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T.O.M. Reel 068
(originally reel 23 BM)
Index of Documents
Bag No. 3445
C.I.O.S. Target No. 30/5.01
Rugrchemie A.G.
Sterkrade – Holten
3445 – 30/5.01 –
Continued from reel 067
97. Oven 11. Filling 14. Frames 0001-0277. (Large drawing at frame 0114 appears out of place). 277 pages.
98. Physical properties of waxes (graphical). Frames 0278-0285. 8 pages.
99. Analysis of various waxes (graphical). Frames 0286-0290. 5 pages.
100. Properties of various cracking spirits (graphical). Frames 0291-0297. 7 pages.
101. Octane Numbers, etc. of various primary products (graphical). Frames 0298-0317. 20 pages.
102. Wax yields from certain medium pressure Fischer-Tropsch experiments. Frames 0318-0321. 4 pages.
103. Apparatus for vapour lock test. November, 1941 through May, 1942. Frames 0322-0330. 9 pages.
104. Iodine number – micro method. October 13, 1941. Frames 0331-0335. 5 pages.
Supplementary Index of Documents
Bags Nos. 3439, 3440, 3441, 3445, and 3450
C.I.O.S. Target No. 30/5.01
Ruhrchemie A. G.
Sterkrade – Holten
3440 – 30/5.01 –
93. Fischer-Tropsch work conferences 1937-1942. Frames 0336-0372. 37 pages.
94. Fortnightly Fischer-Tropsch data 1943-1944. Frames 0373-0385. 13 pages.
95. De-alcoholization of alcohol-hydrocarbon mixtures. Frames 0386-0426. 41 pages.
96. Properties of C10 and C11 hydrocarbon fractions as used for the Oxo-process. Frames 0427-0486. 60 pages.
97. Detailed summaries of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis data, January – June, 1944. Frames 0487-0511. 25 pages.
98. Fischer-Tropsch ynthesis researches – mainly Iron catalysts (Hanisch), 1943. Frames 0512-0598. 87 pages.
99. Separation of isomeric fatty acids – German Patent applications J 67,554 and R 609. 1942. Frames 0599-0613. 15 pages.
100. Removal of inorganic material from crude oxo aldehydes. May 9, 1940. Frames 0614-0615. 2 pages.
3441 – 30/5.01 –
133. Specimen monthly reports from the Fischer-Tropsch catalyst factory. November, 1939 to May 1943. Frames 0616-0836. 221 pages.
134. Iron catalyst Fischer-Tropsch synthesis results, 500-593. 1938-1941. Frames 0837-0844. 8 pages.
3445 – 30/5.01 –
105. Fischer-Tropsch production data for the licensees, 1938-1943. Frames 0845-0891. 47 pages.
3450 – 30/5.01 –
48. Fischer-Tropsch plant monthly reports, January through July, 1944 (plants and laboratories). Frames 0901-0986. 86 pages.
No bag (3439 ?) – 30/5.01 –
1. Drawings of the Oxo plant. Frames 0988-0997. 19 pages.