reports remain completely illegible under all conditions.
A – Papers of the D.L.V. German Aviation Research Society.
1. Combustion in motors. By Ernst Schmidt, July 3, 1940. 15 pages.
2. Processing of Kogasin to high octane aviation fuel. By Franz Fischer. 18 pages.
3. High pressure combustion chambers for turbines. By Franz Neugebauer. 55 pages.
4. Gas turbines as aviation propellants. By Ernst Schmidt. 32 pages,
5. Rocket propulsion. By Heinz Freiwald. 35 pages.
6. Symposium on nuclear physics. 51 pages. Internal table of contents including:
a. Utilization of the nuclear energy of uranium.
b. Production of energy-rich neutron.
c. Protection against neutrons.
d. Method for measuring effect of neutrons.
e. Production of luminous colors without use of radium.
f. Atomic transmutation and uranium fission – Otto-Hahn.
g. Production of energy by nuclear fission – W. Bothe
h. Nuclear physical research – W. Bothe
i. Isotope separations – Klaus Clausius.
7. Aviation research, a collection of articles on research on aviation engines, fuels, and armaments – 1942.
a. Vorbemerkung zu Organisation und Einsatz der Luftfahrtforschung. 7 pages.
b. Technische Forschung und Entwicklung des Flugzeugs. 5 pages.
c. Technische Forschung und Entwicklung des Flugtriebwerks. 3 pages.
d. Technische Forschung und Entwicklung der navigatorischen Hilfsmittel. 3 pages.
e. Entwicklungstand und Aussichten der Kolbenmotoren unter besonderer Berucksichtigen des Reichsverteidigungsprogramms. By Fritz Nallinger. 13 pages.
8. Rocket fuels – a series of articles. Schriften der Deutschen Akademie der Luftfahrtforschung. August 5, 1943.
a. Einleitung. By Karl-Heinz Hedwig. 9 pages.
b. Vergleichsbetrachtungen und Treibstoffragen bei R-Antrieben. By Otto Lutz. 24 pages.
c. Sonderwerkstoffe fur R-Antriebe. By Otto Lutz. 8 pages.
d. Uber R-Treibstoffe. By Walter Herte. 14 pages.
e. Bericht uber die R-Triebwerke auf Grundlage des T-Stoffes. By Hellmuth Walter. 27 pages.
f. Raketentriebwerke auf der Aaulpetersauerbasis und ihre spezifischen Antriebsgewichte. By Helmut Zhorowski. 35 pages.
g. R-Great mit Sauerstoff. By Adolph Busemann. 17 pages.
h. Pulverraketen. By Heinrich Klein. 25 pages.
i. Der Einfluss des Triebwerkesauf die Flugzeuggestalten. By Alexander Lippisch. 24 pages.
j. Anwendung des R-Antriebs bei Gleitbomben. By Herberet Wagner. 11 pages.
9. Physical effects at high loads and load velocities. 2 articles. The first (19 pages) is incomplete with no title or author. The second (69 pages) is “Physikalische Vorgange bei hohen Belastungen und Belastungsgeschwindigkeiten”, by Hubert Schardin. 88 pages.
10. Combustion problems – December 3, 1942.
a. Fundamentals for determining combustion characteristics of Otto fuel. By Alexander von Phillipovich. 15 pages.
b. Measurement of knock characteristics of adiabatically compressed motor-fuel-air mixtures. By Hermann Teichmann. 33 pages.
c. Einige Wünscher der Kraftstoffhersteller an der Flugmotor. By Karl Dehn. 19 pages.
d. Exhaustive examination of the course of ignition of motor fuels. By Fritz A. F. Schmidt. 15 pages.
e. Examination of auto-ignition of adiabatically compressed fuel-air mixtures. By Max Scheuermayer. 18 pages.
f. Flame propogation in tubes. By Ernst Schmidt, H. Steinicke, and U. Neubert. 46 pages.
g. Experiments on the slow oxidation of some olefins and ketones and the effect of lead on hydrocarbon oxidation. By Ludwig von Muffling. 14 pages.
h. Calculation of the dissociation equilibrium in combustion gases. By Gerhard Damkohler and Rudolf Edse. 20 pages.
