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T. O. M. Microfilm Reel 65
(Originally Reel 36A)
Table of Contents
2708 30/6/08 Metallgesellschaft Lurgi – Frankfurt
1. Report of test of synthesis gas production from Concordia coal. March 23, 1939. Frames 0000-0002. 3 pages.
2. Report of test of synthesis gas production from Wiesche coal. August 23, 1939. Frames 0003-0010. 8 pages.
3. Report of test of synthesis gas production from Oberschlesische coal. October 28, 1938. Frames 0011-0016. 6 pages.
4. Drawing 200 612 - Assembly of pressure generator. April 4, 1941. Frame 0017. 1 page.
5. Unnumbered Drawing - Assembly of pressure generator. Frame 0018. 2 pages.
1481A 30/Opportunity Slagging Gas Producers
1. Description of Thyssen-Galocsy producers – Process applying oxygen for total gasification of solid fuel or reduction of ore in a blast furnace (in English). May 1945, Frames 0000-0004. 5 pages.
2. Operating report of Thyssen-Galocsy producer. May 1945. Frames 0005-0007. 3 pages.
3. 4 Drawings of Thyssen-Galocsy producer. Frames 0008-0011. 10 pages.
4. Estimated cost of a slagging gas producer plant (Leuna). February 20, 1942. Frame 0012. 1 page.
1928A 30/4.03 Ludwigshafen – Oppau
Material taken from Dr. Sachsse’s Office (KW-Anlage)
Production of synthesis gas and acetylene by partial combustion of methane and other processes. Items 1-20 in chronological order.
1. Linde’s offer for new plant at Linz. By Sachsse and Kircher. July 31, 1939. Frames 0000-0005. 6 pages.
2. Calculations for “Ferngas” splitting plant - N Oppau. By Sachsse. November 20, 1939. Frames 0006-0017. 12 pages.
3. Detailed cost estimate for new Oppau plant. By Alstaedt, et al. July 31, 1940. Frames 0018-0026. 9 pages.
4. Application of Saar-Ferngas Company for price increase. By Hartmann. September 13, 1940. Frames 0027-0030. 4 pages.
5. Cost calculation for Ferngas splitting. By Hartmann. September 16, 1940. Frames 0031-0033. 3 pages.
6. Supplement to item 4. By Hartmann. October 2, 1940. Frame 0034. 1 page.
7. First production of new Oppau plant. By Irgang. December 16, 1940. Frame 0035. 1 page.
8. Calculation for new coke-oven splitting plant at Linz. January 9, 1941. Frames 0036-0052. 17 pages.
9. Calculation for projected coke-oven gas splitting plant K Oppau. January 9, 1941. Frames 0053-0064. 12 pages.
10. Report on Hygas splitting plant Schlesien-Benzin. May 21, 1941. Frames 0065-0068. 4 pages.
11. Comparison of composition and cost of gases from various sources. April 21, 1941 (?). Frame 0069. 1 page.
12. Comparison of Koppers and I. G. Rohrenofen splitting processes. May 24, 1941 and November 7, 1938, . Frames 0070-0078. 9 pages.
13. Calculation for coke-oven gas splitting plant N Heydebreck. June 3, 1941. Frames 0079-0089. 11 pages.
14. Supplementary material to item 12. By Sachsse. September 8, 1941. Frames 0090-0091. 2 pages.
15. Supplementary material to item 12. October 17, 1941. Frame 0092. 1 page.
16. Supplementary material to item 12. October 17, 1941. Frames 0093-0094. 2 pages.
17. Supplementary material to item 7. November 13, 1941. Frames 0095-0096. 2 pages.
18. Heat balance of Rohrenofen. December 19, 1941. Frames 0097-0102. 6 pages.
19. Calculations for methane splitting in plant K Heydebreck. March 9, 1942. Frames 0103-0113. 11 pages.
20. Comparison of Rohrenofen and partial combustion process (Sachsse process) for planned production of hydrogen from natural gas at Huls. December 14, 1942. Frames 0114-0118. 5 pages, mainly very dark, though legible.
