TITLE: Gas/Slurry Flow in Coal-Liquefaction Processes (Fluid Dynamics in 3-Phase-Flow Column). Quarterly Technical Progress Report, 1 April 1981-30 June 1981.

AUTHOR: D. H. S. Ying;   S. F. Moujaes;   R. Sivasubramanian;   E. N. Givens.

INST.  AUTHOR: Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, PA.

SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC.


PUB.  TYPE: Technical Report

PUB.  COUNTRY: United States

SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE],  Nov 81,  61p.


This work is a continuation of studies initiated by Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. on the fluid dynamics of three-phase flow to support the design of the 6000 T/D dissolver for the SRC-I demonstration plant which began in July 1978. The 6000 T/D SRC-I demonstration plant will employ verticle tubular reactors feeding slurry and gas concurrently upward through these vessels. In the SRC-I design this reactor is essentially an empty vessel with only a distributor plate located near the inlet. Because the commercial plant represents a considerable scale-up over either Wilsonville or Ft. Lewis, this program is addressing the need for additional data on the behavior of three phase systems in large vessels.  Parameters being investigated in this program are being studied at conditions that relate directly to the projected demonstration plant operating conditions. Air/water/sand three-phase flow systems in both a 5-inch diameter and a 12-inch diameter column is used under Tasks 2, 3 and 4 in this cold-flow simulator study program. Tetralin was the organic fluid chosen to be investigated under Task 5 of this program. The objective of using Tetralin and glycol mixtures as organic fluids was to study the effect of fluid properties on the three-phase system. Surface tension and viscosity were the main physical properties of interest in this study. During this quarter gas holdup, solids distribution and axial liquid dispersion coefficients were measured. (ERA citation 07:062577)