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T. O. M. Reel 134
(original designation US Navy reel 5811)
Table of Contents
United States Naval Technical Mission In Europe
List of German documents pertaining to the synthesis of hydrocarbons and chemical from CO and H2
Section I (a). (15 Documents)
1. Licensing invoices 1943. Ruhrchemie A. G. letter including 9 sets of licensing invoices. May 2, 1944. 31 pages.
2. Status of the Cobalt situation. January 8, 1943. 2 pages.
3. Cobalt catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch plants. Note from Dr. Gloth to Dr. Altpeter. April 9, 1943. 3 pages.
4. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis plant “Courrieres Kuhlmann”. I. G. Farbenindustrie Report. December 3, 1940. 5 pages.
5. Operating data for April-June, 1943. Brabag (Schwarzheide, Boehlen, Magdeburg, Zeitz). 11 pages.
6. Preliminary cost report. Schwarzheide. March, 1944 Brabag statement. 11 pages.
7. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis - 100,000 tons/year cost estimate. November 11, 1944. 2 pages.
8. Report Number 317 on hydrocarbon synthesis experiments. Leuna. February 1939. 129 pages.
9. One process flow chart. Krupp A.G. plant. Wanne-Eickel. 1 page.
10. One process flow chart. Lurgi gas recycle (“Kreislauf”) process. 1 page.
11. One flowchart for Hoesch gas recycle (“Kreislauf”) plant. Lurgi plant drawing ODS/592. 1 page.
12. Freezing point curves for paraffin mixtures. Thesis by W. Beier (Rheinpreussen) 1938. 43 pages.
13. Determination of the iso-paraffin content. I. G. Farbenindustrie Ludwigshafen. By Dr. Leithe. May, 1939. 18 pages.
14. Benzin and gasol recovery from the tail gas of the Fischer-Tropsch-Ruhrchemie synthesis with activated charcoal. By Herbert and Rueping. Lurgi Company. 17 pages.
15. Charcoal plant flowsheet. Lurgi drawing OAK/121836.
1. Thermodynamic data on hydrocarbons. By Schneider. April 17, 1942. 15 pages.
2. The thermodynamics of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. By P. Dolch. February 19, 1944. 23 pages.
3. Calculations pertaining to gas consumption in connection with CO hydrogenation. By Dr. Roelen. July 1944. 54 pages.
4. The calculation of yields in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. By Dr. Roelen. August, 1944. 9 pages.
5. Middle pressure Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of hydrocarbons. 2 drawings: Lurgi: DS am 103 and DS am 104.
6. German patent application St 56,470. Synthesis of higher aliphatic hydrocarbons. Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (KWI). April 18, 1941. 8 pages.
7. Discussion-lecture on iron catalysts for the middle pressure Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. By Dr. Pichler. KWI. September 10, 1940. 50 pages.
8. The current facts pertaining to the hydrocarbon synthesis from CO and H2. By Wilhelm Michael. I. G. Farbenindustrie. June 27, 1941. 9 pages.
9. Status of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by gas recycle process. By Wilhelm Michael. I. G. Farbenindustrie. February 15, 1940. 6 pages.
10. Procedure described by Dr. Michael – Process for middle oil production. May 20, 1940. 19 pages.
11. CO plus H2 synthesis, oil recycle process. By Duftschmid. July 25, 1941.
12. Hydrocarbon synthesis from CO and H2 – oil recycle process. By Duftschmid. September 10, 1939.
13. Experiments pertaining to the alcohol synthesis according to the oil recycle process. By Duftschmid. August 11, 1941. 9 pages.
14. Composition of 100,000 tons of crude product by the I. G. Farben Michael process. March 12, 1940. 3 pages.
15. Experiences with Fischer-Tropsch oven chanber 506. By Michael. June 28, 1941. 4 pages.
16. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of middle oil and paraffin. By Michael. March 15, 1941. 7 pages.
17. Research status of the synthesis oil experiments (slurry phase Fischer-Tropsch). By Michael. April 1, 1942. 3 pages.
18. Hydrocarbon synthesis from CO/H2 according to the liquid phase (slurry) process. By Michael. May 24, 1942. 3 pages.
19. Hydrocarbon synthesis from CO, H2 – liquid phase (slurry) process. By Michael. June 25, 1942. 4 pages.
20. Hydrocarbon synthesis – research status of the liquid phase (slurry) process. By Michael. July 12, 1942. 4 pages.
21. Catalyst deposition on the furnace wall during the liquid phase (slurry) Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. By Michael. November 28, 1942. 6 pages.