11. New developments in lubrication characteristics and their measurement. By Johannes Kluge. 24 pages.
12. Molecular physical effects in lubrication. By Lothar Wolf.
13. Time stability of steel at high temperatures. By Anton Pomp and Max Hempel. 25 pages.
14. Mechanical properties of metals at low temperatures. By Friedrich Korber and Alfred Krisch. 37 pages.
15. Gas turbines. By Jakob Akeret. 3 pages.
16. The J-T diagram, a new aid for calculating gas turbine operation. By Ernst Schmidt. 14 pages.
16a. Wind tunnels in Rumania. By Victor Valcovici and I. Stroescu. 10 pages. Relatively poor legibility.
16b. Infintesimale kegelige Ubershallstromung. By Adolph Bosemann. 16 pages.
17. The effects of combustion products of leaded gasoline on austinitic steel. By Heinrich Garmelin (?) and Walter Siedenborg (?). 21 pages.
17a. On the evaluation and progressive organization of piston aircraft engines. By Wanibald Kamm.
12 pages – relatively poor legibility.
18. Development of strong motor characteristics. By Wanibald Kamm. 38 pages.
19. Recent developments in auto-ignition of fuels by adiabatic compressing. By Wilhelm Jost, Heinz Rogener, and E. v. Weber. 9 pages.
20. Auto-ignition laboratory results and their application to engines. By Heinz Rogener. 17 pages.
21. Pre-reaction in the Otto engine. By Ernst Schmidt and Egan Maldner (?). 28 pages. Several at end may be missing.
22. Reaction kinetics in the oxidation of normal and iso-paraffins. 17 pages – several missing at start including title page.
23. New methods for determining individual influences of work in engine knocking. By Fritz A. F. Schmidt. 14 pages.
24. Isentropic changes in dissociating gases and the sound dispersion method for examining very rapid homogenous gas reaction. By Gerhard Damkohler. 21 pages.
25. Physical-chemical problems of motor combustion of gas mixtures. Auto-ignition and knocking. By Heinz Zeise. 15 pages.
26. Measurement of ignition velocity of flowing gas-air mixtures. By Werner Unger. 16 pages, but 10 pages appear to be missing by internal numbering.
27. Formation of ice fog from the exhaust gases of aviation engines. By Ernst Schmidt. 21 pages.
28. The German Academy of Aviation Research membership. 44 pages. The document appears to be incomplete and the pages are in somewhat of a random order. Dates appear to be in the range of 1936-1941.
29. Increasing the efficiency of aviation engines. By Harald Wolff. 18 pages.
29a. Effects of some technical innovations in warfare. By Adolph Baeumker. 3 pages.
30. Problems in fuel research. Alexander von Phillipovich. 19 pages.
31. Aviation gasoline and its production. By Matthias Pier. 9 pages.
31a. Mr. pohl submits new editions of books on mechanics and electricity to the academy. 3 pages.
32. Problems in combustion. Ernst Schmidt. 8 pages.
33. Academy transactions, miscellaneous, list of publications of members, pictures of members, addresses, etc.
a. 70th birthday of J. Zenneck and 50th birthday of Adolph Baeumker. 14 pages.
b. Statutes (rules and regulations) of the German Academy for Aviation Research. 30 pages.
c. Business report of the chancellor of the academy for 1942/1943. 9 pages.
d. From the members. 24 pages.
e. Member publications by author and year. Includes some photographs. 110 pages.
f. Homorary Doctor Walter Georgii. 5 pages.
g. 60th birthday of Matthias Pier. 4 pages.
h. 80th birthday of Carl Cranz. 4 pages.
i. Letter from Reichsmarschall Hermann Goring. 1 page.
35. Increasing efficiency of aviation engines. By Otto Lutz. June 5, 1942. 2 pages.
36. Guided missiles. By Heinrich Klein. June 5, 1942. 24 pages.
36a. On the raw material situation. Eduard Houdremont. 3 pages.
37. High pressure combustion chambers for turbines. By Franz Neugebauer. 11 pages.
37a. On some special problems with aircraft propulsion. By Ernst Schmidt. 1 page.
