TITLE: New Electronic Materials and CO2 Reduction. AUTHOR: A. Wold. INST. AUTHOR: Brown Univ., Providence, RI. Dept. of Chemistry. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Defense [DODXA], 10 Nov 89, 6p. NTIS ORDER NO.: AD-A214 679/3INW ABSTRACT: Research in the area of catalysis at Brown deals with the development of low temperature synthetic methods for the preparation of well-dispersed catalysts (Iron oxide, Chromic oxide, Rhodium oxide and Nickel oxide) on several oxide supports (ZrO2, TiO2). Physical methods, such as x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility and temperature programmed reduction, are used to study the interaction between the dispersed metal oxide and the support. The extent of substitution of nickel into Fe5C2 was also studied since both nickel and iron are Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. A thermomagnetic balance has been constructed and is being used to determine the nucleation and growth of catalytically active magnetic phases which can be correlated at the same time with the temperature reduction data. A new effort was started dealing with the chemical properties associated with the preparation and characterization of the new superconducting oxides containing copper. A project presently deals with the preparation of complex oxides of copper in order to ascertain the effect of the A-site ion on the superconducting properties of substituted La2CuO4 and Ba2YCu3O7. The investigation is being extended to other oxides of copper, e.g. Y2Cu2O5 and La2CaCu2O6. An effort has been started on the growth of thin films of superconductors by the use of spray pyrolysis. (aw) CONTRACT NUMBER: N00014-86-K-0234 |