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T. O. M. Reel 137
(Originally Navy reel 5815)
Table of Contents
Drawings of the Lurgi Pressure Gasification Plant at Braun Kohle Werk Bohlen (Gas Works) for Gasification of Brown Coal
Drawings on Gas Production
1 1076 200105 Offtake bend.
2 1078 200085 Intermediate hopper, 1600 mm diameter.
3 1080 200096 Attachment and cover for the upper intermediate hopper.
4 1081 200108 Assembly of the charging mechanism (poor quality).
5 1084 200123 Thermometer socket.
6 1085 200131 Intermediate hopper, 1730 mm diameter.
7 1087 200130d Main shaft with packing gland bearing.
8 1090 200125b Circulating water cooler.
9 1094 200303 Assembly of the scraper mechanism at the top of the
10 1100 200416 Gas generator building plant – sheet III.
11 1101 200415 Gas generator building elevation – sheet II.
12 1102 200414 Gas generator building elevation – sheet I.
13 1111 200629b Automatic seal for the upper intermediate hopper.
14 1118 200778c Circulating water cooler.
15 1133 Extension of the packing gland for the inlet of the fuel.
16 1135 200948b Separator, 2000 mm diameter.
17 1141 Extension of the packing gland for the inlet of the fuel.
18 1145 201103a Assembly of the seal for the upper intermediate hopper
(poor quality).
19 1358 200729a Assembly of the base guard plate (marginal quality).
20 1354 200557 Attachment and door for the lower intermediate hopper.
21 1361 200821 Offtake bend with built-in foot valve assembly.
22 1362 200829 Precooler (marginal quality).
23 1365 200916a Gaskets.
24 1533 200087 Gas offtake elbow assembly (very marginal).
25 1535 200012a Offtake bend with built-in foot valve (ditto).
26 1536 200922c Cast pipe for releasing the pressure in the ash receiver.
27 1538 201064 Details of castings for plow – II.
28 1580 201049 Ash receiver pressure release valve (marginal quality).
29 1615 Steam inlet for sealing the lower shaft packing gland.
30 1617 Blank flange for 60 atmospheres of pressure.
31 1646 Pinion for generator drive. Part of Drawing No. 200156.
32 1836 Shaft inlet for the lower ash pin operation.
33 1839 Flange for closing five poke holes.
34 1841 200732b Gas generator building plans and elevations.
35 1844 1SG1282 Lower intermediate hopper, 1700 mm diameter –
Details IV.
36 2119 200807 Gauge boards in gas generator building (very poor quality).
Gas-Liquid Separation Drawings
37 1303 200153 Tar separator (variable quality).
38 1304 200170a Main cooler, 60 m2.
39 1305 200241a Settling tank, 30 m3 (marginal quality).
40 1306 200300a Assembly of the condensing plant.
41 1307 200300 Assembly of the condensing plant.
42 1309 200463 Assembly of the condensing plant.
43 1310 200942 Installation of the II tar separators in the condensing plant
(marginal quality).
44 1312 200341 Heating of the tar tank.
45 1570 200498a Assembly of the condensing plant, including provision for
enlargement (marginal quality).
46 1574 201069 Steam separator.
47 1600 Cooling nest for the coolers in the condensing plant.
48 1602 Separator for tar and gas liquor (variable quality)
49 1604 Piping for the tar and gas liquor.
Electrical Plant Drawings
50 1452 200818 Ground plan for the motors (marginal quality).
51 1456 200660b List of motors.
52 1458 200817 Motors in the gas generator building – showing provision
for enlargement.
53 1680 List of motors.
54 1681 List of motors.
Miscellaneous/Other Drawings
55 1805 ODS/508 Assembly of the pilot plant for CO conversion – plan
(variable quality).
56 1802 ODS/507 Assembly of the pilot plant for CO conversion – elevation
(very poor quality).