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T. O. M. Reel 067
(Original reel 22 BM)
Index of Documents
Bag No. 3445
C.I.O.S. Target No. 30/5.01
Rugrchemie A.G.
Sterkrade – Holton
3445 – 30/5.01 –
Continued from Reel 066.
32. Iron catalysts for low temperature Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (two minutes). February 5 and July 12, 1943. Frames 0001-0004. 4 pages.
33. Preparation of oil of high olefin content (a minute). August 17, 1940. Frames 0005-0006. 2 pages.
34. Report of recent Kaiser Wilhelm Institute work (outline). November 3, 1941. Frames 0007-0015. 9 pages.
35. Micro-Iodine number. September 30, 1941. Frames 0016-0017. 2 pages.
36. Research Programs for medium pressure experimental Fischer-Tropsch plant (“DVA”). 1938-1940. Frames 0018-0030. 13 pages.
37. Conferences with Krupp on recirculation of water-gas. 1940-1942. Frames 0031-0042. 12 pages.
38. The Petroleum Industry of Russia – 1941. Book with internal index. Frames 0043-0065. 2 copies, not quite identical. 36 and 40 pages, respectively.
39. Effect of additives to the properties of fuels. 1941. Frames 0066-0078. 24 pages.
40. Apparatus for determining the adsorption isotherm (Untersuching Nr. 4445). Undated. Frames 0079-0083. 5 pages.
41. Parts of summary of licensees results 1938-1940. Undated. Frames 0084-0091. 10 pages.
42. Overhauling oven 51. September 19, 1940. Frames 0092-0094. 3 pages.
43. Time required for emptying the ovens. 1939-1940. Frames 0095-0097. 3 pages.
44. Detailed programs for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, normal pressure 1938-1940. Frames 0098-0104. 7 pages.
45. Specification for the ovens. 1940. Frame 0105. 1 page.
46. Extraction oil. March, 1941. Frames 0106-0107. 2 pages.
47. Results with recirculation with an injector. December 7, 1940. Frames 0108-0113. 6 pages.
48. Co/H2 ratio for medium pressure Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. May 5, 1941. Frames 0114-0115. 2 pages.
49. Water gas conversion. Undated. Frames 0116-0118. 3 pages.
50. Medium pressure synthesis. 1938. Frames 0119-0120. 2 pages.
51. Scheme for working up products. 1940-1942. Frames 0121-0124. 4 pages.
52. Work in block 9, stage I (high methane formation). January 23, 1940. Frames 0125-0128. 4 pages.
53. Details of ovens. December 14, 1939. Frames 0129. 1 page.
54. Works instructions for solvent and hydrogen treatment. April 17, 1940. Frames 0130-0133. 4 pages.
55. Alteration in method of calculating yields. April 29, 1940. Frames 0134-0137. 4 pages.
56. Fields from Gas Analysis, April 1940. May 20, 1940. Frame 0138. 1 page.
57. Stepwise degassing of the pressure wash-water. Undated. Frames 0139. 1 page.
58. Formation of vapour-locks in petro-lines. Frames 0140-0219. 81 pages.
59. Loss of Cobalt at the Catalyst factory at Holten. 1942. Frames 0220-0242. 24 pages.
60. Two works laboratory notebooks. 1939-1943. Frames 0243-0309, 0400-0509, 0600-0634. 206 pages.
61. Stability of paraffin waxes. August, 1836. Frame 0635. 1 page.
62. German Patent 683,691. Process for removing calcium form cobalt solutions. November 13, 1939. Beispeil zu Japan Anmeldung A 1417. Reinigungsfallung nach der Flourid-Methode. August 30, 1938. Frames 0636-0639. 5 pages.
63. The Fischer-Tropsch catalyst factory at Holten – flow diagram. June 14, 1940. Frame 0640. 6 pages.
64. Synthetic soaps – from carbon monoxide hydrogenation products. By Otto Roelen and Dr. Ohme. Part of an “Aktennotiz”. Undated. Frames 0641-0658. 18 pages.
