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T. O. M. Reel 026

(Originally reel 26A)

Table of Contents


Bag No. 2463

C.I.O.S. Target No. 30/4.03

I. G. Farbenindustrie, A.G.



2463 – 30/4.03


1.         Ketone Peroxide.  March 16, 1942.  Frames 100000002-100000008.  7 pages.

2.         Gasification experiments with oxygen and steam.  Frames 200000009-200000016. 

A.     Experiments on continuous gasification of coke with oxygen and steam.  Memo number 625.  May 9, 1941.  Frames 0009-0012.  4 pages.

B.     Production of zero water gas in a “turning rust generator” (Drehrostgenerator) with oxygen and steam.  Memo number 514.  September 9, 1937.  Frames 0013-0016.  4 pages.

3.         Acetylene chemistry – new developments.  By Dr. Nie.  November 11, 1941.  Frames 300000017-300000043.  27 pages.

4.         Chlorination reactions – flow diagrams.  Frames 400000044-400000052.  9 pages.

5.         GMI (N2O) for aviation engines.  Frames 500000053-500000139.

A.     Report on the discussion in R. L. M. on October 29, 1941.  Report LC 3 number 1330.  By Dr. Schlupp.  November 13, 1941.  Frames 0053-0058.  6 pages.

B.     GM 1 in den Ostgebeiten.  By Diekmann.  May 15, 1941.  Frames 0059-0062.  4 pages.

C.     GM 1 – Discussion on November 6, 1940 in RLM.  By Diekmann.  November 7, 1940.  Frames 0063-0066.  4 pages.

D.     Miscellaneous correspondence on GM-1.  1941-1943.  Frames 0067-0086.  20 pages.

E.      Sprengversuche mit GM1 und verbrennbaren Isolierstoffen.  Memo by Dr. Robert Stadler.  November 23, 1942.  Frames 0087-0108.  21 pages.

F.      Versuchsbericht uber die Sprengstoffeigenschaften von GM1 vom 1.7.42 mit einer Aktennotiz vom 3.8.42.  By Dr. Robert Stadler.  August 6, 1942.  Frames 0109-0139.  31 pages.

6.         Heydebreck costs and production data.  Frames 600000140-600000141.  2 pages, totally illegible.

7.         Alkylation, polymerization, dehydrogenation, and isomerization.  Frames 700000142-700000227. 

A.     Technische Unterlagen zur Baurteiling des AT244.  Verfahrens aus den Besprechung in Leuna am 8.-10.6.42.  By Dr. Hagelmann.  June 25, 1942.  Frames 0142-0153.  12 pages.

B.     Protokoll der Besprechung uber Gasverarbeitung in Ludwigshafen am 16/17. Marz 1942.  Themen: Butan-Dehydrierung, Butylen-Konzentrierung, Isomerisierung, Alkylierung, Polymerbenzin.  Exemplar Nr. 11.  Unsigned.  August, 1942.  Frames 0154-0178.  25 pages.

C.     Vergleich AT und ET-100 Verfahren mit Chlordehydrierung.  By Langheinrich and von Staden.  September 1, 1942.  Frames 0179-0181.  3 pages.

D.     Gewinnung von Propylen in ca. 30%igem Flussiggasgemisch durch katalytische Stufendehydrierung nach dem Verfahren Dr. Wietzel, Dr. Conrad.  By Dr. Hagelmann.  May 18, 1943.  Frames 0182-0185.  5 pages.

E.      Isomerisierung von n-Butan an Aluminiumchlorid und Aluminiumchlorid-haltigen Kontakten.  II. Teil.  Journal excerpt number 288.  By Dr. Vogel.  January 17, 1944.  Frames 0186-0191.  6 pages.

F.      Alkylierung von Isobutan mit Isobutan- bezw. N.Butan-Dehydriergemischen in einer Versuchsanlage.  Laboratory report number 1723.  By Dr. Blumel.  October 28, 1943.  Frames 0192-0212.  21 pages.

G.     Uber die Herstellung von hochklopffestem Benzin durch Alkylierung von Isobutan mit Buten-1 in einer halbtechnischen Versuchsanlage.  Internal report number 18.  By Dr. Blumel.  January 20, 1942.  Frames 0213-0227.  15 pages.

8.         Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in the liquid phase.  Plant for the conversion of CO and H2 gas mixtures.  By Konrad.  Undated.  Frames 800000228-800000231.  4 pages.

