TITLE: Upgrading of Light Fischer-Tropsch Products: Quarterly Report No. 8, July 1, 1988-September 30, 1988. INST. AUTHOR: UOP, Inc., Des Plaines, IL. SPONSOR: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. LANGUAGE: English PUB. TYPE: Technical Report PUB. COUNTRY: United States SOURCE: Department of Energy [DE], 11 Jul 89, 40p. NTIS ORDER NO.: DE90003031INW ABSTRACT: Work during this quarter concentrated on Task 4 of the study. The objective of this task is to evaluate the application of the UOP/BP Cyclar* process to the upgrading of Fischer-Tropsch LPG products into aromatics. Results from pilot plant studies were translated into commercial yield estimates as described in Quarterly Report No. 7. This quarterly report documents an economic evaluation of the Cyclar process for converting LPG into aromatics in a Fischer-Tropsch upgrading complex. 1 ref., 11 figs., 9 tabs. REPORT NUMBER: DOE/PC/90014-T4 CONTRACT NUMBER: AC22-86PC90014 |