65. Aromatization of aliphatic hydrocarbons produced by the Fischher-Tropsch synthesis. By Dr. Rottig. Part of an “Aktennotiz. June, 1936. Frames 0659-0672. 14 pages.
66. Preparation of Iso-petrol from the products of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. By Dr. Kolling. Part of a larger document. Undated. Frames 0673-0694. 22 pages.
67. Preparation of isopropyl alcohol and methyl-ethyl-carbinol. By Dr. Grimme. Part of a larger document/report. Undated. Frames 0695-0703. 9 pages.
68. Inhibitor for resin-formation. No author or date. Frames 0704-0709. 6 pages.
69. Detailed summaries of yields etc. 1943-1944. Frames 0710-0725. 16 pages.
70. Production summaries 1943-1944. September, 1944. Frames 0726-0805. 80 pages.
71. Miscellaneous analytical methods. Frames 0805-0998. 184 pages.
72. Decade conferences (24) on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. 1943-1944. Frames 0999-1070. 83 pages.
73. Oxidation of wax. February 6, 1942. Frames 1071-1073. 3 pages.
74. Miscellaneous Patents of general interest.
A. German Patent 746,767. Verfahren zur Steigerung der Aktivitat fur Bleicherden. August 23, 1944. Frames 1074-1076. 3 pages.
B. German Patent 746,573. Verfahren zur Herstellung kolloider Kieselsaurelosungen. August 12, 1944. Frames 1077-1078. 2 pages.
C. German Patent 746,512. Vorrichtung zur Zufuhrung von Flussiggas zu Brenn-kraftmaschinen mit Gemischzufuhrung. June 19, 1944. Frames 1079-1080. 4 pages.
D. German Patent 746,303. Einrichtung zum Einfuhren der Hochspannung in gaserfullte Raume, insbesondere in Elektrofilter. July 21, 1944. Frames 1081-1083. 3 pages.
E. German Patent 746,074. Verfahren zur Darstellung von Athylenabkommlingen. June 17, 1944. Frames 1084-1085. 2 pages.
F. German Patent 740,722. Verfahren um zwei, getrennte Phasen bildende Flussig-keiten von verschiedenem spezifischem Gewicht kontinuierlich zur gegenseitigen Einwirkung zu bringen. April 25, 1944. Frames 1086-1087. 3 pages.
G. German Patent 744,686. Filter zum Schutz gegen die anorganischen Wasserstoff-verbindungen der mehrwertigen Nichtmetalle. June 21, 1944. Frames 1088-1089. 2 pages.
H. German Patent 740,013. Vorrichtung zum Verdampfen von Flussigkeiten, die in dunner Schicht uber schiefe Ebenen bildende mit Heizkanalen versehene Platten herabfliessen. July 21, 1944. Frames 1090-1092. 4 pages.
I. German Patent 746,636. Destillationskessel fur die kontinuierliche Aufheizung von leichten Schwefolen fur die Dampfphasenraffination uber festen Kontakten. August 16, 1944. Frames 1093-1095. 4 pages.
J. German Patent 746,541. Verfahren zur Herstellung von cintronensaureloslichen Phosphatdungemitteln. August 12, 1944. Frames 1096-1097. 2 pages.
K. German Patent 745,338. Schmiermittel fur Uhren und ahnliche feinmechanische Gerate. May 27, 1944. Frames 1098-1099. 3 pages.
L. German Patent 746,787. Gusswasche, insbesondere fur zahnarztliche Zwecke. August 25, 1944. Frames 1100-1101. 3 pages.
M. German Patent 745,684. Verfahren zur Herstellung hochkondensierter Polyamide aus Diaminen und Kohlensaure. May 15, 1944. Frames 1102-1104. 4 pages.
N. German Patent 744,318. Verfahren zur Herstellung hochprozentiger stabiler Emulsionen. June 17, 1944. Frames 1105-1106. 3 pages.
O. German Patent 746,670. Verfahren zur Verbesserung von Dieselkraftstoffen. August 18, 1944. Frames 1107-1108. 3 pages.
P. German Patent 746,861. Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung der Schmierfahigkeit von Olen. August 28, 1944. Frames 1109-1110. 3 pages.