9.         Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis – Use of Iron Catalysts.  Frames 900000232-900000333. 

A.     Synthesis experiment data sheets from the Reichs Amt Versuche (RAV) official tests of iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.  Braunkohle-Benzin A. G. Werk Schwarzheide.  1943.  Frames 0232-0281.  49 pages, frame 0254 missing.

B.     On the paraffin synthesis – department head discussions.  March 31, 1943.  Frames 0282-0287.  6 pages.

C.     Alcohol synthesis from carbon monoxide and hydrogen by the oil recycle process.  Signatures illegible.  May 28, 1940.  Frames 0288-0291.  4 pages.

D.     CO + H2 synthesis by the oil recycle process – paraffin production for emulsifying wax.  May 2, 1941.  Frames 0292-0293.  2 pages.

E.      Indications of the composition of the primary product of the CO-H2 middle pressure synthesis.  By Scheuermann.  May 6, 1941.  Frames 0294-0295.  2 pages.

F.      The cobalt supply situation.  By Dr. Altpeter.  February 16, 1943.  Frame 0296.  1 page.

G.     The cobalt supply situation – your letter of January 16, 1943.  Undated, unsigned letter to Dr. Altpeter.  Frames 0297-0301.  5 pages.

H.     The cobalt supply situation – your letter of February 16, 1943.  Letter to Dr. Altpeter.  Signatures illegible.  March 3, 1943.  Frames 0302-0303.  2 pages.

I.        On the replacement of cobalt catalysts for the middle pressure carbon monoxide hydrogenation with iron catalysts.  By Scheuermann and Wenzel.  March 1, 1943.  Frames 0304-0307.  4 pages.

J.       The cobalt supply situation – visit from Dr. Kolbel, Rheinpreussen, on 20.4.43.  By Scheuermann and Wietzel.  April 17, 1943.  Frames 0308-0309.  2 pages.

K.    The cobalt supply situation – discussion/meeting report.  By Scheuermann, Wenzel, and Weitzel.  May 5, 1943.  Frames 0310-0314.  4 pages, page 4, frames 0313, missing.

L.      Report on the meeting held on May 7 on iron catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch plants.  By Dr. Altpeter.  May 7, 1943.  Frames 0315-0316.  2 pages.

M.   The cobalt supply situation.  Meeting report of April 19, 1943.  May 17, 1943.  By Scheuermann.  Frames 0317-0321.  5 pages.

N.    The cobalt supply situation.  Meeting report of May 7, 1943.  May 17, 1943.  Frames 0322-0323.  2 pages.

O.    Report on the status of the official German tests of iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts (Reichs Amt Versuche, or RAV).  Dr. Sauter.  December 15, 1943.  Frames 0324-0326.  3 pages.

P.      Comparison of iron catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch gasoline synthesis.  By Kartkemeyer and Scheuermann.  November 8, 1943.  Frames 0327-0328.  2 pages.

Q.    Reichsamtversuche.  By Kartkemeyer, Scheuermann, and Weitzel.  November 8, 1943.  Frames 0329-0333.  4 pages, frames 0330 missing.

10.       Miscellaneous Reports.  Frames 100000334-100000576.

A.  Short report on the status of the (Fischer-Tropsch) synthesis with carbon monoxide.  Unsigned.  November 13, 1942.  Frames 0334-0340.  7 pages.

B.     Production of synthetic motor oil – process from catalyst wax at Brabag – Schwarzheide.  Report on activities number 12.  By Dr. Baumeister.  September 8, 1941.  Frames 0341-0349.  9 pages.

C.     Process for the production of high molecular weight fatty acids.  Unnumbered patent application.  October 5, 1944.  Frames 0350-0353.  4 pages.

D.     The continuous production of succinic acid from tetrahydrofuran and nitric acid.   By Dr. Heinz Heinze.  October 6, 1942.  Frames 0354-0373.  20 pages.

E.      Examination and evaluation of products for the paraffin lubricating oil synthesis.  By Dr. Baumeister.  October 6, 1941.  Frames 0374-0423.  50 pages.

F.      Views on heating conditions/effects in the hydrocarbon synthesis process of F. Fischer.  By Dr. Doll.  March 23, 1941.  Frames 0424-0467.  44 pages.

G.     On the relationship between CO conversion and temperature.  Illegible signature.  May 15, 1942.  Frames 0468-0480.  15 pages.