22. Report on the sump (slurry) phase Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. By Gemassmer. April 28, 1943. 3 pages.
23. Report on the work pertaining to the hydrocarbon synthesis – iron catalysts. By Wintser. March, 1940. 33 pages.
24. Minutes of the meeting, September 5, 1944 (Reichamtsversuche – official tests of iron catalysts). 6 pages.
25. Normal and middle pressure Fischer-Tropsch synthesis with iron catalysts. By Kolbel and Roelen. June 24, 1944. 6 pages.
26. Additions to the balance sheets (Reichamts-Versuche). June 5, 1944. 4 pages.
27. A set of balance sheets – Reichamts-Versuche. 19 pages.
28. Report on the Reichamtsversuche (RVA) experiments with iron catalysts at medium pressures. From Sauter-Brabag. August 21, 1944. 9 pages.
29. Evaluation of the Reichamtsversuche. By Pichler (KWI). August 18, 1944. 7 pages.
30. Evaluation of the Reichamtsversuche. By Herbert (Lurgi). August 5, 1944. 12 pages.
31. Attitude of the RGH to the Reichamtsversuche. By Roelen (Ruhrchemie). August 26, 1944. 16 pages.
32. RA experiments with iron catalysts. By Wietzel (I. G. Farben). August 25, 1944. 4 pages.
33. Report on the investigation of the benzin fraction from the RA experiments. By Koch (KWI). May 1, 1944. 11 pages.
34. German patent application. Procedure for carrying out expthermic reactions. I. G. Farben, Leuna. July 9, 1942. 10 pages.
35. German patnet application OZ 13,716. Procedure for carrying out chemical reactions. I. G. Farben. Leuna. October 13, 1942. 11 pages.
36. Physcial data required for the catalyst space for exothermic reactions. By Wirth (I. G. Farben, Leuna). April 1942. 22 pages.
37. Calculation of convertor details for catalytic exothermic reactions. By Wirth (I. G. Farben, Leuna). July 4, 1942. 31 pages.
37a. Versuche uber die Stromungsgesschwindigkeit von Gasblasen in geneigten mit Wasser gefullten Rohren. Ammoniakwerk Merseburg. September 18, 1941.
38. Convertor (catalyst oven). One drawing. Wintershall: 3326/A. 1 page.
39. Experimental converter. One drawing. Hoesch: 71-116. 1 page.
40. Experimental converter, Rheinpreussen. One drawing. Mannemmann Werks/45099. 1 page.
41. Design of synthesis converter. One drawing. Ammoniawork/M4949a-1. 1 page.
42. Experimental pressure converter system, Lurgi. One drawing. Mittle-Stahl/5293-1. 1 page.
43. 1 drawing Lurgi OTT/145: “Scheme d. Versuchaanlags”
1. The synthesis of hydrocarbons and chemicals from CO and H2. By Dr. Pichler (KWI). Undated. 12 pages.
1. Hydrocarbon synthesis from CO and H2. Status as of August 1, 1942. By Wintser, Reisinger, and Breywisch. 12 pages.
2. Process for the production of oxygen-containing compounds. Patent department, I. G. Farben, Leuna. September 23, 1942. 9 pages.
3. German patent application OZ 13,725. Production of oxygen-containing compounds. I. G. Farbenindustrie. October 15, 1942. 10 pages.
4. German patent application. Recycle process for the production of oxygen-containing compounds. I. G. Farben – Ludwigshafen. March 8, 1943. 7 pages.
5. German patent application OZ 14,259. Process for the catalytic reduction of CO with H2. I. G. Farben, Ludwigshafen. June 23, 1943. 7 pages.
6. Synol synthesis. By Breywisch (Ammoniakwerk Merseburg). April 1943. 2 pages.
7. The Synol synthesis. By Reisinger (Ammoniakwerk Merseburg). February 1943. 6 pages.
8. Experiences with the semi-plant scale synol unit Me 458. Report No. 472. By Breywisch (Leuna Werke), October 10, 1944. 40 pages.
9. Report on the synol synthesis. Report No. 283. By Reisinger (Leuna Werke). May 2, 1941. 22 pages. Some text very light (illegible).
10. Status of the synol problems. Report No. 326. By Wenzel (Leuna Werke). April 10, 1942. 34 pages.
11. Fundamentals required for the erection of a 10,000 ton per year synol plant. By Wensel (Leuna Werke). December 24, 1940. 6 pages.
