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Hypersorption Process for
Separation of Components of a Medium-BTU Gas Dravo Engineers and Constructors In this pdf format, this document has 164 pages and is 5.52 MB. Table of Contents 1. Summary 1-1 2. Introduction And Scope 2-1 2.1 Technical Evaluation 2-2 2.2 Economic Evaluation 2-3 2.3 General Consideration 2-4 3. Technical Criteria 3-1 3.1 Literature Survey 3-2 3.2 Hypersorber Design Criteria 3-4 3.3 Design Basis 3-9 4. Process Descriptions 4-1 4.1 Process Description (Lurgi Gasification Case) 4-2 4.1.1 Hypersorption Separation And Purification 4-2 4.2 Process Description (Texas Gasification Case) 4-27 4.2.1 Hypersorption Separation And Purification 4-27 4.2.2 Cryogenic Separation And Acid Gas Purification 4-38 4.3 Process Description (Foster-Wheeler Gasification Case) 4-47 4.3.1 Hypersorption Separation And Purification 4-47 4.3.2 Cryogenic Separation And Acid Gas Purification 4-59 5. Capital Investment And Operating Charges 5-1 5.1 Lurgi Gasification Case 5-2 5.2 Texaco Gasification Case 5-10 5.3 Foster-Wheeler Gasification Case 5-17 6. Research Recommendations 6-1 6.1 Hypersorption Pilot Plant 6-2 6.1.1 Design Of Hypersorption Tower 6-2 6.1.2 Mechanical And Control Considerations 6-4 6.2 Attrition 6-9 7. References 7-1 |