37b. Contribution for the development of (more) powerful engine units. By Wonibald Kamm. 11 pages.
38. Thermodynamics and operations in combustion engines. Document not found. Possible mistranslation of item 37b above, which was not included in original table of contents.
39. Hardness and chemical linkages. Georg Joos. January 8, 1943. 10 pages.
40. Combustion problems. By Ernst Schmidt. 6 pages.
40a. Report of the commission on bibliography, the library and archives. 12 pages.
40b. Outside publications of academy members. 19 pages.
40c. Business report of the chancellor of the academy for 1940/1941. By A. Baeumker. 5 pages.
40d. Carl Bosch – biography and publications. By Jonathan Zenneck. 6 pages.
41. External form of aviation engines. By Arthur Berger. 12 pages.
42. Theoretical examination on detonation. By Richard Grammel. 7 pages.
43. Experimental work on detonation. By Hubert Schardin. 21 pages.
44. Combustion in motors. By Ernst Schmidt. 4 pages.
45. Research on the Stratosphere. No Author. 1 page – subsequent page(s) clearly missing.
45a. Composition of the German Academy for Aviation Research – German members – as of January 12,
1944. 14 pages.
45b. Business report of the chancellor for the year 1943/1944. By A. Baeumker. 9 pages.
45c. Speech of the chancellor for the opening of business year 1943/1944. 5 pages.
46. Physical basis of the effects of detonation. By Hubert Schardin. 18 pages.
46a. Speech of the chancellor. April 2, 1943. 3 pages.
47. High duty engines. By Helmut Schelp. 6 pages.
48. Aerodynamics and plane accessories. By Theodor Zobel. 1 page.
48a. Airplane organization and raw materials (“Flugzeug-Gestaltung und Rohstoffaufkommen”). By
Gunther Bock. 17 pages.
48b. Problems in combustion. By Ernst Schmidt. 1 page.
49. The effect of the combustion products of leaded gasoline on austinitic steel. By Heinrich Cornelius and Walter Siedenburg. 3 pages.
50. Natural and artificial snow crystals. By U. Nakaya and co-workers. 8 pages.
51. Magnetic O2 analysis in gas mixtures. By Hermann Rein. 1 pages.
51a. Airplane organization and raw materials (“Flugzeuggestaltung und Rohstoffaufkommen”). By
Gunther Bock. August 6, 1943. 37 pages. Many/most highly difficult to read. Poor legibility.
Second version somewhat better in places.
52. Developments in optic measurements of gas flow. By Theodor Zobel. 42 pages. Many/most highly difficult to read. Poor legibility. Second version pretty much equally bad, or worse.
53. Formation of mixtures in aviation engines. The comparision of gasification and cylinder infection. By Manfred Christian. 16 pages. Many/most highly difficult to read. Poor legibility. Second version pretty much equally bad.
54. Examination of stream in gas turbines. By Ernst Eckert (?). 19 pages. Many/most highly difficult to read. Poor legibility. Second version pretty much equally bad.
55. Anti tank bombs. By Heinrich Klein. 34 pages. Many/most highly difficult to read. Poor legibility. Second version considerably better in selected places, but still pretty bad.
56. Performance and organization of Anglo-Saxon physics. By Carl Ramsauer (?). 21 pages. Many/most difficult to read. Poor legibility. Second version considerably better in places, but still pretty poor.
57. Development of efficiency of the Daimler-Benz aviation motor (1935-1941). By Fritz Nallinger. 50 pages. Many/most difficult to read. Poor legibility. Second version much better – but still pretty rough going at times.
58. Heating effects in machine guns during shooting. By Ernst Schmidt. 15 pages. Many/most difficult to read. Poor legibility. Second version generally much better, though still pretty rough.
59. Development of guns and ammunition. By J. Zenneck. 23 pages. Many/most difficult to read. Poor legibility. Second version generally better, though still pretty rough.
B – Papers from the high pressure research laboratory – Ludwigshafen.
60a. Two-page letter signed by Donath. Illegible title and most of text. 2 pages. Second version equally
60. Hydrogen of petroleum paraffins for lubricating oil synthesis. 9 pages. Many/most highly difficult to read. Poor legibility. Second version same or worse.
