TITLE: Available Technology for Indirect Conversion of Coal to Methanol and Gasoline: A Technology and Economics Assessment. AUTHOR: R. M. Wham; R. C. Forrester. INST. AUTHOR: Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 1980, 29p. NOTES: Miami international conference on alternative energy sources, Miami Beach, FL, USA, 15 Dec 1980. ABSTRACT: The objective of the work was to review and assess the present state of the art of indirect liquid fuels synthesis, with particular emphasis to be placed upon those processes which produce methanol suitable for use as fuel. Following this review, four conceptual designs for indirect conversion of a Western subbituminous coal to methanol and gasoline were prepared. Capital and operating costs for each of the four cases were then estimated. This information was used to calculate the required product selling prices under a base case set of financial ground rules. Results of the methanol production technology assessment and economic assessments of four coal conversion plants are presented. (ERA citation 06:005861) REPORT NO: CONF80121010DR CONTRACT NUMBER: W-7405-ENG-26 |