12. Multi-stage operation synol plant, Leuna. Akten Me 26. By Gemassmer (Leuna Werke). September 21, 1943. 7 pages.
13. Elucidations of the scheme “BSK 66”. Leuna Werke. June 17, 1943. 5 pages.
14. Layout for the distillation units pertaining to the synol plant, Leuna. Drawing M:4342-1. July 24, 1941. 2 pages.
15. Layout for the synol synthesis plant, Leuna. Drawing M:4375-1. 2 pages.
16. Product distribution from synol process. By Wenzel & Reisinger. March 20, 1941. 4 pages.
17. Test results of the synol products intended for use as motor fules. By Hilberath (leuna Werke). May 25, 1945. 5 pages.
18. Conformity to law of the dehydration of higher alcohols. Report No. 866 / II. By Asinger (Ammoniakwerk Merseburg). April 9, 1943. 8 pages.
19. Additional esterols-alcohols. Akten Me 26. By Pohl (Leuna Werke). July 9, 1942. 8 pages.
20. After-treatment of synol products intended for motor fuel. File memorandum. Leuna Werke. January 9, 1942. 3 pages.
21. Flow and material balance for the processing of synol products. Drawing M-9802-2. 1 page.
22. German patent application. Process for the separation of alcohols from non-aqueous liquids. April 7, 1941. 13 pages.
23. Separation of aliphatic alcohols by extraction with aqueous methanol. By Wenzel (Ammoniak Laboratorium, Leuna Werke). November 22, 1944. 11 pages.
24. German patent application. Process for the removal of non-alcohols from alcohols by azeotropic distillation. Leuna Werke. February 15, 1945. 6 pages.
25. Separation of alcohols from mixtures with hydrocarbons. Referat Merseburg No. 11. By Geiseler. April 1943. 2 pages.
26. German patent application. Process for the reduction of iron containing catalysts. Leuna Werke. July 7, 1941. 3 pages.
27. X-ray analyses of catalysts. Ammoniakwerke Merseburg. July 2, 1941. 3 pages.
28. Scheme pertaining to catalyst production. Drawing M6459-4. Leuna Werke. 1 page.
29. Reduction of a fused iron catalyst for a 10,000 ton per year plant. Leuna Werke. July 15, 1943. 4 pages.
30. Generalization and improvement of the reduction of catalysts for synol. Report of conference held on February 18, 1943. By Breywisch (Leuna Werke). March 6, 1943. 6 pages.
31. Mechanism of the formation of fatty acids from CO and alcohol. By Dr. O. Fuchs. May 4, 1936. 4 pages.
1. German patent application. Procedure for the mamnufacture of solid aliphatic hydrocarbons. Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (KWI). May 7, 1938. 5 pages.
1. German patent application St 61,125. Procedure for the catalytic synthesis of hydrocarbons from CO and H2. KWI. December 18, 1942. 8 pages.
2. Minutes of a meeting between KWI and Ruhrchemie. By Helmut Pichler. June 2, 1943. 2 pages.
3. Progress report on development of synthesis from CO and H2, particularly synthesis of iso-paraffins. By KWI. December 1942. 17 pages.
4. German patent application St 62,589. Procedure for the production of knockproof hydrocarbons. By KWI. October 2, 1942. 5 pages.
1. List of reports - isolated compounds from isobutyl oil. Undated and unsigned. 1 page.
2. Exchange of experience on the crude isobutyl oil distillation held on January 25, 1944. By Hanisch (Leuna Werke). January 31, 1944. 7 pages.
3. Isobutyl oil distillation. Flow sheet 4539. 1938 (?). 1 page.
4. Subdivision of the initial cost for crude isobutyl oil products. From a meeting in Leuna on November 4-6, 1935. Oppau. November 22, 1935. 15 pages.
5. Methanol and isobutyl oil distillation, 1939-1940. By Dr. W. Weber (Ammoniakwerk Merseburg). 1940. 50 pages.
6. November 1, 1943 meeting on the procedure for the production of isobutanol from K fraction. Leuna Werke. November 30, 1943. 6 pages.
1. Middle pressure methanol synthesis 2-stage experiment. By Dr. Brendlein. Laboratory report No. 2543. November 16, 1942. Report No. 2573. March 17, 1943. Report No. 2656. October 21, 1943. Report No. 2670. November 18, 1943. 66 pages.
