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List of German Documents on Synthesis Gas Purification Processes
Reel 132
Many of these items have been translated into English. The translations appear on TOM reel 259, items 10-a to 10-hh.
1. Report dated December 12, 1936 by Dr. Geister of I.G. Farbenindustrie entitled “Entstaubung” (Dust Removal). 24 pages. Several pages very light and illegible.
2. Report by Dr. Sachsse entitled “Removal of Carbon Black and Dust from Gases with the Oppauer Schachtfilter.” Labor-Bericht Nr. 1662. July 27, 1941. 33 pages.
3. M 202-8 – a simplified general flow-sheet showing the operation of the Alkazid Process. 3 pages.
4. Report by Drs. Jeltsch, Sommer and Bunger of visit made to the Alkazid Plant in Lutzkendorf, in regard to corrosion. November 10, 1938. 12 pages. Very poor image quality – largely illegible.
5. Confidential Reports (2) on the operating and supervision methods for the Alkazid process, entitled:
6. M3200-I. Flowsheet showing an NaOH wash following the Alkazid absorption. 2 pages.
7. Ze 1416-2. Flowsheet showing Claus process of converting hydrogen sulfide to molten elementary sulfur. 1 page.
8. F.Z.A.1 b. Flowsheet FA319-2 showing the Claus Ofen. 2 pages. Very poor quality.
9. F.Z.A.4 a. Flowsheet FA319-E showing the Nachverbrennungsofen. 2 pages. Marginal quality.
10. “Clausofen Operation”, German and English (translated) versions of data covering complete operation of the Leuna Plant. 16 pages total.
11. S-92. A drawing, which shows a schematic diagram of the I.G. process of hydrogen sulfide removal over carbon. 4 pages.
12. Drawing No. 711496. A flow sheet of a “Grob- and Feinreinigung” sulfur removal unit. 2 pages.
13. Drawing No. 4A34210. Piping and Equipment arrangement of Claus plant. 2 pages.
14. Several short reports from September 30, 1942 to May 25, 1943 on the subject of dust removal in multi-cyclone units. 16 pages.
15. Reports by Herr Keinke dated December 29, 1931 on “Verbrennen von H2S zu Schwefel im Claus-Ofen” and by Dr. Hanisch dated January 11, 1933. “Notiz uber Versuche zur Gewinnung von elementarems Schwefel aus Gasen mit niedrigein Schwefelwasser-stoffgehalt.” Early data on the Claus process. 12 pages. Text and tables OK, 2 drawings very poor – illegible.
16. A report by Dr. Braus dated January 21, 1935 on “Berechnung der Verbrennungs-temperaturen von Schwefelwasserstoff – Kohlensauregemischen”, giving theoretical data on combustion temperature of H2S mixtures. 5 pages.
17. Tables of data dated November 11, 1933 on requirements of Alkazid process for utilities, equipment, solutions, operating personnel, etc. 9 pages.
18. Analysis results and methods for gas purification catalysts. 13 pages.
19. Report by Dr. Bahr dated October 2, 1936 on “Weiterentwicklung des Alkacid- und Claus Ofen- Verfahrens,” reporting late developments in the Alkazid and Claus processes. 6 pages.
20. Report by Dr. Orlicek, dated July 11, 1941 on “Untersuchungen uber die Lage des chemischen Gleichgewichtes beim Clausprozess”, on the calculated and experimental chemical equilibrium in the Claus process. 11 pages.
21. Drawings A-1030-4 and U 1878-1. Flowsheets on carbon monoxide removal. 6 pages.
22. Folder containing numerous short reports and drawings on the Alkazid process. 87 pages total. A few too light to be legible.
A1. Waschleistung von Dasintegratoren bei der Alkazid-schwefelung. 10 pages.
A2. die Leistung des Feld-Wascher bei der Alkacid-Entschwefelung der Hy-Ruckgase. December 18, 1934. 15 pages.
B. Title partially illegible. November 3, 1933. 4 pages. Text pretty bad.
C. Uber Besichtigung der Alkacid-Versuchsanlage Dueben und Besprechung uber Projekt ASW Bohlen am 28.1.1938. January 29, 1938. 3 pages. Pretty poor text.
D. Entwicklung der Alkacid-Anlagen 282x in Jahre 1937. January 3, 1938. 4 pages.
E. Dringlichkeit der Regeneriersystems 10. July 22, 1944. 5 pages.
F. Schwefelwaschturm (?)/Besichtigung in Lutzkendorf Wintershall A. G. am 7. Dezember, 1943. January 18, 1944. 2 pages
G. Schwefelwasche. Unit drawing. 1 page.
H. Angebot uber eine Alkacidanlage. Undated. 10 pages.
I1. Lieferung von Alkazid M an die Advance. January, 1936. 7 pages
I2. Office memorandum on new batch of catalyst 633 for production of hydrogen from natural gas (Baton Rouge). In English. 1 page.
J. Alkazid Entschwefelungsanlage Lutzkendorf. May 4, 1940. 3 pages.
K. Alkazid-Anlage Wintershall. Lutzkendorf. May 4, 1940. 2 pages.
L. Reparaturen und Anderungen an der Alkazid-Anlage Lutzkendorf. May 4, 1940. 6 pages.
M. Beschreibung der Alkazid-Entschwefelungsanlage bei Me 687 (?). June 6, 1936. 2 pages.
N. Memorandum on low pressure scrubbing of CO2 from raw hydrogen by means of gerbatol (?) and diaminopropanol solutions. June 12, 1934. In English. 10 pages.
O. Poor quality plant flow diagram. 1 page.
P. Schema der Alkazid-Anlage in KI 936a (?). M3200-1. 1 page.
23. Four curves on CO – CO2 wash costs. 1 page.
24. Drawing S IV 3. Flowsheet of a pressure water wash process. 1 page.
25. Folder containing report and several drawings concerning the removal of carbonoxy sulfide (COS) from gases. 10 pages.
26. Report by Dr. Bartholome, dated November 26, 1941 on “Uber die Umsetzungs-geschwindigkeit des CO an Braunoxyd-Kontakt bei hoheren Drucken” giving data on reaction velocity over “Brown oxide” catalysts for the shift reaction. 20 pages.
27. Patent announcement dated June 27, 1939 on a process for catalytic recovery of S from gases containing H2S. 12 pages.
28. Report by Dr. Kuhbier dated April 24, 1939 on “Entschwefelungs-Verfahren der Sachtleben A.B.” covering data on a process reacting H2S and SO2 in thiosulfate solution to produce sulfur. 8 pages.
29. Report on a meeting to exchange information on gas purification processes, dated November 17, 1939. 11 pages.
30. Drawing 240-8 on layout plan for a Claus unit. 1 page.
31. Report by Dr. Mengdehl dated August 22, 1938 “Ein neues Verfahren zur Trennung von Ammoniak und Kohlensaure bezw. Schwefelwasserstoff” describing a new process for separation of NH3 – CO2 – H2S mixtures. 26 pages.
32. German Patent No. 388,857 dated 21 January 1924 to Firma Eduard Theisen in Munchen entitled “Stufen-Gas-O. dgl. Wascher”, German patent on the Theisen washer for the purification of gases. 3 pages.
33. German Patent No. 513,288 dated 25 November 1930 to firma Eduard Theisen in Munchen entitled “Verfahren zum Reinigen von Gasen, Lieft, Dampfen U. dgl.” German improvement patent in the design of the blades of the Theisen washer presented in the above patent No. 388,857. 3 pages.