21. Patent application O. Z. 14,396. Partial combustion process for ammonia synthesis gas. September 10, 1943. Frames 0119-0127. 9 pages.
Items 22-25 in chronological order.
22. Patent application O. Z. 12,010. Acetylene production by partial combustion. February 12, 1940. Frames 0128-0133. 6 pages.
23. Cost estimate for production of 70% acetylene and synthesis gas by partial combustion. December 10, 1940. Frames 0134-0164. 31 pages.
24. How to operate the acetylene burner. October 1, 1942. Frames 0165-0175. 11 pages.
25. Charts and figures on burning velocity by Dr. Sachsse. 1944. Frames 0176-0195. 20 pages.
25b. Paper on burning velocity by Dr. Sachsse. Undated. Frames 0196-0203. 8 pages.
25a. Calculations on production of acetylene and acetone. June 6, 1941. Frames 0204-0214. 11 pages.
Products from acetylene. Items 26-31 in chronological order.
26. Short memo on production of acetylene and acetone. September 22, 1942. Frames 0215-0216. 2 pages.
27. Report on production of acetone. Undated. Frames 0217-0226. 10 pages.
28. Short memo on development of di-acetylene chemistry at Huls. By Walter Franke. April 29, 1943. Frames 0227-0228. 2 pages.
29. Memo on addition of alcohol on di-acetylene (Huls). By Karl-Heinz Seeman. April 29, 1943. Frames 0229-0230. 2 pages.
30. Patent application O. Z. 14,333. Solvents for acetylene. July 22, 1943. Frame 0231. 1 page.
31. Lecture of Dr. Reppe on acetylene chemistry. TEA meeting, 29 June 1944. Frames 0232-0238. 7 pages.
I. Engineering Drawings
32. Op. 648 – Acetylene preparation. Schema BI 1. Frame 0239. 4 pages.
33. Op. 648 – Acetone synthesis. Schema BI 2. Frame 0240. 4 pages.
34. Op. 648 – Acetone scrubber flow scheme. Schema BI 3W. Frame 0241. 4 pages.
35. Op. 648 – Acetone recovery flow scheme. Schema BI 3D. Frame 0242. 1 page.
36. Op. 648 – Acetone scrubbers and recovery system. N2486-1. Frame 0243. 4 pages.
37. Op. 648 – General flow sheet. Schema BI 4. Frame 0244. 1 page.
38. Op. 648 – Layout of combustion stage (Nachbrenner) for synthesis gas preparation. N2602-1. Frame 0245. 4 pages.
39. Op. 648 and surrounding plants – building layout on site. Unnumbered drawing. Frames 0246. 1 page.
40. Op. 648 – Heat exchanger. F120268-1. Frame 0247. 4 pages, pretty poor quality.
41. Op. 648 – Photographs. 1938-1940. Frames 0248-0253. 6 pages.
42. Linz Plant – Flow sheet of NH3 synthesis gas production. LZ 26 1. Frames 0254. 4 pages.
43. Heydebreck plant – Heat exchange. Frame 0255. 5 pages.
II. Construction materials
44. Material for butyl and methanol synthesis. November 30, 1943. Frames 0256-0266. 11 pages.
45. Behavior of various materials exposed to synthesis gas. September 15, 1944. Frames 0267-0274. 8 pages.
46. Damage on heat exhchangers. February 29, 1943. Frames 0275-0300. 27 pages.
III. Other subjects
47. Production of Mischkybol. April 14, 1944. Frames 0301-0303. 3 pages.
48. Report on ignition of gas mixtures by grinding wheel sparks. Fenruary 22, 1944. Frames 0304-0311. 8 pages.
1677A 30/4.10 Wesseling
1. Wesseling plant (coal hydrogenation/liquefaction) operating report, 1941-1944. By Dr. Peukert, et al. December 21, 1944. Includes internal index. Frames 0001-0231. 231 pages.
