TITLE: Gas Cleanup for Indirect Liquefaction. AUTHOR: R. M. Wham. INST. AUTHOR: Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], Aug 84, 23p. NTIS ORDER NO.:- DE85016299/INW NOTES: 188. meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 26 Aug 1984. ABSTRACT: Visual aids are presented describing various classes of primary gas cleanup. These are: (1) amine systems (MDEA Process); (2) alkali salt systems; (3) physical absorption systems (Selexol Process, Stretford Process); (4) mixed solvent systems; and (5) Claus Sulfur Recovery System. Flowsheets are also presented for the MDEA, Selexol and Stretford processes. (ERA citation 10:041107) REPORT NUMBER: CONF-840805-30 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC05-84OR21400 |