Q. German Patent 746,304. Verfahren zur Gewinnung von als Isolierole geeigneten Kohlenwasserstoffolen. July 21, 1944. Frames 1111-1112. 3 pages.
R. German Patent 746,572. Verfahren zum Trocknen und Kuhlen von Absorbentien. August 16, 1944. Frames 1113-1115. 4 pages.
S. German Patent 746,888. Verfahren zum Chlorieren von Kohlenwasserstoffen. June 15, 1944. Frames 1116-1118. 4 pages.
75. Patents on preparation and purification of synthesis gas.
A. German Patent 744,224. Verfahren zur Herstellen von Synthesegas. July 21, 1944. Frames 1119-1121. 4 pages.
B. German Patent 746,818. Verfahren zum Vergasen von staubformigen Brenn-stoffen nach Patent 686,761. August 25, 1944. Frames 1122-1123. 3 pages.
C. German Patent 746,747. Wassergaserzeuger. August 21, 1944. Frames 1124-1126. 3 pages,
D. German Patent 747,426. Verfahren zur selektiven Auswaschung von Schwefelwasserstoff aus Kohlensaurehaltigen Gasen. August 28, 1944. Frames 1127-1128. 4 pages.
E. German Patent 746,886, Staubfilter fur Luft und Gasformige Stoffe. August 28, 1944. Frames 1129-1130. 3 pages.
76. German Patent 746,887. Verfahren zur Herstellung von Kohlenwasserstoffen aus Kohlenoxyd und Wasserstoff. August 30, 1944. Frames 1131-1133. 4 pages.
77. Filtration of crude paraffin. October 20, 1939. Frames 1134-1135. 2 pages.
78. Cracking of residues from wax oxidation. October 17, 1939. Frames 1136-1138. 3 pages.
79. Synthesis of paraffin and benzin at medium pressure. 4 reports/memos. January through September, 1939. Frames 1139-1162. 24 pages.
80. Determination of fraction of wax boiling below 450ºC. Undated. Frames 1163-1164. 2 pages.
81. Catalyst wax (paraffin). October and November, 1940 and July, 1941. Frames 1165-1172. 8 pages.
82. Refining hard wax. March, 1940 through April, 1941. Frames 1173-1188. 16 pages.
83. Removing ash from wax. February and March, 1940. Frames 1189-1196. 8 pages
84. Washing paraffin wax with alkali. October 5, 1938. Frames 1197-1198. 2 pages.
85. Cracking medium pressure wax. 1937-1940. Frames 1199-1215. 17 pages.
86. Use of synthetic hard wax in the candle industry. November 1, 1940. Frames 1216-1220. 5 pages.
87. Reactions of industry to the results of Koch & Billig. October 11, 1940. Frames 1221-1223. 3 pages.
88. Mixtures of synthetic waxes. July 29, 1940. Frames 1224-1231. 8 pages.
89. German Patent Application R-515. Emulsions of paraffin wax. July 8, 1940. Frames 1232-1233. 2 pages.
90 Reducing the lower melting fraction in paraffin wax. April and June, 1941. Frames 1234-1238. 5 pages.
91. Sample analyses of paraffin wax from Ruhrchemie and the Licensees. January 1939 to November 1940. Frames 1239-1274. 36 pages.
92. Distillation of cold-press oil. September 27, 1938. Frames 1275-1277. 3 pages.
93A. Suitability of synthetic wax for oxidation to fatty acids. 1938-1941. Frames 1278-1307. 30 pages.
93B. Suitability of synthetic wax for oxidation to fatty acids. April 2, 1941. Frames 1308-1317. 10 pages.
94. Solubility of paraffin wax in various solvents. July 9, 1938. Frames 1318-1326. 9 pages.
95. The Bensol-Alcohol method of extracting natural wax. April 29, 1937. Frames 1327-1329. 3 pages.
96. Oven 15. Filling 8. June, 1944. Frames 1330-1336. 7 pages.
97. Oven 11. Filling 14. 1944. Frames 1337-1420. 84 pages.
Bag 3445 (and Item 97) continued in Reel 068.