2. Process of Recovering Oil from Shale at Schomberg Wurttemberg. December 1, 1944. Frames 0232-0241. 10 pages.
3026 30/Opportunity Drawings from Klonne’s of Dortmund
A. Specification of fine purification plant. Braunkohle-Benzin A. G. January 27, 1940. Frames 0000-0009. 10 pages.
B. Drawings.
3834 – Gas heater. 1940. Frames 0010-0011. 5 pages.
70156 – CS2 purifying plant plan. Frame 0012. 4 pages.
71614 – Assembly of fire purifier. Frame 0013. 4 pages.
71668 – Oxide tray. 1936. Frame 0014. 4 pages.
525283 – Carrier for purifier. 1935. Frame 0015. 1 page.
526136 – Section of purifier. 1937. Frame 0016. 1 page.
711236 – Arrangement of fine purification plant. 1940. Frame 0017. 4 pages.
711261 – Cover of purifier. 1940. Frame 0018. 4 pages.
711274 – Purifier shell. 1940. Frame 0019. 4 pages.
711279 – Assembly of fine purifier. 1940. Frame 0020. 4 pages.
721445 – Upper and lower trays of purifier. 1935. Frame 0021. 1 page.
722615 – Carrier for fine purifier. 1940. Frame 0022. 1 page.
732424 – Gastight packing for trays. 1940. Frame 0023. 1 page.
1928 30/4.03 I. G. Farben – Ludwigshafen
1. File on Estonian shale oil. Multiple short reports. 1942-1943. Frames 0000-0039. 40 pages.
2. Papers “polycyclic aromatics from hydrogenation products” and “On Coronen”. August 7 and 19, 1940. Frames 0040-0069. 30 pages.
3041 30/4.02 I. G. Farben – Leuna
1. Determination of methanol in aqueous solutions of fatty alcohol sulfates. By Eckhardt and Leinert. September 13, 1943. Frames 0000-0014. 15 pages.
2. On the reaction products of the OXO process. By Dr. Eckhard. February 25, 1942. Frames 0015-0032. 18 pages.
3. Production of Mersol and Mersolate on the basis of petroleum products. Unsigned and undated. Frames 0033-0043. 11 pages.
4. Flow diagram of DHD process Leuna. Drawing 1957a. April 5, 1943. Frame 0044. 1 page.
5. Production of Fischer petrol from natural gas. June 7, 1944. Frames 0045-0047. 5 pages.
6. Questionnaire concerning important foreign motor fuel processes – for use in prisoner-of-war investigations. November 13, 1944. Frames 0048-0058. 11 pages.
7. Patent application - unnumbered. Condensation products of oil fractions by treatment with metal halides. December 30, 1944. Frames 0059-0062. 4 pages.
8. Patent application - unnumbered. Removal of non-alcohols from mixtures with alcohols of more than 8 C-atoms by azeotropic distillation. January 26, 1945. Frames 0063-0070. 8 pages.
9. Production recipe for K. K. (cracking) catalyst. April 26, 1945. Frame 0071. 1 page.
10. Propane peroxide: Dutch report on pilot plant, Prof. Zerbe, April 21, 1944, and late I. G. research, handwritten, April 1, 1945. Frames 0072-0082. 12 pages.
3413 Deutsche Gold-Und Silber Scheideanstalt
1. Methanol synthesis with ternary Zn-Mn-Cr-catalyst. By Dr. Bayer. July 22, 1941. Frames 0000-0003. 4 pages.
Chemische Werke, Huls
2. Pencil sketch of process by Director Baumann. Undated. Frames 0004-0005. 2 pages.
3. Di-acetylene absorption curve (infra-red). Undated. Frame 0006. 1 page. Poor quality.
4. Miscellaneous analytical procedures. Undated. Frames 0007-0011. 5 pages.
POLITZ-5 30/4.13 Politz Plant
1. Table on catalyst compositions – Liquid and vapor phase coal hydrogenation and gas purification applications. Undated. Frame 0001. 1 page.
1477 30/5.01 Ruhrchemie A.G.
1. Treatment of foreign workers. 4 short reports. December 1942 and February 1943. Frames 0001-0011. 13 pages.