TITLE: Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in Slurry Reactors: Summary and Analysis of the State of the Art. AUTHOR: D. S. Vanvuureen. INST. AUTHOR: Chemical Engineering Research Group, Pretoria (South Africa). SPONSOR: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: South Africa SOURCE: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [NASAE] , Aug 82, 23p. ISBN: 0-7988-2559-6 NTIS REPORT NO.: PB83116194/INW ABSTRACT: An analysis of the advantages of Fischer-Tropsch slurry reactors confirms that this reactor type is preferable for high boiling point liquid products and synthesis gas of low HZ;CO ratio. There is some evidence that it is also the optimum reactor type for the synthesis of gaseous or low boiling point liquid products and provides versatility in product spectrum. Scrutiny of the available reactor design data has revealed serious discrepancies and gaps in existing knowledge; recommendations are made for research to rectify this situation. REPORT NUMBER: CSIR-CENG-432 |