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Moessbauer Spectroscopic and Related Characterization of Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts.
Final Report - 1982

Professor L.  Mulay

Pennsylvania State University

In this pdf format, this document has 35 pages and is 1.11MB.

Table of Contents

I Introduction 4
II Personnel 4
III New Instrumentation 4
IV Methods of Measurement of Mossbauer Parameters 6
V Analysis of Mossbauer Data 7
VI Synopsis of the Work Carried out on the "1981" - Samples Sent by PETC 7


Conclusions 10


List of Publications 30


Mossbauer Spectroscopy Results 31
Fig 1 Schematic of Mossbauer Spectrometer Configuration (with Laser) 13
Fig 2 Mossbauer absorber cell with the sample holder assembly raised and thermocouples, flange bolts, and bolt holes omitted. 14
Fig 3 Gas flow and reactor system for Mossbauer in-situ study 15
Fig 4 Mossbauer spectra (@) obtained at room temperature under various stages. 16
Fig 5 ZSM-5 (15.2%) Fresh catalyst impregnated using Fe3(CO)12 (Fresh 359-3). 17
Fig 6 81-12, Mordenite (SiO2/Al2O3=11.4) with 15.11% Fe impregnated using Fe3(CO)12.  18
Fig 7 81-3, Reduction for 30 min with H2=50 cc/min at 450ºC 19
Fig 8 81-12, Mordenite (SiO2/Al2O3=11.4) with 15.11% Fe impregnated using Fe3(CO)12. 19
Fig 8 81-3, Reduction for 24 hrs with H2 = 50 cc/min at 450ºC 20
Fig 9 81-3, reduction for 2 hrs with H2 -= 10 cc/min at 450ºC 21
Fig 10 87-12, Reduction for 4 hrs with H2 = 10 cc/min at 450ºC  22
Fig 11 81-3, carbiding with H2/CO=1:1, 50 cc/min, at 250ºC for 9 hrs. 23
Fig 12 81-3, carbiding with H2/CO = 1:1, 50 cc/min, at 250ºC for 19 hrs. 24
Fig 13 81-3, carbiding with H2/CO = 1:1, 50 cc/min, at 250ºC for 24 hrs. 25
Fig 14 81-12, carbiding with H2/CO = 1:1, 10 cc/min, at 250ºC for 20 hrs. 26
Fig 15 81-3, Run with H2/CO = 1:1 50 cc/min, at 280ºC for 12 hrs 27
Fig 16 81-3, Run with H2/CO = 1:1. 50 cc/min, at 300ºC for 12 hrs. 28
Fig 17 81-3, Run with H2/Co = 1:1, 50 cc/min, at 300ºC for 48 hrs. 29