TITLE: Fischer-Tropsch Studies with Catalyst-Sprayed Tube Wall Reactors. AUTHOR: M. F. Zarochak; H. W. Pennline; R. R. Schehl. INST. AUTHOR: Department of Energy, Pittsburgh, PA. Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Aug 82, 96p. NTIS REPORT NO.: DE82020084 ABSTRACT: A summary of Fischer-Tropsch studies in bench-scale tube wall reactors using flame-sprayed catalysts is presented. Preliminary studies were conducted with various flame-sprayed catalysts, after which taconite was chosen as the prime candidate for more extensive evaluation. Results from several life tests with promoted and unpromoted taconite are reported, along with a data base that discusses the effects of various process variables on catalyst activity and product selectivity. (ERA citation 07:056447) REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PETC/TR-82/14 |