61. Pressure-less dehydrogenation of n-butane. 10 pages. Many/most highly difficult to read. Poor legibility. Second version worse.
61a. Six page report relating to dehydrogenation. Title and text mainly illegible. 4 pages of tables and
figures of better quality. Second version text worse, rest okay.
62. Prehydrogenation with alumina catalysts. 3 pages. Pretty poor quality. Second version marginally better/legible.
63. DHD experiments in the 100 liter oven. 12 pages. Pretty poor quality. Second version truly awful.
63a. Dehydrogenation with catalyst 7360 (probably paper B 107, below). 6 pages. Pretty poor quality.
Second equally bad.
64. Refining of coal tar at 50 atmospheres. 1 page. Marginal quality. (First scan of first microfilm reel ends). Second version 2 pages, marginal quality as well.
65. Catalytic cracking under high pressure or D H D conditions. 31 pages from second version that contain this report and possibly number 66 as well. Extremely poor quality, especially those pages that may be paper 66.
66. Transformer oil testing. See paper 65 discussion above.
67. Coal hydrogenation in the sump phase. November 26, 1943. 3 pages. Decent quality.
68. H2S and the reduction of sulfides.
69. Consultation with Dr. Zorn.
70. Pressure hydrogenation of Romanian crude to benzine and diesel fuel.
71. Evaluation of D H D activated alumina catalyst. 5 pages. Fairly poor, but mainly legible.
72. Gas phase T T H.
73. Flouride catalyst.
74. Pressure hydrogenation of pyrene with catalyst # 5058. July 1943. 2 pages. Marginal quality.
75. Dephenolization of middle oil.
76. T. T. H. lubricating oil. 1943. 9 pages. Very close to useless in all.
77. Catalyst firmness in the T.T.H. experiments. 3 pages. Pretty poor overall. Third version a bit better, but title page truncated.
78. Pressure hydrogenation of dry coal. 7 pages. Barely legible text. Figures and tables worse. Third version – 7 pages also – somewhat better, especially tables and figures.
79. Fluid cracking. 3 pages. Text marginal. Third page table truncated.
80. Washing out SO2 in DHD regeneration. 7 pages. Truly awful quality.
81. Hydrocarbon gases by hydrogenation and DHD. 6 pages. Decent quality, but title page truncated.
82. Fundamentals for a pilot fluid cracking unit. November 5, 1942. 7 pages. Kind of shaky, though generally legible. Third version – also 7 pages – excellent quality but several pages truncated.
83. Hydrocarbon gases by hydrogenation. 4 pages. Pretty poor. Third version somewhat better, but 2 pages truncated.
84. Summary of paraffin refining in laboratory ovens.. 4 pages. Partially legible. First page truncated.
85. Equilibrium in cracking paraffins with hydrogen. 3 pages. Decent quality, but first page truncated.
86. DHD experiments with 100 liter ovens. April 4, 1942. 6 pages. Third version – also 6 pages – excellent quality.
87. Gas solubility at 700 atmospheres (Sump phase). 9 pages. Awful legibility. Third version – 6 pages only – somewhat better, but not by much.
88. Merseburg DHD benzin quality. 4 pages. Pretty poor quality. Third version – 4 pages also – somewhat better, although fourth page is truncated.
88a. Brief report on various areas of research. February 9, 1942. 2 pages. Decent quality. Third version – 3 pages in this one – about the same, but second page truncated.
89. Dehydrogenation of n-butane. 2 pages, decent quality but first one truncated.
90. Benzin refining-conference. 7 pages. Awful quality/totally illegible.
91. Aromatization of tar middle oil over catalyst 7019. March 12, 1941. 11 pages. Partially legible.
92. Aromatization at 600 atmospheres in the 1 liter oven. March 12, 1941. 4 pages. Marginal quality. Third version – 5 pages – somewhat better but one page truncated.