2. Methanol synthesis. Process flowsheet. 1 page.
3. Experimental plant M2. Degussa drawing 16159. 1 page.
4. Methyl formate from CH3OH and CO2. By Dr. Pohl. February 14, 1944. 6 pages.
5. Description of set-up for the production of 28 Moto-methyl formate. By Dr. Brendlein. June 8, 1943. 4 pages.
6. Comparison between middle pressure synthesis and high pressure synthesis of I. G. Farben. By Dr. Brendlein. December 4, 1943. 1 page.
7. The methanol synthesis. Letter by Prof. Dr. O. Fuchs addressed to Dr. Brundi. May 15, 1943. 5 pages.
8. Patent applications and patents - file by Degussa on procedures for the production of aliphatic esters. 1942-1944. 49 pages.
1. The action of CO and H2 upon olefins – Task 813. By Drs, Gamassmer and Berg. January 10, 1944. 5 pages.
2. The present status of the Oxo problems. Report No. 307. By Dr. Wenzel (Leuna Werke). February 10, 1942. 8 pages.
3. The constitution of Oxo alcohols. Merseburg paper no. 2. By Drs. Asinger and Berg (Ammoniakwerk Merseburg). April 1943. 2 pages.
4. The application of the Oxo reaction to mineral oils. Merseburg paper no. 8. By Dr. Gemassmer (Ammoniakwerk Merseburg). April 1943. 1 page.
5. Investigation of olefinic CO-H2 products of the Oxo-synthesis. Report no. 425. By Drs. Gemassmer and Berg (Leuna Werke). 3 Nov. 1943. 35 pages.
6. Constitution of Oxo- and synol-alcohols. Report no. 343. By Drs. Asinger and Berg (Leuna Werke). August 21, 1942. 15 pages.
7. The reaction products of the Oxo process. Report no. 804. By Eckhardt (Leuna Werke). February 25, 1942. 19 pages.
8. German patent application OZ 13,542. Process for the reduction of dust-like catalyst. July 9, 1942. I. G. Farbenindustrie. July 9, 1942. 6 pages.
9. German patent application OZ 13,662. Process for shifting double bonds. I. G. Farbenindustrie. September 11, 1942. 5 pages.
10. Water gas and H2 requirements for the Oxo synthesis. Letter by Dr. Landgraf (Oxo-Gesellschaft, Oberhausen-Holten). December 17, 1942.
11. Memorandum on Oxo meeting. By Drs. Wilke and Herold (Ruhrchemie). February 10, 1943. 4 pages.
12. The Oxo Process. Letter from I. G. Farben to Ruhrchemie. March 29, 1943.
13. The Oxo process. Letter from I. G. Farben to Ruhrchemie. By Gemassmer, Elbel, and Wenzel. June 8, 1943. 8 pages.
14. Experiences on corrosion in high pressure section of Oxo plant, Leuna. By Gemassmer and Berg (Leuna Werke). September 25, 1943. 14 pages.
15. Flow sheet for paraffin and alcohol distillation, Ruhrchemie A. G. Drawing Bamag-Meguin: 11E/10021. 1 page.
16. Continuous “oxierung” with dispersed catalysts. By Gemassmer, Elbel, and Wenzel (Leuna Werke). February 10, 1943. 9 pages.
17. Memorandum on meeting between I. G. Farben and Ruhrchemie A. G, January 7 and 8, 1943. February 1, 1943. 7 pages.
18. Scheme of Oxo-Riesel process at Ludwigshafen. By Mauthner and Gemassmer (Leuna Werke). January 28, 1943. 3 pages.
19. Apparatus for continuous operation. Drawing Ruhrchemie No. 500-123a. 1 page.
20. Flow scheme for 50,000 ton per year Oxo process. Drawing Merseburg M 3483-16. May 7, 1940. 1 page.
21. Scheme for continuous operation of Oxo process, status of June 1, 1942. 1 page.
21a. Scheme of Oxo plant for 10,000 tons per year of initial product. Drawing BSK 23. 1 page.
22. Directions for the erection of new Oxo plants. By Menzel (Leuna Werke). March 20, 1942. 6 pages.
23. Memorandum of meeting on Oxo and Synol alcohols on March 28, 1942. By Metzger (Leuna Werke). April 24, 1942. 2 pages.
24. Memorandum of meeting on planning of the Oxo process on April 24, 1940. By Gemassmer (Leuna Werke). May 11, 1940. 5 pages.
25. Energy requirements, etc., for Oxo plants. By Gemassmer and Mauthner (Leuna Werke). July 7, 1943. 2 pages.
26. The production of higher alcohols from olefins. By Grimme and Campen (Rheinpreussen). December 6, 1943. 26 pages.