H.     Synthesis of fatty acid esters and fatty acids through the effect of carbon monoxide on olefins and alcohols and/or water.  By Drs. Kroper, Schlenk, and Pistor.  February 26, 1942.  Frames 0481-0487.  7 pages.

I.        Synthesis of fatty acid esters and fatty acids – report for the period August 1940 to December 1941.  By Dr. Kroper.  February 23, 1942.  Frames 0488-0550.  63 pages.

J.       The fatty acid synthesis from olefins and carbon monoxide.  By Dr. Schlenk.  February 25, 1942.  Frames 0551-0561.  11 pages.

K.    Report on the effect of carbon monoxide on olefins.  Illegible signature.  December 10, 1943.  Frames 0562-0564.  3 pages.

L.      The hydrocarbon synthesis from carbon monoxide and hydrogen with iron catalysts by the hot gas-recycle process.  April 18, 1939.  Frames 0565-0576.  12 pages, page 2 – frame 567 – missing.

11.       Patent Applications.  Frames 110000577-110000637.

A.     Patent Application O. Z. 14,294.  Process for the conversion of carbon monoxide with hydrogen.  July 8, 1943.  Frames 0577-0580.  3 pages, page 2 – frame 0579 - missing.

B.     Patent Application, unnumbered.  Title page missing – related to production of acetylene from hydrocarbons and oxygen.  January 9, 1940.  Frames 0581-0586.  6 pages.

C.     Patent Application, unnumbered.  Process for removing mist, dust, or soot from gases.  January 13, 1942.  Frames 0587-0591.  5 pages.

D.     Patent Application, unnumbered.  Process for production of CO + H2 from hydrocarbons.  June 13, 1940.  Frames 0592-0595.  4 pages.

E.      Patent Application, unnumbered.  Process for the conversion of carbon monoxide with hydrogen.  March 23, 1944.  Frames 0596-0602.  7 pages.

F.      Patent Application, unnumbered.  Process for the production of liquid hydrocarbons.  April 2, 1943.  Frames 0603-0606.  4 pages.

G.     Patent Application O. Z. 12,693.  Process for the production of acet-aldehyde.  April 2, 1941.  Frames 0607-0612.  6 pages.

H.     Patent Application O. Z. 8,906.  Process for the production of olefins from gaseous or vaporized saturated hydrocarbons.  November 21, 1941.  Frames 0613-0615.  3 pages.

I.        Patent Application O. Z. 13,088.  Process for the production of acetylene from hydrocarbons in an electrical arc.  November 6, 1941.  Frames 0616-0619.  4 pages.

J.       Patent Application O. Z. 12,695.  Process for sequential operation of gas generators.  April 3, 1941.  Frames 0620-0624.  5 pages.

K.    Patent Application O. Z. 12,258.  Process for the production of hydrogen-carbon monoxide gas mixtures from hydrocarbons.  July 18, 1940.  Frames 0625-0628.  4 pages.

L.      Patent Application O. Z. 12,436.  Firing with a low pressure gas burner.  November 11, 1940.  Frames 0629-0637.  9 pages.

12.       Absorption of chlorine in S2Cl2.  By Krekeler.  May 21, 1943.  Frames 120000638-120000640.  3 pages.

13.       Graphite oxide.  February 4 and 12, 1943.  Frames 130000641-130000643.  3 pages.

14.       Peroptan (high octane fuel).  Correspondence and 1-2 page reports.  1943-1945.  Frames 140000644-140000657.  13 pages.  Fairly poor image quality.  Frame 0652 missing.

15.       Diesel fuels.  Frames 150000658-150000676. 

A.  Starting chars (“Startkohle”).  March 6, 1943.  Frames 0658-0663.  6 pages.

B.     Starting chars (“Startkohle”).  March 1, 1943.  Frames 0664-0665.  2 pages.

C.     Improvement in the cold weather starting ability.  June 9-10, 1942.  Frames 0666-0668.  3 pages.

D.     Starting diesel oils.  May 7, 1942.  Frames 0669-0671.  2 pages.

E.      Untitled diesel related report.  April 15, 1942.  Frames 0672-0673.  2 pages.

F.      Starting aids for diesel motors.  March 24, 1942.  Frames 0674-0676.  3 pages.

16.       Tanol (iso-octane from iso-butanol) – Heydebreck.  July 11, 1941.  Frames 160000677-160000684.  8 pages.  Pretty poor image quality.