TITLE: Untersuchungen zur Selektivitaet der Fischer-Tropsch-Synthese an Cobalt- und Eisenkatalysatoren. (Investigations into the selectivity of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using cobalt and iron catalysts) AUTHOR: Liu Yun. INST. AUTHOR: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (DE). Fachbereich 7 - Chemie. LANGUAGE: German PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: Germany SOURCE: Other [$TFFIZ], 22 Jun 92, 132p. NTIS ORDER NO.: TIB/A94-04857INW ABSTRACT: Investigations were carried out in a solid bed integral reactor on the selectivity of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on cobalt and iron catalysts. The dependence of the C number distribution of carbon monoxide and hydrogen partial pressures and the synthesis temperature for various cobalt catalysts were examined. To supplement the experiments of earlier work, corresponding investigations were also carried out on iron catalysts. From the combination of gas chromatograph online analyses and condensate analyses, the hydrocarbons formed in the C number range of C1 to about C40 were detected quantitatively. (orig./EF). (Copyright (c) 1994 by FIZ. Citation no. 94:004857.) |