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Emissions of Greenhouse Gasses from the Use of Transportation Fuels and Electricity: Volume 2: Appendixes A-S - November 1993

M.A. DeLuchi

Argonne National Laboratory

Table of Contents

  Acknowledgements v
Appendix A Review of General Methods A-1
Appendix B Emissions from Vehicles; Spills, Leaks, and Other Losses of Fuel; and Heavy-Duty and Light-Duty Emission Factors Combined B-1
Appendix C Fuel Specifications and the Fate of Fuel Carbon C-1
Appendix D Electricity Generation and Use D-1
Appendix E Energy Use by Trains, Trucks, Ships, and Pipelines E-1
Appendix F Coal F-1
Appendix G Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids G-1
Appendix H Petroleum H-1
Appendix I Nuclear Energy I-1
Appendix J Methanol from Coal and Natural Gas J-1
Appendix K Biofuels (Ethanol from Corn; Ethanol, Methanol, and Synthetic Natural Gas from Wood) K-1
Appendix L Hydrogen L-1
Appendix M Emissions of Methane from Vehicles, Natural Gas Operations, Oil Production, Coal Mines, and Other Sources M-1
Appendix N Emissions of Nitrous Oxide from Vehicles, Power Plants, and Other Sources N-1
Appendix O Converting Emissions of Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Carbon Monoxide, Nonmethane Hydrocarbons, and Nitrogen Oxides to the Temperatures-Equivalent Amount of Carbon Dioxide O-1
Appendix P Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Making Material for Vehicles, Power Plants, Pipelines, Ships, Trains, etc., and from Assembling Vehicles P-1
Appendix Q Chlorofluorocarbons, Ozone, and Water Vapor Q-1
Appendix R Scenarios for Europe and Japan R-1
Appendix S References for Volumes 1 and 2 S-1

Section 1 is pages 1-75 and is 3.91MB.

Section 2 is pages 76-151 and is 3.30MB.

Section 3 is pages 152-227 and is 3.86MB.

Section 4 is pages 228-303 and is 3.96MB.

Section 5 is pages 304-379 and is 3.72MB.

Section 6 is pages 380-455 and is 3.44MB.

Section 7 is pages 456-526 and is 3.94MB.