93. Evaluation of DHD catalysts (3 reports). 24 pages. Mostly completely useless – a few tables marginally legible.
94. Aviation benzin from German distillation benzin. 3 pages. Very poor quality.
95. Preparation of light naphthas at different pressures. December 1940. 3 pages. Extremely marginal.
96. Dehydrogenation of Scholven 5058/6434 heavy naphtha (P 1400). Temperature behavior. November 1940. 4 pages. Fairly awful quality.
97. Production of refined middle oil poor in hydrogen. November 11, 1940. 3 pages. Marginal quality. Third version – also 3 pages – much better quality.
98. Aromatized benzin. September 1940. 3 pages. Terrible quality.
99. Progress report of the high pressure labs at Lu, 9/10/40. 4 pages. Barely legible, if that.
100. Premium fuels from petroleum napthas. July 5, 1940. 2 pages. Pretty poor. Third version – also 2 pages – somehat better, though still marginal.
101. Aromatics (solid) from coal oil. June 20, 1940. 1 page. Marginal. Third version – 1 page too – somewhat more legible.
102. Dehydrogenation of coal tar oil over solid catalyst. June 1940. 2 pages. Nearly illegible.
103. Benzination chamber used as DHD chambers at Politz (2 reports). 11 pages, several truncated. Highly marginal quality.
104. Dehydrogenation of heavy benzin in chamber 506 (Dr. Michael). May 18, 1940. 2 pages. Decent legibility. Third version – also 2 pages – better quality but second page truncated.
105. Toluene from 5058/6434 benzin from coal. May 8, 1940. 4 pages. Decent legibility. Third version – also 4 pages – somewhat better.
106. The OXO reaction. Continous experiments. April 1940. 2 pages. Very poor legibility. Third version – also 2 pages – marginally better, somewhat legible.
107. Dehydrogenation with catalyst 7360 (2 reports). April 2, 1940. 2 pages. Decent legibility. Third version – also 2 pages – at least a good; somewhat better.
108. Prehydrogenation of brown coal middle oil at Leuna at 180 atmospheres H2 pressure. Illegible date. 6 pages. Generally legible, even with some significant difficulty. Third version – also 6 pages – pretty good. Some rough spots but generally better (March 28, 1940).
109. Heavy benzine dehydrogenation with catalyst 7360. March 12, 1940. 6 pages. Text generally legible. Figures extremely poor. Third version – also 6 pages – better except one figure truncated.
110. Aromatization at 600 atmospheres (2 reports). March 12 and February 28, 1940. 3 pages. Relatively good legibility. Third version – also 3 pages – pretty good.
111. Dehydrogenation with catalyst 7360. March 11, 1940. 5 pages. Decent legibility. Third version – also 5 pages – in much better condition.
112. Dehydrogenation of fractions from 5058/6434 coal naphtha. March 10, 1940. 9 pages. Decent legibility. Third version – also 9 pages – in excellent condition.
113. Stabilization and distillation in the 100 liter dehydrogenation oven. January 5 and 6, 1940. 2 pages. Mainly legible. Third version – also 2 pages – somewhat better.
114. Prehydrogenation of tar middle oil with catalyst K 7424 (Al2O3-10% Mo.). January 3 (?), 1940. 11 pages. Appears incomplete, 3 curves missing (subsequent pages useless). Legibility marginal. Third version – 13 pages total – in significantly better condition.
115. 10 and 100 liter ovens for K 7360 dehydrogenation. December 14, 1939. 4 pages. Marginal legibility. Third version – 5 pages total – significantly better.
116. Aviation fuel from Rhenish brown coal. December 11, 1939. 1 page. Marginal legibility. Third version – also 1 page – somewhat better.
117. Dehydrogenation under H2 pressure with moving catalyst. November 29, 1939. 14 pages. 6 pages of text legibility decent. Tables and/or figures totally useless. Third version – 13 pages – much improved, although some tables still fairly illegible.
118. Measuring instruments for the 100 liter dehydrogenation oven with fixed catalyst. December 27, 1939. 2 pages. Legibility pretty bad. Third version – 4 pages – much better.
119. Specifications for the evaluation of aviation fuels issued by the Reichsluftfahrtministerium. Physical and chemical tests. October 1942. 60 pages. 1 or 2 pages may be missing. Legibility generally excellent.